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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. u know hwat, the western proxyon's just as groovy as their japanese namesake

  2. Tokage

    i cant believe lasagna cat is back
  3. Tokage

    Claims-To-Hate-Bad-Singers-But-Listens-To-VK-Anyway The Clown also what do you mean theres a dude???
  4. can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    1. Tokage


      nah man im just trynahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

    2. Chi


      Wes single-handedly ruined this status

    3. Tokage
    4. Show next comments  228 more
  5. Tokage

    I watched Strange Circus tonight. All I can say about the experience is that somehow it felt like I was watching a live action adaptation of a Suehiro Maruo manga the man never actually wrote. I enjoyed it.
  6. Tokage

    Showed my girl Tetsuo: The Iron Man yesterday. Second time watching it for me, still holds up quite well IMO, the stop-motion chase scenes are sort of goofy in a modern-day context, but all the other fucked up stuff still works perfectly in my opinion. Aesthetically and musically very pleasing. Makes me feel like rewatching the 2nd part and maybe finally giving the 3rd part a chance as well. Today we watched American Mary. I guess it arguably falls on the scale of horror-esque films, but at the same time it didn't quite feel like a conventional horror film either. It was far from flawless, but the theme of a med-school dropout getting submerged in the world of illegal/underground body mods was interesting. Somehow the whole film ended up being less.. stereotypically "cyber goth"/"industrial club"-ish than I expecte it to be. Also, the fact that the lead actress looks HELLA cute was a nice bonus. Worth a watch if only because it's at least a little different from 'the usual'. @plastic_rainbowI'm still planning on checking out the sequel to the Gantz film, although tbh i'd much rather scope that new animated adaptation of the Yokai alien arc instead, because I love that arc on an aesthetic level..
  7. Tokage

    thats what you're legally obliged yell straight into your newborn child's face as it pops out of its mother's vag, otherwise the doctors instantly put it up for adoption
  8. im still posting too

    1. Komorebi


      I know a few members share your thoughts Carmelzors.

  9. Tokage

    Saw the Latvian film "Rocks in my Pockets" recently. It's an animated film that offers a refreshingly confessional take on the topic of mental illness and depression. I always feel like a lot of mainstream tv shows and movies tend to misrepresent such things, but here I actually caught myself thinking "yeah, that's it" more than once. To be frank, I don't find the art style TOO attractive, but the way in which stop-motion animation & traditional hand-drawn animation are blended together here is very charming. Worth watching for sure.
  10. Tokage

    I hope it won't get to that point where I'll have to start avoiding mirrors and such and it'll just remain a 'one time only'-type of thing tbh, but well, you never know with The Mental Bullshit(tm). I admittedly have felt like my headspace's kind of taking a wrong turn again lately & I've been kind of stressed out, so I guess maybe that's what triggered it for me
  11. Tokage

    imagine your fav covered in natto and crying while his mom is chasing you & trying to hit u with a paper fan
  12. Tokage

    It was messed up as hell, felt like there was some sort of film of white noise in between myself and my surroundings, and I felt as if my consciousness was just somehow... fluttering about somewhere above my head, but not inside myself. Trying to move felt like being stuck neck-deep in sand, or like one of those dreams where you try to run from something but you keep moving in place. Felt like waking up at a stranger's house out of the blue.. Disorientation, alienation, that sort of thing. I can't even say I was panicked or anything, cuz I barely felt anything at all. I've had some minor instances of disassociation in the past (and I'm pretty sure a lot of people have in some form) but never to this extent.. At least I'm okay for now, but it still startled me
  13. Tokage

    i had like a pretty fucked up case of depersonalization last night just seemingly totally out of the blue and im still vaguely shook by it tbh
  14. Tokage

    it's gonna be these guys
  15. I'll admit the Hellraiser look is actually legit damn cool, but the song... nah man....
  16. Tokage

    Talking about """"""""eroguro"""""""""" bands, I'm kind of wondering how Inugami Circus-Dan are doing at this point. Ever since they changed their name they've been pretty steadily releasing at least one album or mini-album a year, and they seem to have been coasting along pretty much at the same pace for the last decade or so, ever since they dropped the major label business. I guess they've been going on for like 20 years by now already anyway, so I feel they must have some sort of 'solid' fanbase built up at this point (no matter how small it may be). Also helps they haven't really significantly switched up their style over all those years, I guess. Strawberry Song Orchestra have also been coasting along since like the mid-to-late-'90s, so I guess they must be doing okay enough as well. Don't know how big their usual audience is though, but I assume it's probably at least in the low 20 or 30 people on average? They don't really release music at a regular pace, but I guess they do a lot of their theater stuff alongside regular concerts, IDK if there's any huge difference in ticket prices for theater performances and concerts over in Japan tbh...
  17. Tokage

    Yep, I was planning on attending a screening of it at a local film festival but ended up being unable to go, still kind of bummed out about it 'cuz it looks great
  18. Tokage

    I've enjoyed most of their post-reunion material to some extent, sure, it's not as good as their pre-hiatus stuff (although that 'Janai' mini-album comes close imo) but it's still got plenty of influences from genres i REALLY like, so its p much impossible for me to hate it lol
  19. That's... a pretty fucking unexpected and weird line-up to be honest.. I mean, I know at least Kyo and Gara are kinda connected, but I'm not entirely sure how Metronome fits into all this. Is it like some kind of sound-themed thing? Like 'retro' = Merry, 'future' = Metronome, '???' = sukekiyo or what?
  20. Tokage

    Cali & Kuroyuri influenced by Ningen-Isu? Inugami I'll give you considering their more traditionally straightforward rock-oriented sound, but cali gari's roots definitely lay within the '80s post-punk, goth & new wave scene tbqh
  21. I'm like 98% sure there are literally multiple (perhaps proxy-based) websites that let you tune into japanese tv broadcasts live so yeah... this solves nothing
  22. spotify is objectively better than physical media btw because it doesn't suffer from rotational velocidensity but yeah, talk about shooting yourself in the fucking foot here, thirsty weebs willing to shell out like €50 eur or more for a 3 episode anime dvd undoubtedly must've at least provided SOME useful extra income
  23. Tokage

    art kei................................. IS BACK
  24. sometimes seems like people on here are more occupied with "listening to music" than "going to church & worshiping the lord christ's big sexy feet".... smh.....

  25. Tokage

    I'm totally for bands going the crowdfunding route in order to finance their album recording sessions, but ONLY in the case that there is at least a 95% guarantee they'll actually come through and deliver the goods. It's not like the model is necessarily destined for failure, there have been many bands who actually managed to release albums largely in part thanks to crowdfunding. Of course, as in all cases, some genuinely unforseen circumstances could always raise their ugly heads at some point and just massively screw things over because that's just how life works (think the whole Chi Cheng from Deftones thing for example, though that's not connected to crowdfunding), but the chances of something like that happening are relatively low, and in such instances it'd at least be understandable that the product gets fucked up in some way. However, if the band's just gonna blow all their amassed cash on.. I dunno, pachinko or smokes or some goofy shit instead of actually coming through w/ new work then they can straight up go & fuck themselves. ... I feel like this entire post of mine kind of reeks of 'approaching things from an excessively western perspective,' though. The whole crowdfunding through gofundme/kickstarter thing isn't really 'alive' over in Japan, is it? Or am I just misinformed? also overexcited gaijin teens trying to collect peanuts for their literally who? destined-to-disband-next-week-and-be-instantly-replaced favs is at once endearing and completely dumb
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