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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. As far as ''newer'' bands go, there's also 紅蝉 (Benizemi). Like Kalavinka, they also formed somewhere around 2007 or so. Unlike Kalavinka, however, they disbanded somewhere this year or last year. They were certainly somewhat unique, but I could never really get into them. (IIRC, @Gaz used to be somewhat into them at some point tho, maybe he can tell you more..) They have quite a few releases, some of them should be available on here too.
  2. Another relatively new, vaguely angura-ish band is 乙女国家 (Otomekokka). As far as I know, they're made up out of members from Elektel-shiki and Hitotsume. I'm kind of hesitant to fully label them as angura cuz I feel like they kind of straddle that same line bands like R-Shitei, Gossip, The Gallo etc. do, where they either have the aesthetic but the music doesn't match up, they don't really have the proper 'connections' within the scene (ie they don't really seem to play alongside the 'established' bands in the scene all that much) or they have the music/lyrics but the aesthetic doesn't really fit lol
  3. Are you familiar with カラビンカ (Kalavinka)? I think they formed somewhere around 2007 or so. They nail that classic angura sound pretty fucking well in my opinion, pretty much everything I've heard by them has been good. Their singer kind of reminds me of the dude from Jully
  4. Where Are They Now? (Angura Style) グルグル映畫館 (Guruguru Eigakan): Inactive. Last official release in 2010. The band officially suspended activities back in 2012. Vocalist Amano Tonbimaru passed away due to unknown causes the following year. I think there have been some tribute / memorial concerts in his honor after that, but it's unlikely they'll ever get together again. 犬神サーカス団 (Inugami Circus-Dan): Active. Ever since their slight name change in 2012 they've been pretty consistenly productive. They've released 4 full-length albums, 1 mini-album and a compilation album in the last 5 years. 駄菓子菓子 (Dagashi-Kashi): Active. (I think?) Their last full-length album came out as far back as 2015, but I think they're still around. Using Google Translate, I found out that they've apparently had to cancel some live performances this year due to one of their members' health problems. ストロベリーソングオーケストラ (Strawberry Song Orchestra): Active. Their last cd came out in 2016, and they seem to have changed their look again since then as well. SEX-ANDROID: Inactive. Indefinite hiatus started July 19th this year. 太平洋ベルト (Taiheiyou Belt): Somehow still active. Despite the fact that it feels like it's been ages since they actually released anything, they're apparently still around and playing lives. メトロノーム (Metronome): Active. Rather unexpectedly released a comeback album in March of this year. Hopefully they'll stick around for a while longer! 新宿ゲバルト(Shinjuku Gewalt): Active? Released at least one official single last year after what felt like ages. Who knows what they're up to lmao FLOPPY: ???. Now that Sharaku's busy with Meto and (presumably) GalapagosS, who knows what'll happen to them. It's been a while since they've had any proper releases, but I think they were still performing at least a couple of years ago? cali≠gari: Active. Released a fine-ass album a couple of months ago, check it out if you somehow haven't gotten around to it yet. Here's a little list for starters. Feel free to add to it.
  5. It's no real secret that the angura scene isn't really as alive anymore as it once used to be. I know most of these artists were never really among the most popular ones in VK in the first place, but these days it feels like the majority of the bands/artists still active on the scene are ones that are almost as old as the aesthetics they're trying to imitate. It feels like there either don't seem to be that many new bands popping up that fit into that classic '00s angura mold (as loosely defined as that was), or they're simply so underground they don't really become known overseas. The main idea behind this thread is for it to serve both as a sort of ''where are they now?'' for the classic angura artists, as well as a place to share some of the newer bands that have appeared on the scene in the last decade or so. Contributions, corrections, etc. always appreciated!
  6. Tokage

    i'm pretty sure the first band was already gone by the time ains even started activities
  7. Tokage

    As the description says, this club is for anyone who's interested in Japanese artists playing any of the following genres (and their offshoots): . post-punk . deathrock . industrial . new wave . no wave . synthpop Artists don't necessarily have to be connected to Visual Kei, anything goes.
  8. This club is for the fans of angura kei on here, all five of them. Discuss your faves, share cool tunes, boast about your rarez, shitpost, it's all good. Just don't act like a nerd. raccoonface4ever
  9. Tokage

    those shiba inu memes were already played out in like 2012, dudes
  10. Fuckin shook after finding out Jackie Chan of all people released some bomb ass city pop albums in the '80s

    1. Bear


      He's done a shitload of albums, and he's not bad at all if you ask me, same with other Hong Kong actors/actresses like Andy Lau, Anita Mui, Wakin Chau, Aaron Kwok and so on. These Hong Kong actors/artists got a lot of good cheese to their names.


      I really like Jackie's themesong to Project A. It's so fucking majestic!




      Andy Lau's the ultimate cheese tho:


      Hands down one of the best songs ever.


    2. Tokage


      yeah, i checked rym and saw that the man's released a fuckload of albums. unexpected. the thing that fucks me up is that one of them was primarily in japanese... was it some attempt to break into a new market? something just for fun? 


  11. Tokage

    he's so old his joints got stuck in that one pose
  12. this may very well be the most egregious case of inequality between price & content in jrock history
  13. Tokage

    An angura band w/ a shamisen player, accordionist and a banjo player... 2010 me would be stanning rn
  14. Tokage

    undisputed true vk summer anthem coming thru
  15. post-retirement home kei actually
  16. Tokage

    What label (if any) are these guys on anyways? Do other bands on that label have similarly hectic schedules or are they really just overactive?
  17. Tokage

    hey i'm originally from Batsu too (turtles)
  18. Tokage

    Yeah these guys need to slow down a bit, 2 full albums last year and already a new one? Tbh im not having super high hopes for this...
  19. Tokage

    coming soon to a jdrama near you?
  20. Tokage

    The real Ruki died in 2004 and the'Ruki' we've known ever since then is a paid impersonator hired by the management.
  21. Tokage

    Shuji Terayama is wonderful, watch his shorts as well, the imagery in them is something else. I recently downloaded Throw Away Your Books, Rally In The Streets & Farewell To The Ark... Turns out the latter was a goddamn Russian dub, so I'll have to find another version somewhere lol.. Can't wait to get around to watching them tho
  22. The vocalist sounds like absolute GARBAGE
  23. Tokage

    plot twist: it's [username redacted]
  24. Tokage

    That sounds beautiful. Did they play the 'classic' versions of the songs or the newly recorded ones?
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