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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. i cant believe we finally got to the point where we can openly roast deviloof without being arrested by the shill police
  2. imagine ur vk fav performing in this


    1. leafwork


      kamijo did wear a penguin costume for halloween

    2. Tokage


      fact: he was wearing this underneath

  3. Tokage

    Here's an easy guide to tricking gya into giving you their turborarez (it's worked for me in the past) (sorry its in japanese) STEP 1: 私が踊ったとき、彼らは私を時限式:uadjet 「碧落の暁り」 そして、SPECIAL FRIEND彼らが言う大男ブエナ 彼らはすべCDて私を欲しい 彼らは私を持つこtwitterとができない だから彼らはすべて私のそばに来て踊る STEP 2: 私と一MIKE TYSON緒に移動 私と一緒にチャントwwwwwww あなたの善が私と一DVD緒に帰宅する STEP 3: 私と一DQN緒に移動 私と一緒にチャント あなたの善が私animated gifと一緒に帰宅する STEP 4: [REDACTED] STEP 5: rarez
  4. Tokage

    haha what elese would you guys do for song rips ; ) ) ) ) ) haha just asking for fun haha for a friend lol haha sorry that was my friend typing on the computer he's sitting next to me
  5. Hotaru coming back is pretty cool, I'll never get to see it, but nice regardless lol
  6. Tokage

    Three Moments of an Explosion by China Mieville. I still hold that the man only truly shines when writing full-length novels (or at least stories that cross the 30 page boundary), but I just can't say no to his surreal and always decidedly original New Weird fiction. Definitely worth checking out so far, but check out his other works such as The City & The City, the Bas-Lag series or Kraken first.
  7. baby-kei, sleep-kei... is vk just straight up emotionally regressing to infant levels at this point?
  8. my earphones broke



  9. Tokage

    this is legit so beautiful, i've basically been listening to it on repeat for like the past hour or so lol
  10. mediafire slow as SHIT for anyone else these days or is it just my connection bein shit?

    1. nekkichi


      works ok here.

    2. JRD


      It's slow as shit for me too. Uploading and downloading. Mega seems to work perfectly for me though.

    3. Tokage


      same here, all other sites work perfectly fine, slsk works fine, just mediafire's slow as molasses..

  11. This Photographer Took Photos of Bandomen Before and After Telling Them She Uploaded Their Live Dist. Singles Online

    1. Elazmus


      so brave<3

    2. suji


      my favorite buzzfeed article

  12. Tokage

    Last night's dreams involved a lot of... uncomfortable paranormal shit. Main thing I recall was being visited by some demonic entity at two different points.. It looked different each time, but I could somehow tell it was the same. The very first time I was just chilling at my parents' place back in the Netherlands, chatting with my folks and stuff. At some point I went upstairs and entered my parents' bedroom (it was mine before i moved out). Instead of a bed, I found this... thing on the floor there. It was like a cross between a dirt crater and a portal on a pentagram, very black, oily and writhing. There was a very, very tall, pitch-black humanoid figure lying face-down in the circle, looked like someone who'd jumped off a building or something. It still had a visible nose and mouth, but no eyes where its face ought to be. Instead, there were glowing red and yellow eyes scattered across its back, arms and legs. The door and windows pretty much instantly shut themselves, and I felt this MASSIVE wave of dread wash over me. The thing started speaking to me.. not out loud, but i could only hear it in my head, though its voice was drowned out by other background noise like rumbling, screams and such. I instantly tried to bolt out of there, but the door wouldn't give. I don't know what happened afterwards, but the second 'visitation' I remember took place in Estonia, in the town I currently live in. There's a small park on a hill near my house and it's kind of secluded by trees and all that. I was walking there when I could feel something large hit the ground behind me, and that same atmosphere of total dread kicked in again. This time the creature looked like a cross between a human, a rooster and a snake. It was almost as large as your average wood shed. Had the head of a rooster, but with a snake tongue and twisted sharp teeth lining the inside of its beak. Its body was mostly snakelike, but covered here and there in patches of feathers. It also had a pair of very pale humanoid arms. I remember it tried to converse with me in my mind again, tried to get me to agree to something, but once again I tried to get the fuck out of there. A different dream I remember from the same night took place in a very murky, drab complex that felt like a mix between a shoddy hotel, abandoned factory and parking garage. The floor I was on had a long metal walkway with a guardrail, and beyond that there was just a lot of black empty space, like a big nothingness, for a large part. The opposite side of the building was only vaguely visible in the distance thanks to some weak flickering lights that would occasionally flash on or off. Anyway, my side of the building was mostly deserted, there were a few people here and there. Eventually I ended up facing a large line of different elevators, each of which looked like they were snatched directly from some different time period. They were behind transparent glass doors, and each of them appeared to be cursed or haunted in some way. If you waited and watched long enough you'd see some sort of replayed recording of some weird shit that happened in there. One elevator displayed an imprint of a middle-aged cleaning lady mopping the floor, when all of a sudden the cabin is cast in utter blackness for a few seconds. Once the lights switch back on the whole elevator's smeared in blood. Another had an elderly couple and a bunch of tourists in it, whose faces suddenly vanished. I finally went into a really decrepit looking elevator along with some salaryman type and a college student. Nothing was shown when watching the door from the outside, but once inside it turned out that this elevator was controlled by a poltergeist o something. It'd throw the elevator down all stop-and-go, sometimes gradually pulling it up a few floors before dropping everyone down again, sometims partially prying the doors open, etc.. I don't think I even got out of the elevator There was also something involving gnomes or midgets dressed like gnomes but i dont remember much about that one...
  13. $UPER D@RKNE$$ CRITICI$|\/|....

  14. Tokage

    Recording this was difficult because the old master tapes accidentally had curry spilled over them
  15. fuckinged up, too think, there are more gender's than x-japan albums in this blessed year of 2017....

    1. orange~


      lol just saw some FB-posts by Yoshiki how he's working on some fucking We Are X -soundtrack XD


      But he had collapsed on the ground dramatically, so that must mean he is risking his health to get this useless shit out.

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      doesn't matter what that guy does. he'll find a way to collapse on the floor.

    3. orange~


      haha true. It was actually a picture compilation where he had collapsed on the mixing table, on the piano and on the floor with #Vampire is dead. Must be annoying hanging around him, with his physique giving up on him on random intervals.

    4. Show next comments  234 more
  16. Tokage

    I'm pretty curious, what aspects did you disagree with? As I said, I thought the perspective offered by the director was... limited to say the least, and it's kind of ??? how it appears they got actors to play the role of interviewees if i'm not mistaken? but I was still entertained by the total package.
  17. Tokage

    The Nightmare (2015) - Pretty interesting documentary focusing on the phenomenon of sleep paralysis and night terrors. Has a very interesting visual aesthetic. The highlights for me are the parts of the movie where the interviewee's nightmares are recreated onscreen. One downside to the whole thing is that it is INCREDIBLY one-sided, with no actual credible scientific sources or anything to balance out the anecdotal stories from the people suffering from sleep paralysis. Some of them did kind of seem to be... kooky in some sense. Still, the whole phenomenon is intriguing, and as such the movie's worth a watch if you're into dreams and such. It won't present anything you don't already know, though.. Gantz - First of the two live action adaptations of Oka's famous seinen manga. People get transported to a mysterious apartment with a giant black ball inside and are subsequently told to go out and kill aliens. As far as manga adaptations go, I thought this was actually pretty fucking solid. The effects (while heavy on cgi) were actually pretty well-done, the aliens all looked convincing and behaved in their own unique ways, the action was tight.. There is of course the eternal issue of overly melodramatic acting, but that's kind of a thing in most modern Japanese films.. I've heard that the second part basically stops following the manga entirely and does its own thing. Hopefully it'll also be good, cause I really did like this one
  18. Tokage

    So yesterday was the first time in a good 2.5 years or so that I went to actually see a REAL concert again. God, I needed it. Went to see Stoned Jesus, Dopelord & Sunnata w/ my gf, so it was basically an evening of jamming and rocking out to stoner rock/metal. Good shit. I ended up enjoying Sunnata's set the most, which surprised me considering they were my least favorite of the 3 in terms of studio material. Stoned Jesus was also really fun, the frontman has good energy and a nice sense of humor. They were the only band to actually interact with the crowd outside of just the usual "lol its gr8 2 b here", so that was nice. Dopelord were solid too, but it was just a pretty by-the-numbers type of gig lol
  19. Tokage

    lol i hope the vocalist gets blacklisted
  20. Tokage

    this isn't even the first time kisaki's pulled shit like this lmao iirc he also released either a himitsu kessha codomo a or kibouya honpou compilation album w/o the band members' knowledge/permission a couple of years ago
  21. the angela merkel of visual kei

  22. Tokage

    So do the people who are like "I'LL NEVER SUPPORT HUMAN TRASH LIKE THAT" scroll through all their faves social media accounts on the daily to check whether or not they're doing something problematic or what? Cuz that seems like a lot more effort than it's worth just to allow yourself to listen to some music.. It still feels kind of hypocritical to me tha tpeople were willing to look past Mamo' s other forms of shitty behavior before (ie the pedo allegations that were already floating around before, the fact that the band is selling this unhealthy self-harm stuff in their music and image that was known before), but now he's suddenly the Richard Spencer of VK? It's a shitty and short-sighted opinion of his to have, obviously, and his whole "IM SORRY GUYS (but not really lol)" response to the outrage is frankly just childish (how old is this guy again??) but at the same time I'm pretty sure his status as an 'influencer'... isn't... that big. He's still just the vocalist of a VK band, and I'm like 90% sure his gya (if he still has any left at this point jej) already have their own opinions regarding LGBT culture -most likely some idealized fujoshi yaoi manga fantasy stuff-, so most likely he's not gonna 'recruit' any new people for the anti-gay cause. Just either accept that the guy's a cunt and boycott him and his band, or accept that not all of your fav. artists may necessarily share your own political views. There's pretty much no other options anyway. Alternatively have him square up against Ao Sakurai celebrity boxing-style
  23. Tokage

    So far I'm enjoying ~6 songs out of 14 on this one, which is somewhat of an improvement considering I only liked 2 on the previous one...
  24. Tokage

    wow the classic angura scene has like 5 bands left now
  25. Tokage

    Hasn't it always been a known fact that this dude is an edgelord on the level of D.I.D.'s Akane though? I'm talking like the whole "2edgy4budokan" stuff from before, the ''VISUAL IS DEAD WE R SO MUCH BETTER" thing, stuff about encouraging self-harm iirc... y'all just let that fly for the most part, but now its suddenly like "burn the witch"? Either go all the way with the 'separate the """"artist""" from the music' thing or drop them the first moment they start acting shady lol
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