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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. We Happy Few = LITERALLY Bioshock.. holy hell

  2. Tokage

    I REALLY hope that Kojima game's just gonna be reskinned/renamed Silent Hills to be honest... Also lol @ that total P.T. ripoff Resident Evil game
  3. Tokage

    Didn't The Last Guardian's copyright recently expire again or something? lmao
  4. Tokage

    im pissing
  5. one day i will defeat u trombe and beocme the kang  f ''likes''

  6. Tokage

    ''AVANTGARDE'' aka ''the same 4 songs we've been doing for the last half a decade''
  7. Tokage

    y'all Helsinki biptches need to step on that boat and come fight me @ Tallinn....
  8. Tokage

    Amazing... The human body truly is a miracle... Suck on that, athiest gamers....
  9. Tokage

    it's not a reference to testicles, it's a reference to the old explorer Brian B. Balls, who oncee got trapped for a week inside a volcano with nothing but a single roll of ham, please be respectful...
  10. Tokage

    Girls, is it true that once a month you lay one single perfectly white egg? I read it somewhere once..
  11. Tokage

    The money problem may possibly be resolved and I got invited to work a test day next week.. n i c e
  12. Tokage

    so my college application technically got accepted, but now i first gotta find a way to deal with the tuition fee without going bankrupt... pisssssss at least things are sort of getting better again jej
  13. Glowing Maaaaaaaaaan

  14. Michael Cera & His Bird Band's album leaked.. fugggg my dick

  15. Tokage

    where that 2nd one @ bros...
  16. tags: instrumental, male vocalist



    1. CAT5



    2. Senedjem


      he makes guitar twang sounds w his mouth 

    3. Tokage



  17. Tokage

    im so glad art kei is back
  18. suddenly invited for a job interview at one of the most legendary places in town... damn...

    1. Jigsaw9


      Good luck on getting that position at the Pokémon Gym!

    2. Tokage


      i'll bring my geodude so they'll KNOW im fo real...

  19. Tokage

    Alice in Wonderland is such a fucking chewed out concept at this point, why even bother with it? I might check this out when it drops, I've enjoyed some of their albums in the past, or a handful of tracks off those respective albums at least
  20. Tokage

    Noroi is pretty great, but the bad CGI sort of killed some of the ''atmosphere'' for me. Although I guess if you take it as some kind of homage/pastiche of those Japanese ghost story tv shows it's BRILLIANT. And yeah, I can't really choose between Katakuris and The Quiet Family myself either, although at the moment I'm feeling the latter a bit more 'cuz I saw it more recently and it's more fresh in my mind. I only remember a few key scenes from Miike's version.. Should rewatch it at some point
  21. Tokage

    Well, yeah, i didn't say it revolves around it, it just takes place during that time. Didn't know it was based on a manga though, huh, interesting. Anyway, point is the movie's good. For those who've seen both, which do you like more? Miike's Happiness of the Katakuris or the Korean original?
  22. Tokage

    I've read the novel that one's based on, In The Miso Soup, Piercing and Coinlocker Babies, and tbh the only one out of all those that i REALLY liked was Coinlocker Babies, I could totally see Sono doing a film adaption of that one. The other ones were alright enough, I guess, but sort of had the 'Chuck Palahniuk' effect on me where it feels like the author's trying too hard to be edgy and shocking... Himizu's interesting, it takes place in the time after the whole Fukushima disaster and the whole trouble surrounding it, I suggest you check it out!
  23. Tokage

    The 3 I've seen so far are Suicide Club, Himizu and Cold Fish. All 3 of them were good in my eyes. I don't know why, but I get this ''Ryu Murakami if he ended up being a film director instead of an author'' vibe from his movies. I've seen Battle Royale already, but I wanted to check out the films Kitano actually directed himself. Guess I'll have to go troll around for some torrents again soon...
  24. Tokage

    FUCK this godawful year, seriously
  25. Oh fuck....fuck this goddamn shitty year
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