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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    uncles united: brotherhood of bad boys dot com
  2. Tokage

    Takin' that ''leave 2 songs playin at once''-kei market by storm... I liked witchcraft pictures more tbh
  3. Tokage

    3 new KEEL releases to look forward to... my diiiiiiiiiiiiick
  4. Tokage

    hope it'll be around Vitium length, that was about the perfect formatfor these guys
  5. Tokage

    might be able to drop in to share some cool stuff i discovered recently if some free for all sesh takes place this weekend
  6. Tokage

    i meant ''here'' as in... in the city i live in, not forum-here, lmao, whoops also ''you need to grow up''? i haven't even played pokemon for YEARS, but...
  7. Tokage

    i'm honestly impressed by the fact that somehow NOBODY here seems to be playing pokemon go, like what the fuck? maybe i'm just in the wrong places (i mean, i'm not playing it myself, i just think it'd be fun to see people going around chasing imaginary anime monsters)
  8. who else loves 'em: posts

  9. Tokage

    DID SOMENODY SAY MEMES???????????????
  10. Tokage

    MUCC sort of stops existing for me after ''6''. I guess most albums relesed after that usually tend to have at least one or two good tracks on them, but as a whole I just don't feel them as much as their older stuff. I feel like there's something more raw in their older songs, the newer material just feels so polished. I guess I also simply just prefer stuff with a more negative, oppressing atmosphere than stuff like Flight or any of their other anime OP-tier tracks. I'm not really feeling their little excursions into metalcore either. As far as their output beyond my personal favorite era goes, I'd say that Shion is probably the most consistently enjoyable album of theirs. There's only 2 or 3 songs on there that I absolutely despise.. I also have a slight weakness for Gokusai, but to be honest that one's like.. entirely driven by nostalgia, cuz it was one of the (if not THE) first Japanese albums I ever bought.. Personal fav. album is Homura Uta, even though it's sort of kind of too long
  11. Tokage

    Not sure if it REALLY counts as horror, but I recently watched Antiviral... Why the low ratings? I mean, sure, it wasn't a perfect film by any stretch of the definiton, but it definitely presented some cool and gross ideas. Maybe I just have a weakness for body horror stuff tho... Hope Cronenberg's son will keep producing more, I think he has potential.
  12. Tokage

    controversial onion here
  13. i dont know why, but the PV itself somehow gives me some Child Prey vibes, maybe it's the semi-cybernetic environment or something
  14. Tokage

    Someone buy me a copy of the Slide House tbqh
  15. Tokage

    Dir en grey's latest Utafumi commercial is the best J-rock-related news of the year
  16. Tokage

    it's already being dealt with.............
  17. Tokage

    looks like i may be homeless soon! yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa....................................................................................................... fuck
  18. 2D Beat 'em up games are boring as fuck goddamn

    1. Tokage


      Turtles in Time, Battletoads and that kinda thing's alright, I agree. I guess there are some other ones which are cool too, like Ninja Warriors Again for SNES


      I'm mostly just really bored by Spider-Man: Maximum Carnage fr SNES atm, even though like.. everybody seems to LOVE it

    2. YuyoDrift


      I enjoyed it. Getting yo ass kicked is never fun.


      Looks like it's time for you to look at the overseas titles.


      Night Slashers was fun to play and the Power Rangers one too.

    3. orange~


      Oh yea, Double Dragon III for NES is my favourite. It's super difficult. I struggle to finish the first stage most of the time, but that just the thing that makes it fun.


      Those spiderman and x-men games were pretty boring, even as a kid I thought so.

    4. Show next comments  294 more
  19. well, that was a hot fucking mess, kind of underwhelmed tbh
  20. Tokage

    um what the heck is happening (in a good way)
  21. sb quickly hook Hal up with Eiji again
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