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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. am i the only one who thinks this sounds like an Awoi track?
  2. Tokage

    ah yes, rotational velocidensity...
  3. Tokage

    i will NEVER stop believing that flac is just a meme extension people placebo themselves into believing makes a real difference tbqh
  4. Tokage

    already been done my dude, i reckon that band Jin-Machine wrote a song about that 1 gorilla all the japanese teen girls were going crazy about for a brief while
  5. Tokage

  6. Tokage

    http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/powerrangers/images/4/42/MMPR_Baboo.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20071017175157 damn this dude rly changed a lot since middle school
  7. [descends into the rarez inferno and unleashes a horde of pinokiwo live dists upon the innocent townsfolk]
  8. wow kaya sounds on point on this new schwarz stein track
  9. Tokage

    couldn't you hypothetically shitpost places like vkdb or visunavi by adding hundreds of fake bands and musicians like they're discarded sonic the hedgehog OCs or something? or make up fake turborarez releases for oldies bands or smth
  10. Tokage

    GOOD SHIT GOOD SHIT RIGHT THERE hope it's gonna be an actual full-length thing and not just 7 or 8 tracks
  11. Metronome are releasing a new album in March called "CONTINUE" apparently.... hell yea fucker...................................................................................................s

  12. damn these dudes must be paying their ghostwriters for working overtime lol
  13. Tokage

    Watched The Strangers today. Surprisingly tense and spooky, though there were a couple of cheap jumpscares here and there. I guess this whole home invasion genre is just generally more effective for my paranoid ass in terms of spook levels than some goofy rubber monster costumes, no matter how much i love 'em.. I was kinda put off by some of the absolutely RETARDED actions on behalf of the protagonists, but eh, at the same time it's kinda like whatever, it's horror, retarded characters are like a genre staple at this point lol Final verdict for this one's somewhere around 6.5 or so i guess.. solely gets bonus points for atmosphere though, if we're just talking plot-wise it'd be like a 3 lmao also i just couldn't help but imagine Glen Howerton's character as Dennis from IASIP
  14. got a bad case of that ''essay writing burnout'' and i still need to finish 2 big ones within the coming 10 days, good shit :))))))))))

    1. nekkichi


      I used to run a random text generator for a set # of words when that happened during my uni years and replaced it with paragraphs of actual writing;

      having a visual reference as a number of pages somehow helped to write faster (ymmv tho.)

      good luck, lol. 

    2. Tokage


      i sort of do something similar, tho in my case i just hold enter until  i get the required no. of pages & leave em blank so i can slowly see them filling up


      tbqh i wish i could just use a random text generator to write my essays in their entirety...

    3. platy


      good luck, remember to give yourself time away from procrastination and the task at hand to just chill.

      Also, eat fruit.

  15. Tokage

    We watched Lights Out yesterday, and I basically spent like half the movie feeling like the antagonist was basically an expy of in terms of appearance... Tell me I'm not the only one please....
  16. Tokage

    @BearI used to be huge into Toku stuff some years ago, I'll always have a weakness for this whole ''people in spandex/people in rubber monster costumes beating the shit out of each other" thing... But only the older stuff for the most part, before they started inserting godawful cgi in everything. As far as the Kaiju side of things is concerned, I've enjoyed most of the older Godzilla movies I've seen, I got a few of 'em on DVD even. Also saw Frankenstein Conquers The World, The War of the Gargantuas and that some more of that sort of stuff. I also recall having seen Death Kappa, but I don't remember much of it. I really want to see that flick called Big Man Japan, it just seems absolutely fucking insane in the best possible way. A recent film I saw that pays homage to Kaiju movies (especially the Gamera franchise) is Love & Peace by Sion Sono. It's basically a romantic comedy, kaiju film, musical (sort of) and a Christmas movie all at the same time. I honestly never would've expected him to ever go in that direction, but I thought the final product was genuinely charming. I 've watched Matango before, remember it was good as well, nice atmosphere, and the creature design was also surprisingly well done for its time. That '60s Yokai Monsters trilogy (at least I THINK it was a trilogy) centered around various types of Yokai was pretty charming as well. Worth watching if you can find 'em somewhere.. I used to have a whole bunch of other non-kaiju toku films on my old PC before it shit the bed, and now that Cinemageddon's sort of not doing too well anymore I'm pretty sure I'll never get 'em back : ^ ( Kamen Rider Amazon is kinda like the redheaded step child of the franchise, along with the EXTREMELY dark and edgy Kamen Rider Shin. The latter's a full-on standalone movie though, I assume you've already seen it. As for the former, Amazon is actually also one of the shortest out of the KR series if I'm not wrong, I wonder if parents complained or something.. Anyway, in general, the old Kamen Rider stuff is pretty damn good and entertaining. It's just a shame that most of it doesn't have english subs because people care more about the (in my opinion much lamer) newer seasons. Now that I think about it, Amazon actually recently got a modern reimagining/retool series on Amazon Prime called Kamen Rider Amazons (all for the pun.. seriously). Unlike most Toku stuff - except for franchises/series like Akibaranger, Lion Maru G, Garo, Ultraman Nexus and such - it's actually aimed at adults from the start. It's supposed to get a second season this year. As far as underrated Toku films go, you might be interested in checking out the Zeiram series if you haven't already. The plot in both parts isn't anything groundbreaking or whatever, but it has cool creature design, stop motion and enough action scenes to keep your attention. Added some trailers under the spoiler tag just cuz I can: Other stuff that may be relevant to your interests (if you haven't seen 'em already): Lady Battle Cop I guess this is unoficially part of Toei's Metal Hero franchise. This one sets itself apart by being the only full-on feature length installment in the franchise, as well as the only one intended for a more adult audience, featuring more excessive violence. The Metal Hero franchise in general was already sort of aimed at more mature audiences than most Toku at the time (still mainly for children tho), but this one takes it to the next level. In terms of plot, this is pretty much just Robocop except with a female lead, but from what I've heard it's still supposed to be an entertaining watch. Haven't had the chance to see it myself yet. Giant Robot Mikazuki 6 episode mini-series by the same guy responsible for Zeiram. All of the episodes are the length of your average Western drama episode, clocking in at around 50 mins or more instead of the ~20 mins that's usual for most toku/anime shows. It's about various teams fighting monsters born from human trauma, sometimes with the aid of the titular giant robot (as well as others) The whole thing's on YT afaik. Keita Amemiya's design work is always on point, so pretty much anything he's involved in is somewhat worth watching. Mirai Ninja (aka Cyber Ninja) ANOTHER film by Amemiya. Co-produced by Namco, who also produced a game based on the movie.. Either that, or the movie's based on the game, making this one of the oldest film adaptations of a videogame in history. Set in the future during a war between humans and cyborgs, but as with most Toku, you don't really watch it for the plot but for the effects anyway : ^) Kaiketsu Zubat 32 episode series from the late '70s. Created by the legendary Shotaro Ishinomori. It's heavily inspired by older Japanese superhero shows like Diamond Eye, Rainbowman and such. The show can somewhat be compared to Adam West's Batman. There's no monsters in this one, all the villains are (usually outlandishly dressed) human criminals. The main character's a detective who goes around dressed in cowboy attire, carrying a guitar that has his superhero costume hidden inside. The entire series has been subbed and should be available online Winspector / Solbrain / Exceedraft (Rescue Hero Trilogy) Part of the Metal Hero franchise I mentioned earlier. Once again different from the 'usual' Tokusatsu fare in the sense that, while the heroes DO indeed wear super suits, the emphasis is more on rescuing people than on fighting. There's the occasional rampaging mutant or super robot that has to be put down, but overall most of the action scenes involve the main characters on the defense, not on the offense. Again, while there are some childish elements and episodes here and there, this is probably as close as Toku's ever gonna get to 'mature' crime procedurals. Winspector's the first part of the trilogy. The main character, his two robot sidekicks, as well as a couple of recurring human cops who dont get a super suit, work together to stop high-tech criminals. The show is pretty much entirely episodic, with only the occasional two parter here and there. The show not only aired in Japan, but was also pretty damn popular in Brazil, and several other countries also aired their own dubbed versions. Winspector's been fully subbed as of last year. Second part of the trilogy, Solbrain, is pretty much a direct sequel to Winspector. With the Winspector team having relocated to France, Japan needs a new team of super cops to keep the people safe. While Winspector was 2/3rds robot, the Solbrain team is 2/3rds human, with only 1 token robot member (that was originally intended to appeal to the kiddies, but kids turned out to absolutely fucking hate the thing apparently lol). This show is somewhat more serious than its predecessor, with more focus on the investigative aspect. There's still enough action throughout too, though. Members of the Winspector team also come back to team up w/ the new guys from time to time. This one's currently in the process of being subbed, the subber is now about 32 or 33 eps in (out of 53), and it's slated to be fully done by the end of January. Exceedraft's the final part of the trilogy, and they just kind of fully went off the deep end with this one. It's pretty much almost entirely disconnected from the other parts, and while the other two series were somewhat low on blatantly supernatural elements, this one's full of the stuff. Supposedly, one of the recurring villains in the first half of the show is a guy posessed by an alien, and the main big bad at the end of the series is literally Satan (who looks like a guy in a business suit, apparently. also he has 666 tattooed on him). Infamous for its totally insane christmas episode, which is supposedly an all-out war between Satan's own evil santas and a bunch of actual angels or some shit. unfortunately no subs exist for this one yet, but iirc it does have a portugese dub. It'll get subs after Solbrain's finished though
  17. I honestly do wish more bands would step up and return to that sound bands like Kagerou, early Mucc, early D'espairs Ray etc. had again, I mean you already have a handful of bands sort of vaguelyyyy approaching it, but they're not 100% there yet. I love that deranged mallgoth nu-/alt-metal sound, it's so good On another note, I'm probably gonna be like the only one who wants/needs this, but I honest to god have been dying for a band to step in and pick up where Guruguru Eigakan left off. They had such an uniquely retro and uniquely 'Japanese' sound, it's really a pity that more bands aren't doing it. Of course, I realize that it probably won't bring in a lot of money, and that might be one of the reasons, but... eyyy. Only new-ish act I can think of that vaguely approaches the sound at times is Kalavinka, if there's any others out there then they're too deep in underground hell for me to know about 'em...
  18. Tokage

    Top right should've been emmurée or Malice Mizer or smth tbh lmao
  19. Tokage

    R A W A S F U C K
  20. when we finally gonna stop pretending that '''''''''''''''cultural appropriation''''''''''''''' in music is bad?????

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      madonna ended racism when she invented the kimono and gave it to 3rd world countries (Japan)

  21. Tokage

    In retrospect, the Harry Potter franchise is honestly a pretty goddamn mediocre, plothole-riddled mess..
  22. Tokage

    I've watched a bunch of stuff recently as well: The Autopsy of Jane Doe: Watched this a few days ago together with my girlfriend. It was screened at a festival here back in November, but we were both so busy w/ school at the time we didn't have the time to travel halfway across the country to reach the town it was screened in :v Overall, my thoughts basically echo @Jigsaw9's on this one. The overall idea seems pretty novel to me. Basically, the plot of the film deals with the autopsy of a mysterious woman found in a basement at a mass-murder scene.. Pretty quickly, it becomes clear there is more to this Jane Doe than meets the eye and shit starts going south. The atmosphere in the first 2/3rds of the film is genuinely quite well done. Unfortunately, it falls into the dreaded 'last act' pitfall that plagues a lot of horror films, where the movie sort of collapses in on itself once the actual mystery/'monster' is revealed. Still, the buildup was good, the soundtrack and the acting are good, and I especially enjoyed Brian Cox's performance in the role of the older coroner. Overall I'd rate it like ~7/10 or something like this The Cabin in the Woods: Rewatched this for the first time since it came out yesterday cuz it was on my girlfriend's watchlist. We both enjoyed it quite a bit. Despite already knowing all the twists in the plot, I still had a good time because there's just so may background details you don't catch on a first viewing. If there's still people out there who HAVEN'T seen this somehow... Go watch it with as little background knowledge as possible, you'll probably enjoy it. The only 'criticism' I have is that the film sometimes seems to think it's a bit TOO clever for its own good, but otherwise... yeah, this appeals to my inner creature obsession. 8.5/10 Freaks of Nature: Dumb horror-comedy (though it felt like there was more comedy than horror imo) set in an universe where humans, vampires and zombies (to some extent peacefully) coexist. That is, until aliens invade. Somehow the movie felt very '80s to me, possibly due to the whole small town high school setting and all that. It's still very modern, however, with all the aliens being done in CGI for the most parts. There's a couple of pretty entertaining jokes and bits here and there, as well as an equal amount of horribly cliche stuff. Personal highlight is probably Bob Odenkirk as the main character's flakey stoner dad. I'd say it's worth watching if you're in the mood for some light-hearted fun stuff, but it certainly doesn't reinvent the wheel in any way. 5.8/10 As far as 2016 horror goes, I also added the following to my backlog: 10 Cloverfield Lane (not 100% horror i guess) Before I Wake (also not 100% horror but w/e) Don't Breathe Hush Lights Out The Conjuring 2 The Greasy Strangler They're Watching
  23. Tokage

    im like at least 75% sure that tony november16 is supposed to be a parody of that jpop chick tommy february6, but othr than that whoooooooo boy
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