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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. is the death of nyaa the weeb equivalent to the death of megaupload?

    1. sakuran
    2. Original Saku

      Original Saku

      yeah pretty sad,  but not the end of the world their are plenty of alternative trackers for anime and their will be a official replacement for nyaa sooner or later. Not to mention going directly to the fabsubber's site to get your fix.

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  2. Tokage

    Filmed beating a homeless man to death in an alley in Moscow using only his dress as a makeshift whip
  3. Tokage

    Been going through the Argento movies that have been sittin' on my HDD lately over the weekend: The Bird With The Crystal Plumage - 6/10 Four Flies on Grey Velvet - 6.5/10 Opera - 7/10 All three were enjoyable. Tbh tho, I've never actually watched any Argento film I haven't enjoyed on at least some level so far, but then again, I haven't really explored his post-'80s output at all, so there's that. I've heard he gets worse and worse as time goes on, but idk. Opera was probably my favorite out of these three. The aesthetics, the kills, the soundtrack, the setting and the finale all made it a great experience overall. Sure, there's the token shoddy acting/dubbing from time to time, but I've kind of gotten used to that stuff at this point lmao. I accidentally spoiled the ending for The Bird With The Crystal Plumage for myself before I actually even got around to watching the film, and I feel like that kind of took away from the whole experience. Still a good movie though, just not as good as some of Argento's later stuff imo. As for Four Flies on Grey Velvet... I fucking hate that creepy mask the killer's wearing in some scenes, yikes. Great soundtrack, as usual (that seems to be pretty consistent as far as Argento's work goes lol) Cat O'Nine Tails is the only movie out of Argento's 'classic' giallo era I still have yet to watch, I'll try to get around to it ASAP. Not sure if I'll give his later material a go, though.
  4. Tokage

    give visual kei back to the whites, where it belong's
  5. "thrussy" ...... can you people please not

  6. This sounds literally EXACTLY how I thought it would l m a o
  7. Tokage

    wtf i love your music taste now
  8. anyone else hear about the Ja Rule Refugee  Camp Festival Experience lmao

    rich kids btfo

    1. herpes


      ja rule bringing the bernie revolution! eat the rich

    2. emmny


      fav news story of 2017 tbh

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  9. Tokage

    wtf @ all u swedekei shittalkers dont make me dig out my pokemon alt accounts again
  10. Tokage

  11. The real tragedy was the friends we made along the way
  12. Tokage

    haha wow what happens next lol ; )
  13. Tokage

    Watched a couple the last few days. The Neon Demon: Alright, I'll admit it does look really good and all, but where's the fucking plot? There's at least the vague sense that the movie's trying to build up to something in the beginning, but then somewhere halfway through it all just unravels and ends up feeling more like a collection of random events strung together. Also, how is this a horror movie or a thriller in any way exactly? It doesn't feel like anything TRULY horrifying happens until like the last quarter of the movie. I guess the movie's main message is supposed to be something like 'the fashion industry is inhuman and it will chew people up and spit them out without a second glance' or something like that? Wow, truly revolutionary and profound, never heard that opinion before in this day and age :^) I'll still give it a 6/10, mostly because I'm always easily swayed by stylish visuals, but.. eh. Oh, one more thing: the dialogue feels like it was written by somebody who's never actually had a conversation with a real person before End of the Line: Crazy Christian cultists start massacring people in order to 'save' them. Movie follows a bunch of people trying to survive the attack in an underground subway system. Has some pretty okay gore and special effects work. Waste of some pretty cool creature designs though, terribly underused. I felt like there's sort of a shift in tone in the movie between like the first 20 or 30 minutes and the rest of it, and apparently other people who've reviewed it also seem to feel the same. Personally, I was actually almost feeling the first part, but things start to fall apart rapidly as the movie goes on. One of my main gripes w/ the movie is that it pulls the LOL LOUD NOISE SPOOKY JUMPSCARE shtick just a bit too often for my tastes. Moreover, some of the acting is... questionable, to say the least. It also kind of annoys me that it FEELS like the movie is setting up potentially interesting characters (ie the reluctant middle-aged cultist) and then ends up not really doing anything with them at all... Also, I found the finale to be utterly ridiculous. I guess this is an okay way to pass the time when you're REALLY bored, but at the same time, I feel like I could've spent that time much better... I guess its like a 4.5 / 10 or something We Are What We Are (2013): Apparently this is supposed to be a remake of a Mexican movie, although quite a few details have supposedly been changed. Since I haven't actually seen the original, I can't pass any judgement on whether or not this remake is any good by comparison. Still, taken on its own, I REALLY enjoyed it. Not exactly 'horror' in the conventional sense, I feel it's more somewhere between a thriller and drama. Movie's about a reclusive family living in a small town somewhere in the US, trying to cope with the death of the family matriarch and carrying on with the family traditions. Unfortunately, those traditions involve.. cannibalism. Trouble's approaching both from within the family and from the outside, as the daughters become reluctant to continue the family traditions (much to their increasingly deranged father's dismay) and a persistent storm has started to uncover the plot of land where the family's victims are buried. Overall, where the movie really shines in my opinion is the acting. Almost all of the actors (except the little boy, because lol child actors) perform REALLY well. Also, there's this constant slow-burning, all-encompassing gloomy atmosphere that starts with the torrential downpour in the beginning and doesn't really let up. 7/10
  14. good thing boogieman and avelcain both sucked ass :^) this looks like it's gonna be more generic edgecore, leave your kids at home
  15. Tokage

    wowwwww haha what happens next
  16. Tokage

    That cover art is LITERALLY tattoo shop window cover-core
  17. introducing the new visual kei anthem

  18. Tokage

    yea i got a flac rip of Sea of Retards
  19. Tokage

    FINALLY got around to watching Train to Busan a couple of days ago. Considering how tired I kind of am of the whole zombie genre at this point, I was actually quite pleasantly surprised by the movie. Sure, it doesn't do anything super-revolutionary, but it's definitely a very, very solid movie. I was genuinely surprised by how tolerable the child actress was too, kid actors usually have a pretty strong potential to be absolutely obnoxious imo. Most of the characters, while not very fleshed out (still enough to at least give you some impression of them, though, so they're not entirely 'flat as a board') were still likeable (or 'love-to-hateable' in case of the old guy). You can pretty much guess who'll live and who'll die halfway through the movie, but even still, there were some very cool and tense moments sprinkled throughout. On that note, anyone here seen the live action adaptation of the manga I Am A Hero? How does it compare to this one? The manga itself is pretty god tier in my opinion, but idk much about the movie
  20. Tokage

    inb4 kuchiki no tou 20 minutes expanded edition
  21. Tokage

    family guy visual kei moments
  22. this man is literally incapable of making anything other than the same 4 or 5 songs over and over again, so it's basically a given that this is probably gonna be deathgaze 3.0 if he actually ends up doing something surprising, i'll eat my hat
  23. Tokage

    combine them all to spell out K A I S A N
  24. This one nails that 'grindhouse b-movie horror' aesthetic p well imo. a classic remember these guys? nobody else does either. still, strong horror movie vibes to be found here in Finland's very own GWAR-ripoff buttrock extravaganza i have hated dolls since i was a kid, so this oingo boingo music vid has p much always #sp00ked me
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