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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    i genuinely cant tell if this is ironic funposting or sincere.....................................................
  2. Tokage

    @emmny's status update caused this tbh
  3. Tokage

    They found out he's italian
  4. wtf, media youth were so good????? goddamn

  5. Tokage

    of the bands i actually know, i feel like The Novembers' track, People in the Box's track & Pelican Fanclub's one are like the only ones that have the potential of being actually good cuz the sounds are more compatible w/ Pura's sound... Still looking forward to the abortions LMC & R-Shitei will produce tho
  6. happy birthday!


    1. Tokage


      (also happy bday lmao)

    2. emmny


      old queens WASSUP! dw as long as u feel young...i feel like the old men from madame edwarda or smthin. thank u son <#

  8. Tokage

    i saw someone describe The Sound Bee HD as a 'Malice Mizer cover band with autism' on youtube i dont even like the sound bee, but... wew lad
  9. why do all Starwave pvs look like that???????

    1. Spectralion


      Been questioning that since my whole life.

    2. violetchain


      Kiwamu makes them all himself and he's getting lazier and lazier?

  10. Tokage

    The new Les Discrets album positively surprised me. The trip-hop influences work pretty well within the overall palette of the band's sound. I'll most likely be revisiting this one later this year. I also found myself immensely enjoying The Magnetic Fields' 50 Song Memoir. Yeah, it's obviously a gimmick album, but it's pretty damn incredible how few duds there are on here. Definitely an unexpected rebound in quality after their last few albums. I found myself smirking a few times cuz of the lyrics. The Black Angels' Death Song is enjoyable. Cloud Nothings' new album is a lot more mellow than their old stuff, but I still somewhat liked it. New Grails album is good, but it's basically to be expected, they pretty much consistently deliver the cool tunes. There's still a lot of stuff on my 'to listen' list (ie: new Ulver, Oxbow, Moon Duo, Wire, Kairon; IRSE! to name a few), and I hope I'll actually eventually get to them before the year ends, keeping up with music is hard as hell.. I feel like I still haven't even caught up with all the good stuff from 2012 lmao I still don't really understand why people in certain circles are treating the new Slowdive album as if it's the second coming of Christ - It's enjoyable, sure, but it's definitely not the mind-blowing experience a lot of people are making it out to be. I feel like the overproduced, clean sound hurts the album most of all. On the topic of 'shit I don't get,' I'm also still not sure what people see in Mac Demarco. I've tried listening to some of his albums multiple times, but it just won't click. It's not outright horrible, but again, I just don't see how so many people are into it. Also, re: Paramore, I've never really been into any of their output, but from what I've heard of the recent stuff, it seems to be pretty decent synthpop/electropop-ish stuff in all honesty, they seem to have handled the abrupt genre shift thing a lot better than many. Considering 2017 is apparently the year of shoegaze 'comebacks', I'm still curious about how the new Ride album is gonna turn out. I don't have very high hopes, to be honest.. I also still need to get around to listening to the new Jesus & Mary Chain album. Curve comeback when?????
  11. Tokage

    wtf where are japanese ppl supposed to go on holyday's now??? :SSS fuck japan's work culture
  12. Tokage

    this is why you purposefully leave out shit like mixed bowls full of m&ms and skittles, rhubarb & celery, etc.
  13. Tokage

    dont let any neet weeaboos hear u say that or they might start writing callout posts
  14. Tokage

    At least one positive thing I can say about these guys is that they finally seem to realize encores are fucking pointless :^)
  15. Tokage

    no signed vk stuff, but i received a hand-written letter from j-indie band mothercoat
  16. Their last single was surprisingly pretty good, and this new single sounds solid as well. I'm looking forward to the new album that will inevitably drop near the end of the year/start of next year
  17. Tokage

    Also; A lot of 'alternative' music - and I don't just mean VK - just isn't for everyone, to be frank. I'm pretty sure I'm not entirely wrong when I say that a lot of western indie/post-punk/goth bands also have singers (or, hell, just an overall sound) ranging from 'a bit of an acquired taste' to 'just plain fucking horrible'. For example, I REALLY can't stand Wayne Coyne's voice (guy from The Flaming Lips), even though I really do enjoy quite a lot of the actual music I've heard by his band, they're a band that's been around for ages, they know their stuff, and they've been pretty adored by critics at some point. Still, at the same time I love vocalists like Amano Tonbimaru from Guruguru Eigakan or Sharaku from FLOPPY/Metronome, and both of them are from an objective standpoint pretty damn bad (or at least 'not very good'). Despite that, I still stan them and their sometimes pretty janky-sounding music... Because they do something relatively original that can't be found all that much anywhere else. I'm personally a lot more lenient towards younger bands w.r.t. QUALITY if they bring something that's at least mildly unique to the table instead of just going full derivative, but I know other people may think differently. Whichever side you're on, you just gotta roll w/ the punches and keep liking what you like despite what 'critics' or whoever say. I feel like a lot of (professional) music ""criticism"", as w/ film ""criticism" and videogame """"""""""criticism"""""""""", is all pretty much largely based on a.) industry relations and people getting paid off to give good reviews or b.) old grumpy OVERLY elitist fucks like Christgau or whatever... Now, if I had to choose between those two, I'd probably still incline more towards the latter category, but I think both are misguided in their own way. At the same time, though, I gotta say that the whole 'If you hate it so much, I'd like to see you try to release something better :^)'-argument is incredibly weak and on the same tier as food analogies in terms of their ability to utterly kill a conversation and render it meaningless, and it's usually the tell-tale mark of a stan. I don't really understand the mindset of people who treat an insult to a band they like as if someone broke into their house and took a shit on their very own bed tbh.. tl;dr: just like what you like regardless of what 'critics' say, as long as you don't act like a stan about it there shouldn't be any problems lol
  18. Tokage

    monitoring this thread w/ popcorn for future developments also... wait, what? there's a Jui hatedom out there? wtf? I always thought he was one of the more beloved, well-regarded singers in VK, at least during the Vidoll era. I always found him to stand out in a pretty positive way at least... Where are these haters?
  19. happy birthda......y

  20. wtf every time i try to study fr my exams these days i end up falling asleep

  21. wtf chris cornell is dead

    1. orange~


      yea wtf?! This really came out of nowhere.....

  22. what happened to that 1 downy side-project that was supposed to have contributions from like kaoru, morrie etc. (iirc)? did a release date ever get announced?

    1. emmny


      LMFAO THIS IS AN INDICATOR OF HOW HARD IT FLOPPED...it came out and no one gave a fuck bc all the guest spots were catfish asf

    2. Senedjem


      good album honestly 

    3. Tokage


      wait - the thing actually came out?!?!?! wtf how did i miss this

  23. Tokage

    this pwr bttm debacle is the funniest music-related happening this year since ja rule's scam fest tbqh
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