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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    im calling the narcs on both of you
  2. Tokage

    Docu from 2014 called Beautiful Noise, it's about the shoegaze scene. Pretty okay at a surface level, cuz all the music that appears is totally great, but at the same time I ended up feeling sort of... disappointed. Especially considering it took 10 years to finish.. Although from what I heard, a major reason for that was because the director apparently wanted to gather funds to pay for the licensing to use all the different music in the movie lol.. Still. It felt like the movie was too entry level for people already interested in the genre, yet at the same time not entry level enough for people who know next to nothing about it. The interviews were somewhat interesting, but at the same time it felt like all the artiss involved were just presented with the same list of 5 - 10 questions and that's all. Also it might've just been my copy (piracy ayyy) but the visual quality looked like the director filmed everything using a cell phone camera or smth It's still worth watching if only for the good music, and i'm happy the 'gaze scene's gettin at least SOME exposure, but... could've been so, so much better.
  3. Tokage

    proof once again that the hard drug ''weed'' is a gateway for people to becoming degenerate criminals
  4. fans of Plastic Tree should lisen to Swoon 23 - The Legendary Ether Pony #good shit right there

  5. Tokage

    drugs arent free :^)
  6. Tokage

    [listens to kanye west ONCE]
  7. Tokage

    Yayoi's corpse which will be found in 2 weeks floating facedown in tokyo river, wrapped in a RR flag
  8. i dont even listen to this band, but based on the dirt that came up regarding them in that RR thread I hope they tank hard and disband cuz they sound like douchebags
  9. imagine visual kei jail though
  10. Tokage

    i literally have no idea who that even is, so if it was then it's a diss coming from the astral plane or some shit tbqh Also @Zeus, to add to that, I sometimes wonder how many of these undocumented deaths may or may not be related to alcohol- or drug-related causes, 'cause god fucking knows there's been enough rock musicians from the western world dying due to accidental OD's and shit like that. I can especially see how that sort of thing could be seen as 'shameful' by the victim's families in such cases
  11. Tokage

    Jasmine You Found Alive at Business Meeting in Dubai
  12. Tokage

    tfw u dont even order chicken and u still get breasts ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))0))))))))00)0)))))
  13. Tokage

    I give them 6 months tops
  14. that's way too many people in 1 band, get out, half of y'all are just gonna dance around on stage anyway
  15. Tokage

    The PV aesthetics and the song (based on the preview) don't seem to match at all lol
  16. dream scenario: Ryutaro or Full doing a collab w/ Tokyo Shoegazer

    1. zombieparadise


      Well I always heard that Bucchi left because Ryu and him didn't get along. Like on ll their old non-live footage it was always Tadashi, Akira and Ryutarou in one group and Bucchi by himself.

    2. zombieparadise


      I dunno, all rumours I guess lol

    3. emmny
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  17. So how many of these AREN'T old tracks? lol
  18. what [the fuck] is death stranding even gonna be about


    at first i thought it was gonna be like... weird vidya gyo w/ mpreg but now there's skeleton soldiers, tentacle mads mikkelsen and tanks covered in organs?

    1. nekkichi


      about kojima's taste in western daddiez so far

  19. Tokage

    "baking buns" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  20. wtf they're not even brutal 0/10 doesnt deserve to be on the list Nah, actually, I'm quite frankly surprised to see this album appear here. Pleasantly surprised, but surprised nevertheless. Mostly just because I didn't feel it reflected the majority of the active userbase's taste.. Anyway, most of the things I've heard that Sou and Zull have been involved in (well, maybe except for The Candy Spooky Theater) have been quite stellar. I dont actually know who's responsible for composing most of Silence's material, but I sure as hell do enjoy the atmosphere they manage to create w/ their music. Also agree w/ the statement that they appear to have ''sacrificed'' some of the more dense/abstract elements of their style for a somewhat more accessible sound, but the end result's still good. Not ''Tokage's personal top 10 of the year'' good, but undeniably stellar nevertheless.
  21. fact that World's End Girlfriend probably wont get to appear in the 25 days of ChristMHas is quite frankly unforuntate......

    1. emmny


      thats why i dont release my final lists until the VERY last moment, ryuutaro's album has thrown my list off, and i expect a bit more tweaking until like, christmas, LOL.  fuck u december albums!

    2. CAT5


      I feel u Shayan. December might very well drop a few bombs on me as well.

    3. Tokage


      u gotta post that shit when the mf ball drops

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  22. Tokage

    It's so weird how Cascade was basically playing like... Britpop, except japanese or something back in the '90s.. that's the only way i can think of describing their old style.
  23. Dir en grey. Dot com. It's all there.

  24. is black mirror actually good lmao

    1. herpes


      the first five minutes are always great! the next 55 are awful.

    2. Jigsaw9


      @TokageYep, every episode is a totally different story. I recommend going from the 1st season chronologically, but rly any order is okay.

    3. saishuu


      Yeah lol I like pretty much all of the episodes too.

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