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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Uchoten released a new double album this month titled 'カフカズ・ロック/ニーチェズ・ポップ'  (Kafka's Rock/Nietzsche's Pop) apparently! Anyone happen to have dat shit...........

  2. Tokage

    * Kaoru has plastic surgery to change his entire hand into a giant guitar pick
  3. Re-record all of the ballads so they're not ballads anymore please thanks
  4. Tokage

    Watched Krampus and A Christmas Horror Story with my girlfriend this year, I enjoyed the HELL out of the former, really fun stuff, like the previous post also states already. Really good stuff. Loved the atmosphere, the special effects, etc. Even the CGI killer cookies were fine A Christmas Horror Story was... less good. Gf slept through part of it, I wasn't too impressed with the overall package either. Some of the segments had potential but were kind of ruined in the end. The santa / zombie elves part would've been 10x better if the actor playing sana wasn't so horrible. Krampus as he appears in this movie is like 100% less cool than he is in the other Krampus film as well... Lot of potntial here, but just didn't live up to it in the end.
  5. obligatory THEY'RE GONNA DISBAND!!!!111!!! post
  6. Wait, Kalavinka is connected to Starwave now? wtf is Kiwamu suddenly trying to become the new shironuri queen or smth?
  7. I'm somewhat surprised, I found parts of DIAVOLO pretty damn catchy, and they still have a tendency to randomly pop into my head even though I haven't spinned the whole album proper for months at this point. I mean, yeah, it's definitely not reinventing the wheel or anything, but it's just quirky enough to stay memorable in the ocean of staleness that is modern-day visual kei (also thank GOD they're not one of those boring straightforward heavy bands lmao) New DEZERT album's good. Kinda hoped it'd have more tracks in the vein of the 2nd track, but I still enjoyed it about as much as I enjoyed their first full album.
  8. Tokage

    oh wait, MIDDLE school....
  9. Tokage

    wtf it actually DOESNT sound like the same regurgitated material this time!!!! nice
  10. Tokage

    Sounds like they have potential if they polish their stuff up a bit
  11. Tokage

    Although I've also heard Germany's kind of anal about piracy, I'm about 99% certain that German copyright watchdogs won't give a shit if you're caught downloading some limited-to-50-copies demotape by a literally who? visual band that was only active for like 2 years back in the mid-90s tbh...
  12. Grandpa passed away.. What a fucking lousy way to go :(

    1. itsukoii


      i'm really sorry about this. he's, as others have said, in a better place now.  i give you and your family my best wishes~

    2. Tokage


      @crossparallelIt's really quite disconcerting, that sudden realization of life going on, having the potential to end just like that due to some dumb accidents etc... I mean, there is no way yu can help these things when they do happen most of the time, but still, it makes everything feel vulnerable


      @itsukoii @DarkWaterThanks both of you, pretty sure my family's gonna need all the strength they can get


    3. Show next comments  246 more
  13. Tokage

    They administered the wrong medicine.. what the FUCK...
  14. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT 'STACHE AAAAAAAH goin' full "weird playground uncle" there my dude
  15. Tokage

    I guess this counts...
  16. Tokage

    also, to add to this thread: Japan finally passes the proposed law that outlaws all ''brutal'' music, thankfully ending shit kei forever
  17. Tokage

    They've been performing 2 new, unreleased songs live recently though, so they'll most likely either deliver a new single or just a full-on new album of some sort in the very near future, i don't think they've ever played new songs EXTREMELY far ahead of their studio version's release, have they? (or was that the case with the MOAB tracks? idr)
  18. there was a fire at my grandfather's place.. was serious enough they had to evacuate other surrounding apartments... apparently his pet bird didn't make it :(i hope he'll be okay

    fuck this

    1. Licio123


      Damn.... sending positive thoughts here. =(

    2. WhirlingBlack


      All my best to you and your grandpa, I hope things will work out for him.

    3. Tokage


      Thanks to all of you.. So far things seem to at least have stabilized, but to call it "getting better" is still a bit too early.

    4. Show next comments  246 more
  19. Tokage

    is there actually any backing to this expectation of D goin' full kaisan besides that NYE event being canceled?
  20. Tokage

  21. 2017 VK rumor: Mana will finally break vow of silence and start communicating only in Borat voice

    1. Jigsaw9


      eez naaaaais

  22. Tokage

    * At least 1 of either Ryo's or Aie's current projects will bite the dust * New Merry album * New Metronome material * DEZERT goes major [2] OR goes on hiatus/disbands * X Japan album drops but it's just old songs but with English lyrics & 2 new piano SEs * 1 or 2 new bands formed by Tenten, fold before the year ends * One of the Ains bands disbands * Kisaki """retires""" again * Some literally who band nobody asked for makes a comeback * Some literally who band nobody asked for goes to Europe * At least one long lasting, well-established band will call it quits * New Maximum the Hormone material * New Dir en grey material * Mana and Gackt get married * Yayoi found dead in Miami
  23. My wish for 2017:

    1. herpes


      is it more wishes

    2. Tokage


      guniw tools and metronome finally release a goddamn album again

  24. Tokage

    @Ito100% same, I mean, hide's solo stuff is solid enough in general, but Zilch's 3 2 1 was like one of the first albums I REALLY got into back when I was 14 or so, it helped me gradually shuffle out of that "NOTHING BUT JAPANESE MUSIC MOTHERFUCKERRRR" bubble and it's just all around a good-ass album, I still like it quite a lot. Feel like I know a large part of the album by heart too. It's honestly a shame nothing more happened with the project before hide died.. Also a shame that the stuff they continued to do after hide's death seemed to be... less than stellar :/
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