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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. At some earlier point, I found out that apparently KISS are selling officially licensed air guitar strings (which literally seemed to amount to nothing more than an empty plastic bag attached to a piece of cardboard w/ a picture of the band on it), and the only thing I could think of was "I wonder when Yoshiki's gonna get in on this market"

    1. Himeaimichu


      Yoshiki probably already has full Air Band kits in preparation xD.

      And plot twist, it's a surprising success. Not because it's just literally imaginary instruments. No, because one of Yoshiki's business plights finally didn't fail!

    2. nick


      He once teased us with a blank CD two years ago.


    3. nekkichi
  2. demotape's, katana's, but also cd's.... they're selling them all. for you...........at japan

  3. Terakoya just casually contributing to squashing the angura subgenre out forever .... they should've dropped the black swan tbh : )))))))))))))))))
  4. I was just joking u guys............ come on, at this rate im gonna become the vk huffpost lmao (anyway i'm pretty sure Linda from KGF retired from the music scene (unfortunately) ) Real talk though, I would KILL to see a MERRY x KGF x Monokuro Kinema live (haha you prolly thought I'd say Marco here but I still don't like their vocalist oops), it's one of my VK dream lineups, but sadly it'll probably -never- happen
  5. Tokage

    i still don't get what the hell is so amazing about beyonce tbh
  6. the 3 man live is gonna be MERRY x Super Merries x a mysteriously revived Kyokutou Girl Friend
  7. Tokage

    wow i love my rasen tape that i got for free from my dad who works at nintendo




    1. platy


      holy shit a vaporware video with an actual budget.

  9. Tokage

    I'm A Cyborg But That's Okay: As with all of Chan-Wook's films I've seen so far, I enjoyed this. Quirky and fun. At least half the entertainment came from looking at what the various insane characters were up to in the background. Beyond The Black Rainbow: I thought this was absolutely great in terms of visual style, some parts looked absolutely beautiful. Unfortunately the actual plot itself didn't do very much for me. Don't really know why some people tag it as a horror film either tbh, it doesn't ever really feel that way to me, somehow doesn't give me the same vibe. Frank: I absolutely LOVED everything about this one. I don't know why, but somehow this film really felt like it captured that 'struggling artist' feel exceptionally well. The song at the end's been stuck in my head for days. Great performances from everyone, too. Frankenhooker: top jej, could've gone with more blood though (several instances of people straight-up exploding into chunks but there's somehow no blood? come on, i mean, i know it's one of THOSE comedy-horror films, but..)
  10. Urusei Yatsura were a bunch of classic-era weebs lmao

  11. Tokage

    i hope when the countdown hits 0 they're gonna add akinori's face in the background in the style of this:
  12. Tokage

    ... Is Kyo doing cosplay of that one guy from Mr. Arashi's Amazing Freak Show by Maruo?
  13. Tokage

    yakuza ties strike again....................
  14. Tokage

    I'm a part of what some people call the "alt-kei" and it feels punk as fuck. It feels like an actual counter culture, or rebellion against the VK culture that dominates American colleges. - Kamijo
  15. Tokage

  16. which one of you goobers tagged Mucc's album Karma as 'experimental rock' on wikipedia?

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      They experimented with losing their fanbase xoxox

  17. Tokage

    They already have 5 compilation albums without these new ones
  18. Anyone familiar with this group?


    1. emmny
    2. Tokage


      "Noh Wave"............................

    3. emmny



    4. Show next comments  231 more
  19. Tokage

    The way the thread OP was worded made me think they'd come back to do a 'very special episode' dedicated to spreading anti-drugs awareness or some shit tbh....
  20. Tokage

    damn can't believe they got mako to come out of retirement for this photoshoot
  21. I feel like Finnish and Estonian both most definitely belong to that category of melodic languages, and in fact I've had more than one Estonian tell me that they believed some perceived similarity in ' linguistic flow' actually helped them to acquire Japanese and/or Korean at a faster & easier rate
  22. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Here's an example of Dutch 'alternative' pop, I guess. In my opinion, it does sound a lot less 'rough' than German, but I think even German can sound good in certain contexts so w/e https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HIBf6vTVPo Unfortunately, as far as I know there's no native language-equivalent to The Novembers or anything like that, most shoegaze-y/dreampop bands tend to play in English, ex. thse guys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbb0IYngK4g sorry for derailing the thread lmao
  23. One thing connected to this whole language bias-based hypocrisy business I always thought to be funny is when people are like, SUPER insistent that they listen to Japanese music because they think 'the lyrics are deep'. I'll be up front by saying that IMO listening to music solely because of the lyrics is already kind of ??? in general, but this situation remains funny to me regardless. I guess it's mostly amusing because, quite often, the people exclaiming that kind of stuff don't even speak a single lick of Japanese outside of entry-level anime vocabulary and pretty much almost entirely base their opinions on translations that have most likely been done by some college student who's two or three months into their Japanese Culture BA sitting with a thesaurus on their lap in order to find the longest and fanciest words possible in order to translate their aidoru's "wooooooow i dont wanna go to bed at 9 pm mom im 12 now"-tier lyrics because only they truly understand their poetry
  24. but we must keep in mind that some genres of music remain objectively better than others thanks
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