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Everything posted by Tokage


    1. Atreides


      Just wait till you play the DLC, it gets even better.

  2. Tokage

    wonder if it's gonna sound more varied than PT's recent output, i'd like to see a return to some of that earlier gloomy feel from the '90s also any info on what sort of book it is? a novel? poetry collection? short stories? random blabbing?
  3. Tokage

    we'll never be kawaii enough to get on that level......
  4. Tokage

    truly the new Infinite Jest
  5. Thought I'd absolutely end up hating killer7 at first because it just felt too weird for me, but after I beat the first ''stage'' and actually got into it, I absolutely love it and I think it's one of my overall faves now, actually.
  6. MEGA has download limits now? it's like i'm back in mid-'00s filesharing hell once again

    1. nekkichi


      yeah it does, but I don't run into it that often (that with my IP likely shared with a ton of other ppl too.)

    2. Licio123


      yep, it's annoying as fuck

  7. cant BELIEVE people are still sad about a magazine in the current year.......

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      I don't know how i would react if i was a fan of these magazines, but i never take magazine because i can't read Japanese. Anyway, i can find most informations about releases and photos online, and magazines i received were always only promotional for other bands. So i just always take a quick look for kawaii photos to scan ^w^ or for new bands, but i couldn't actually read the magazines. But i think it's like newspapers, even in 2016, some people will always prefer their things on paper instead of online sources only.

    2. echo


      I think a lot of it is the nostalgia as well? Like a lot of us grew up/went through those angsty years with SHOXX. I honestly thought SHOXX would be around for a long time, so it's kind of shocking and makes me remember "the good ol' times" lol 

      Plus I'm just one of those people who prefer paper to electronic T^T

    3. Kawaii_Minpha


      ^Afterall, it's not really different than prefering CD more than buying download (from iTunes). Having an item in hands is different than seeing something on screen, and it can have this collector feel too.

  8. Tokage

    wow u girls r absolute MONSTERS, i thought it was all about the personalety.... this thread reminds me again wwhy we need MENINISM.
  9. Tokage

    Honestly, I was kind of flip-flopping between writing about Fuyu no Castanet and THE CRY AGAINST..., I feel like both of those are sort of high up there on the ''wtf?'' spectrum. I'm glad Merry didn't end up turning into Yet Another Diru Clone like a lot of people were fearing at the time the latter came out, although I'm still not totally 100% there for some of their newer output
  10. Tokage

    i just wish more VK bands would do ''weird'' looks like Filth-era Diru or Psycho Le Cemu or something instead of just generic ''hehe we vaguely look like girls now!!!'' stuff tbh
  11. Tokage

    at least losing your wallet will help u relate more to kiyoharu rn
  12. Tokage

    [puts on track suit, loses his voice and delays his album for 5 years]
  13. Backdrop Cinderella covered Dschinghis Khan & Buck-Tick on their latest album... someone PLEASE upload this... holy shit

  14. Tokage

    In all seriousness though, although this whole fiasco seems to mostly be concerning Kuroyume for now, I'm wondering if he won't try to do the same with SADS soon too if those financial problems are REALLY that bad... Or is the SADS brand too ''no1curr''?
  15. Tokage

    not for modern kuroyume it isnt :^)
  16. Tokage

    Update 2 weeks later: Kiyoharu Found Dead in Roppongi
  17. Tokage

    arent north american sad boys and girls all gushing about how deep and relatable 21 pilots is these days?
  18. Tokage

    visual kei.jpg
  19. Tokage

    i'm pretty sure we can all rest easily knowing that visual kei/jrock will never be as popular overseas as it was in the mid/late '00s unless we'll end up with sme VK equivalent to gangnam style maybe
  20. Tokage

    not only culturally appropriating native americans but brazilians as well? smh
  21. Tokage

    Shinjuku Gewalt - ''My dad totally does NOT work for Nintendo, he's in the army I swear!" goatbed - ever heard about gays? BOYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Coaltar of the Deepers - ''fucc this shoegaze shit im gonna compose anime soundtracks now" Psycho Le Cemu - Anime is real and they're playing at my house Plastic Tree (old) - depressed puppet man forms smashing pumpkins/the cure tribute man Plastic Tree (new) - [sound of a Loveless tribute record skipping] [NOT FAVES SECTION] Golde Bomber - Asian Milli Vanilli ''that'' band -
  22. somehow literally entirely forgot Utafumi was even a thing that happened

    1. Ro plz

      Ro plz

      I stopped listening 2 it seriously like a week ago :/

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I had to read this status a few times over the course of the day to remember that you're referring to a Diru single

    3. emmny


      me too tbh i listened to the full thing like 3 times and forgot lolz

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