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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. wtf i love japan now i mean the whole perverted degenerate thing was a known fact already, so it's good they're taking action against it tbh
  2. Tokage

    The original SNES Clock Tower's pretty okay if you can handle slowness, the rom I had of it was buggy though so I never finished it
  3. Started fuckin around with MilkyTracker for fun, program seems surprisingly.... not too complicated? Seems fun at least

  4. Tokage

    Nah, this is totally for all types of Japanese music, no subculture discrimination here. Also, thanks for digging up that MERRY footage @crossparallel! That Lament. show sounds cool as hell, wish I was there.. Ah, Full rearranged some of his stuff under the Shilfee & Tulipcorobockles moniker, although since these rearranged versions were also released as studio versions IDK if I should count them under what I'm trying to go for in this thread
  5. Tokage

    Jesus christ, I'm so far behind. Last I heard regarding PS2 emulation was that you needed a pretty high-end PC to properly run games... Does GC/Wii emulation work yet?
  6. Wasn't sure if there was already a thread dedicated to this or not.. If there is one, I apologize 'cuz I didn't check. Whoops. Anyway, this thread is dedicated to posting and discussing bands that in some way modify their songs when they play them live vs how they appear as studio versions. Any kind of alterations are welcome, as long as they're somewhat significant enough. Swapping out song lyrics, acoustic versions, random jam sessions, just entirely rebuilding the songs from the ground up, it's all welcome. I feel like it's a phenomenon that's not all that common in the VK scene, other than the occasional 'unplugged' sessions. Probably conjecture, but could it be that it's due to the fact that the whole "VK live experience" has this sort of... choreographed element to it in terms of furi moves, the audience being able to sing along, or other forms of audience participation, so it's generally avoided by the artists so as not to confuse/disappoint the fanbase? Anyway, here's some examples that came to my mind: Dir en grey - idk how often it happens nowadays, but Kyo used to sometimes change the lyrics for certain songs while performing them live. The most blatant example's probably with the track "Fukai" Plastic Tree - PT performed at least one "unplugged" live a couple of years ago where they played acoustic versions of some of their songs, IDK if they ever did it again after that I'm pretty sure MERRY's also performed some acoustic versions of some of their tracks live but I can't find any examples right now
  7. Tokage

    PS2 emulation... actually works these days? wtf? When did that happen?
  8. Tokage

    trust nobody, not even yours elf.......
  9. Tokage

    are yall sure yall asses arent being hacked lol
  10. Tokage

    Rule of Rose always seemed interesting to me, I've heard mixed opinions on it though. Majority's consensus appears to be that the storyline and setting are interesting as hell, but the gameplay itself is buggy or clunky.. Is it really that bad or is it just standard survival horror tank controls?
  11. meanwhile while you were busy being """fan's""" i was eating delicious pringles, now tell me, who's rly doing something with their lives?? anyway, i'm genuinely wondering how the new mixes will differ (if at all) from the old ones. also what up with all the ''he's gonna take u back to the past..." nostalgia-for-old-material stuff lately? did i miss some anniversary news or what? i genuinely hope aie isn't gonna drop this project (altho i guess considering he's juggling like 3 bands rn i wouldn't even be that surprised if he'd have to give up on at least one)
  12. Ah, i see. Thanks for the heads up! So this is basically sort of like a compilation of remastered/re-recorded live dist. releases if i'm getting it right?
  13. wait, what release was the track ''aaron'' even on originally???
  14. wtf, aint even halloween yet and we already got snow?? fuccccc

  15. Tokage

    i mean it doesn't fit their anime OP-ass sound at all but the look is cool i guess???
  16. Tokage

    posting lyrics is -technically- illegal, isn't it? i always thought that most bands dont really curr as much about lyrics as they do about actually yknow, like, posting uploads of their music online... but i guess you got some outliers here and there who apparently think that if the lyrics are online nobody will want lyric booklets anymore or something
  17. dreamt that Dir en grey debuted a new song called "Rakshasa"

  18. Tokage

    ^ illegal & forbidden sin content, can mods please step in & censor this sin talk, otherwise i'll have to have my priest curse me into going through puberty again
  19. Oh hey, i was thinking about these guys recently Could be at least interesting, if they don't take things too far into the ''chill'' zone again
  20. wouldn't be against THE MORTAL returning and releasing more music tbqh .........

  21. Surprisingly... good actually? Also inb4 [triggered] fangirls cuz of the female vocals in the intro
  22. Tokage

    SPELL ICUP MF!!!!! I don't really know about this one... Feels a little too chaotic instrumentally, again like there's multiple different songs being played at the same time... It's a shame, I really wanna like these guys due to the whole lineup and I really dug witchcraft pictures.
  23. Tokage

    wonder if anyone itt ever tried boiling 1 egg (hard)
  24. im freezing.... i need.... alcohols........................................

    1. WhirlingBlack


      I've heard that ethylene glycol is great for keeping things from freezing.

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