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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    too bad... i already watched Escape from NY yesterday. Really enjoy the whole dystopian, rundown feel of the city. Very well done. And as always, I'm still a sucker for nighttime cityscapes in general, so this movie was good in that respect as well. Would've actually liked to find out how the hell the USA got a British president someho, but eh, whatever lol.
  2. Tokage

    We are ALL Gackt-san's children... u_u i wonder if any of these VK kids will follow in their parents' footsteps, or what Mana's cousin thinks of his uncle lmao
  3. Tokage

    I loved all of Shion Sono's movies I've seen so far. Really enjoy Tsukamoto's stuff as well. Miike's always been quite hit-or-miss for me, but the majority of his stuff that I've watched has been nice. I really love Shuji Terayama for his imagery, the only western director I can think of at the moment with such visually striking films is probably Jodorowsky.. Sogo Ishii's cool. I'm also a fan of those schlocky Japnese action movies like Tokyo Gore Police et al, as well as stupid ''people in rubber suits beating the shit out of each other'' tokusatsu stuff, even though they're not anywhere close to ''quality'' cinema or whatever. Fuck that. Also, Survive Style 5+ is that good shit. LOVE that movie. I've been meaning to check out some of Kitano's movies, but I don't know where to start..
  4. Tokage

    joinin this club tbqhwyatmh
  5. Tokage

    Been meaning to watch that one for some time now! A Scanner Darkly: Just about anything by Philip K. Dick does good stuff to MY dick... He's one of my favorite authors, mostly due to his crazy ideas, not so much for his actual writing style, but whatever. This was a really good adaptation of his novel, and I really enjoyed the unique visual style as well. The scramble suits were really nicely done. Actors did a great job too. Apparently the director wanted to adapt Dick's Ubik at first, but I'm honestly glad he went with this one instead. I don't think anyone will ever be able to do Ubik justice, although I'd honestly love to see a film adaptation for that one Now I'm struggling to decide whether I should watch Carpenter's ''Escape from NY'', ''They Live!'' or ''Big Trouble in Little China'' next.. I cant choose lmao
  6. Tokage

    lmao buchi still drumming for literally EVERYONE, i see anyway cant fucking wait, all their stuff has been good as hell so far...
  7. Tokage

    hopefully this modeling stuff will distract him so he'll keep his mouth shut lmao
  8. Tokage

    can't believe the new x-japan album is finally here guys, hope it was worth the wait
  10. You can get them once you get a MH Premium Account
  11. there's blood on my ceiling....

    1. lichtlune


      Your ceiling is bleeding? spooky.

    2. Tokage


      more like littered with mosquito corpses tbqh

  12. Visual Kei covers Family Guy vol 1

  13. Tokage

  14. Tokage

    i guess u could say school..... is out
  15. Tokage

    Buck-Tick's already disbanded at least twice too in that case.. cali=gari too. .... oh wait, they actually did lmao
  16. in all seriousness though, that's a good lineup.... also wow, guess Dezert's getting noticed by the big boys now.
  17. Tokage

    tfw the only place actually responding to my job application so far turns out to be the one which happens to have HORRIBLY crappy working conditions...
  18. didnt know monica uranglass released a 3rd full-length album back in 2014....

  19. Tokage

    inb4 its all somehow unrelesed new tracks
  20. Tokage

    Dynamite Tommy did NOTHING wrong
  21. new nick cave album announced.... he'll yeee a

  22. Tokage

    visual kei fans btfo once again. nice list, gonna check out a bunch of artists i hadnt heard of before
  23. Tokage

    white pig go home
  24. damn... rookie fiddler really had some rough times after A disbanded


  25. Tokage

    Recently watched Deadpool and the first Anchorman. Had fun with both of them. Didn't expect Anchorman to make me laugh as much as it did, honestly. Deadpool was deadcool too, but HNGNGNNGG getting bored of how every superhero movie needs to have a romance subplot shoved in there somewhere
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