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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    so this is the power of midlife crisis.....
  2. Man, all these songs end up being a lot sweeter than I expect them to be (altho i kind of expected it w/ this one lol) Thanks for your work once again!
  3. Tokage

    ah yes, iconic X-Japan hits such as Golden Globe Theme... epic bangers... also love how they describe the guest vocalists as just being ''from overseas''
  4. Tokage

    it's friday night baybey! ! ! !
  5. Tokage

    Holy shit, most of these sound like fucking G A R B A G E.
  6. Tokage

    soundcloud rappers need to STOP tryin to appropriate goth girls
  7. the gazette funny moments

    1. Tokage


      i hate you all for making me look at these

    2. emmny


      i hate you all for making me look at these [3]

    3. saishuu


      what did I even expect opening this status jfc

    4. Show next comments  180 more
  8. Tokage

    great post, yo. great band too. love that first full-length of theirs. also i never thought i'd see the day when dinosaur jr. and a vk band would be mentioned in the same sentence lmao
  9. Tokage

    visual kei """"""celebrities""""""
  10. Tokage

    real talk, probably kuroyuri to kage or gossip tbh
  11. Tokage

    holy fucking shit dude
  12. [one of those animorphs cover edits except its ur ava transforming into an old person]


    it's birth...

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Hakuei already did transform into an old person but IRL!!




      Thanks Turtles 🐢🐢🐢

  13. Black flag symptom really sounds like a Modern Garde-era track lol, n i c e
  14. Tokage

  15. im still REALLY not feeling that portion of the song tbh
  16. Tokage

    Out of those four, I'd say M.E.R.R.Y. is my least favorite... It's still a good album tho, definitely leagues beyond what some other VK bands are churning out these days, but I've simply listened to the other three much, much more. The singles released during the M.E.R.R.Y. era all had some pretty fucking solid b-side tracks though, be sure to look for them if you can. In fact, now that I think about it - how cool would it be if Merry actually released some sort of b-side compilation album? I'd dig it.
  17. Tokage

    Gendai Stoic, Modern Garde & that compilation album of old re-rec'd tracks are probably their 3 best releases to start with IMO. All three contain some of the band's best work, with Modern Garde standing out as their best release overall imo. Under-world is interesting as well because it really emphasizes their punk angle.
  18. RIP Tobe Hooper :(

    I don't like it, but I feel like Carpener's next lads

  19. Tokage

    trying to enforce the dumbass ''rules'' of the vk scene overseas is a ridiculous idea anyway tbf', but i feel like we've seen this discussion before already
  20. Tokage

    i still cant fucking BELIEVE they're going to be touring with Danzig of all bands, imagine those grotty old dad metalers' faces when these dudes come on stage lmao
  21. so how about that doguu album....

    1. Jigsaw9


      I'll share it once it's in my possession (if no one else does before me). ;3

  22. the virgin kote kei vs the chad deathcore

    1. lichtlune


      Nagoya kei is the true alpha male.

    2. Tokage


      actually true

  23. If you could give the pope ONE (1) VK release in an incredibly dumb and misguided attempt to help him ''connect with the kids,'' what would it be and why?

    1. Chi


      tokage are you meeting the pope? say hi for me

    2. CAT5


      @Komorebi- My bad, that was a pretty poorly phrased joke on my behalf. I'd definitely never accuse an entire group of people of anything like that.

    3. robkun


      I'd burn him a copy of THE BUNNYGIRL PISS, just to see him smash the person nearest to him through the speaker in sheer rage.

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  24. wtf i love mediocre deathcore with no shred of artistic integrity now
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