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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    They're Watching: Yet another found footage movie. This one's interesting mostly due to the fact that it's set in the middle of nowhere in rural Moldova. Outside of that... I can't say a lot of good stuff about this one. It takes VERY long for shit to hit the fan, even though I could basically predict the entire course of the plot somewhere around the 20 or 30 minute mark already. Shit only really starts hitting the fan in the final 10 minutes or so and the way it's done is.... hilarious, actually. For all the wrong reasons. Now, the movie itself is already more on the lighthearted, comedic side of horror, but the ending sequence is just simply laughably bad. There were a few decent gory moments done with practical effects scattered throughout, but the final sequence of the film just goes full-on ham with "this is my first cg class guys! graphics design is my passion!!!!!''.. Like, the CG is fucking ps2 game-tier or something, I feel even Syfy Original movies get a lot more care put into them in terms of digital effects. Can't really give this anything more than a barely-earned 5/10
  2. i am terrified, what the fuck is THIS



  3. Tokage

    [G O T H P U S S Y]
  4. bees by dr. dre

    1. Jigsaw9


      deez by dr. dre

    2. Jigsaw9


      nuts by dr. dre

    3. Tokage


      GOT 'EM.....

  5. beans by dr. dre

    1. Himeaimichu


      Does it go good with Eminem's Mom's Spaghetti? xD

    2. Tokage


      maybe, but it'll take like 11 years for them to get ready

  6. Tokage

    D A M N . . . 殺 さ れ た
  7. Tokage

    that's just puberty at work u guise : ^)
  8. Tokage

    childhood is idealizing brutal music.... adulthood is realizing that we are all slowly wasting away second by second, destined to die, and the universe will not shed a tear.... i mean ART KEI IS LIFE
  9. pv is.... weird and kinda lazy but the song itself is REALLY nice
  10. were 'conditional disbandments' even a thing in '90s / early '00s vk? who the fuck started that trend? i dont recall hearing about that kinda thing until after the '00s

    1. Mamo


      Lol not sure. But I vcan't say I blame them if no one shows up it does give them some perspective. Plus 88% of band-o-men just return in a new band with 2-3 of the same members. lol

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Looking back in the news at least, 2012 seems to be where that trend started.

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      The Maya predicted it

    4. Show next comments  240 more
  11. Tokage

    Nintendo's been going to shit lately but Mario Odyssey looks fuckin good and amazing as hell imo
  12. Tokage

    none of the new songs? boooooooo
  13. Tokage

    fucking jej when will those 'conditional disbandment'-nerds ever learn?!?!?!
  14. new slowdive song is n i c e!

    1. saishuu


      Y E S

  15. Tokage

    That's actually legit pretty good. While it's technically already mostly from the '70s (and some of it is folk), I've always enjoyed work by J.A. Caesar, Kan Mikami, Morita Douji, Maki Asakawa, Happy End... There's a bunch of others too. '70s japanese prog/psych scene has some pretty underrated stuff too
  16. u think any jrockers ever have to shop for toilet paper

    1. Tokage


      btw im excluding feminine jrockers of course because girls never go to the toilet

    2. Komorebi


      Should someone tell him?

    3. Tokage


      dont worry, i already know ur secret, ladies ;; )  whenever girls say they're going to the bathroom they just do it to put their male friends at ease. when they enter the bathroom they just stand still while increasingly louder drone music plays in the background for a few mins b4 coming out

    4. Show next comments  240 more
  17. Tokage

    hope it was worth it cuz you're gonna burn in hell forever now you fucking sinner im literally speed dialing the pope right now and dry heaving
  18. Tokage

    i cant believe blackdoll is fuckin dead
  19. Tokage

    Backdrop Cinderella's 2k15 album overall seems to be somewhat better than the singles indicated.. (at a first glance at least)
  20. backdrop cinderella's 2k15 album just secretly popped up on jps :OOOOO

    1. Tokage


      The 2013 one too!!!! holy shit!!!!

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Is that the tank one?

    3. Tokage


      nope, the one w/ the guy in a suit & girl in a dress, the tank one was the 2k14 album

  21. Tokage

    The dream I remember most clearly was.. kind of disturbing, tbh. I dreamt that my mom and I went to my dead grandparents’ old place, where my dad & his siblings grew up, in order to collect some old stuff. The house wasn’t in its right place and it actually seemed to be connected to some sort of graveyard and a forest. My mom eventually ended up upset, after she noticed that some of my relatives had just thrown their inherited stuff into puddles that surrounded a rather big tree. She had to go and left me there on my own I don’t exactly remember the details of what happened then, but somehow I ended up following what turned out to be a ghost to this somewhat rundown, abandoned supermarket building. Everything was boarded up, but there were two doors. Both were totally red, there was no handle on the outside. I managed to slip in by waiting for someone else to pass by, put my foot between the door as it was closing and hold it open just like that. … Turns out it was apparently supposed to be a doorway to actual hell :)))) For some reason hell looked like a mix between a hospital and a theater… Everything was red and black, there was the constant sound of dripping water and droning metallic noises in the background. I ended up in the audience at the theater area. There were quite many people there, I couldn’t see most of their faces except for those of the people on the same row as me and a somewhat middle-aged black haired dude with large glasses & something like a pipe or cigar in his mouth. There was a gigantic red chainsaw on stage, and people from the audience went up there one by one to walk into the blades. Glasses Guy was apparently in charge, keeping a headcount. Eventually, i was found out cuz there was 1 more person than intended according to the headcount. Guy got up and started walking outside, motioned for me to follow. As I was walking out, the hallway had expanded and there was now some sort of hospital waiting room area in between the entrance door and the theater area. it was filled with identical looking people. i woke up exactly when i stepped outside lol nice also vaguely remember a dream where my girl & i went around visiting several comic book stores even tho i dont even read comics anymore irl, ended up in some sort of card game tournament, then somehow ended up locked in a gym changing room w/ a bunch of other people. i remember we all tried to make instant noodles together in the shower. there was also something involving me playing a really glitched out videogame creepypasta-tier version of mario galaxy where mario for some reason was constantly floating sideways and walking as if he was wading through glue & molasses. also saw another ‘‘hot new dreamworld meme,’‘ which for some reason was snowmen wearing 2 pairs of leather boots on top of each other
  22. Tokage

    Now THIS the kinda postin g i love too see
  23. wtf this band is smooth as fuck

    1. CAT5


      yeh  these guys are naisu and they're not exactly subtle about their influences :P Great emo tho

    2. Tokage


      yea you cant rly go much more overtly american football-influenced outside of just straight up releasing cover albums w/ swapped lyrics only lol, but they do sound damn smooth and on point so it's all good


      carsick cars is also p gud when it comes to chinese indie stuff btw

  24. Tokage

    Ooooooh boy.. Well, here we have it, folks. The very first movie we couldn't make it all the way through of 2017. Watched (or rather TRIED to watch) The Greasy Strangler (2016) today. Got about halfway through before ultimately giving up. I'm barely sure if this even counts as horror in the conventional sense. The most horrifying aspect of the film is the many instances where you're faced with fully naked or nearly-naked fat people and old people. Egh. Style-wise, I can only describe this as The Tim & Eric Show x Troma. Now, on paper that sounds like it could be fun, but unfortunately I just wasn't feeling the humor hhere. Maybe I just wasn't in the right mental space today, maybe the multiple shots of nude old man penis kind of soured my goodwill towards the film. I dunno. There were some grossout gore moments here and there, but to my eyes many of them felt like they were unfortunately done with CGI. As for positive things I can say about this movie: at least the soundtrack was pretty fuckin funky, and the movie definitely does succeed in providing a singular, fucking bizarre experience, which is rare in this day and age.
  25. Tokage

    wtf i cant believe that bitch on the left had the fuckin GALL to steal ryu-sama's iconic looks
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