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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    They sound about as interesting as they look, which is to say not very : / Which band even brought back that whole ''dude with a mask'' thing anyway? Was it MBHI?
  2. Tokage

    I like that Kannivalism/Baroque sound and I like the Aicle. sound, are there more good hidden gems w/ a similar style?
  3. is youtube working like shit for anyone else?

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      It has been since yesterday. Apparently Google has been struggling in general -- some stuff my company does relies on G+ and YT for marketing campaigns and both services were having a hard day.

    2. Tokage


      I noticed that the problems all magically vanished when I switched YT back to its ''classic'' layout, so probably it's just a result of more cool updates nobody asked for that break more things than they fix

  4. Tokage

    BATTLE OF THE MATH ROCK KINGS.... WHO NOODLES W/ THE BEST??? LITE Lite, stylized as LITE, is a Japanese rock band that has been termed "one of Japan's top instrumental rock acts." All of their albums have charted in Japan, with For All the Innocence charting the best, at number 85 on the Oricon chart. Lite's sound combines the precision and musicianship of prog rock with the emotionally charged cinematic compositions of art rock, in a heavier, more modern package that they describe as "math rock". The band has performed overseas more than once, in the UK and Ireland among other places. toe toe is a Japanese rock band from Tokyo. While mentioned in many post-rock circles, their song structure and dynamics are also similar to many popular math rock artists. The group was founded in 2000 and consists of four members. The vast majority of the band's music is instrumental in nature and is also known for its melodic, clean guitar settings. Additionally, the compositions have repetition from typical rock motifs, but use very subtle changes in beat and rhythm to form a unique sound. The band has changed their sound over their musical tenure by incorporating acoustic guitars, Rhodes piano, and vibraphones in their most recent releases. Like LITE, toe has also toured outside of Japan on multiple occasions, and their album "The Book About My Idle Plot on a Vague Anxiety" was pretty well-received by international critics. So, who wins this duel in your opinion? I find it very, very hard to choose, personally, cuz I enjoy jamming to both of them.. I guess in the end I do listen to LITE more though.
  5. Tokage

    ooooooo that one sounds good
  6. Tokage

    sent check ur inbox
  7. Tokage

    i dont know why this specific bandname kills me
  8. [is carried through town on the shoulders of all my favorite anime characters] yeah das rite

  9. For getting into Plastic Tree's newer sound, I'd say Nega to Poji is a very good starter, it's actually what got me into them. As for their older stuff, either Puppet Show or cell. D'espairs Ray's [coll:set] is still one of the best '00 VK albums ever released so you should definitely give that one a spin Buck-Tick has gone through several different eras and sounds, but they've been consistently good, so just check anything. Personally really love their albums SEXY STREAM LINER, Mona Lisa Overdrive, 13kai wa Gekkou and Memento Mori though Maximum The Hormone - Their last 2 full length albums are pretty much the best things they've done. 100% stay away from their very, very first release, it's pretty bad Pierrot's Finale and Private Enemy are pretty damn great IMO, worth listening to X-Japan... Just wait for the new album ; ^ )
  10. Tokage

    *demon_android's cousin's blog
  11. "Fatal Error Race" was actually about M&M Kart Racing all along

    1. Aferni


      lyrics plz bby

    2. Tokage


      [screamed vocals] APPROACHING SOUND BARRIER

      LOOK, A NUT

  12. new (well, from 2014 but w/e) Vola & The Oriental Machine it the web.... cool........

  13. wtf this band actually sounds cool?????

  15. Tokage

    alejandro jodorowsky is the coolest grandpa ever
  16. The fact that so many people still say things like "buy cds to support your favorite bands" is, quite frankly, childish and ridiculous . Fact is, being able to listen to music is a RIGHT, not some sort of privilege to be obtained by wasting money. All these ''musicians'' trying to make it big are greedy, talentless hacks who dont even DESERVE money. REAL artists play and don't care if we pay.

    1. herpes


      sometimes you've gotta see the devil's advocate side and not play it sis

    2. Show next comments  258 more

  18. Tokage

    God damn it, i'm unable to go :))))))) fugggg , guess it's time to wait for the inevitable torrent... hope i'll at least get a chance to see this fucking Troma-tier looking one later though:
  19. disgusted to see all this love for the infamous ''Dad's Love'' section of the forum here all of a sudden

    1. nekkichi


      it's tha afterglow of BL yaoi manga fanbase overlap any japanese themed board potentially has/had ((UwU))''

    2. Mamo


      @Tokage Same, it's getting fucking irritating.

  20. Tokage

    It's been a while since they last performed several new songs without any official studio recordings announced/official previews being released, hasn't it?
  21. Tokage

    haha what about this guy lol
  22. Tokage

    What's happening is that you're all misremembering things
  23. Tokage

    there was never a download section, stop hallucinating, this thread is about cool guys ONLY haha look at this guy imagine if he had sunglasses lol
  24. Tokage

    What download forum? There never was a download forum
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