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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    so, before ogre you asshole had an album cover that looked like the feels guy now i find out they actually have a fucking song titled ''that feel when''.... OYA officially confirmed for memers?
  2. Tokage

    I was always really impressed by their looks and costumes, but music-wise I always liked PLC more.. Still, they were one of those bands I was into back in my early days of VK so it feels kinda weird to see them go now (although, to be frank, I also never really expected them to last as long as they did..)
  3. Tokage

    gotta pay off those debts somehow
  4. Tokage

    wtf all those ''btw we also still exist''-bands are suddenly calling it quits
  5. Damn, i had hopes for MASOCHIST, but it sounds p. generic once it speeds up By contrast, i really expected Sight Glass to be the token ballad of the album but it actually turns out to be the most interesting song out of the whole batch lol. Mass Control, gaudy, F.J.P and Black flag symptom sound real nice too. The latter gives me Modern Garde vibes somehow, I can see where @saishuuis coming from. That punkier part in the title track sample too, actually. Looking forward to the whole album. Still not feelin Happy Life, even in this new incarnation oops (the other two singles still sound n i c e, however...) also, is anything known yet about the track lengths?
  6. Tokage

    they could at least end up with something fun if they'd hire like... screaming mad george or something
  7. Between that new gibiky gibiky gibiky album & the new Creature Creature album, this has been an excellent year for ''old men yelling at stuff''-kei

  8. it could be some weird literature/movie reference or something too...
  9. Thanks for your translations once again! Wonder what that ''Love standard deviation/26!'' line's supposed to mean though?
  10. Tokage

    @emmnyfound dead in miami
  11. who's been uploading these cali gari rarez to jps?

    1. Chi


      mucc6 uploaded a hitorie dvd out of nowhere the other day, i didn't even know he liked them but i was fucking happy

    2. Tokage


      an actual GOD

    3. Seimeisen


      He truly is a god, he even uploaded LEGIT FUCKING MUCC demo tapes!

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  12. Tokage

    as far as the post revival albums go for me, it's something like # > 13 > 2 > 12 > 11 > Dokei, Suiren to Himawari > 10 > 1 11 is definitely quite underrated, but after listening to it repeatedly over the years I've come to really appreciate it. There's some really neat songs on there, even though they kinda swung too far into the Shuuji-esque realm with a lot of the tracks and it doesn't really sound like the same band that did Dai 6 and Dai 7(and also the whole jewelry commercial thing... wtf was up with that?). At first I absolutely loved 10 and ranked it over 11,but after my''OH SHIT THEY'RE BACK'' hype died down I realized it's honestly not a super exciting album. There's maybe 4 songs or so I keep coming back to these days, but that's about it for that one. Curious to know what you'll think about it after listening to it tho 1 is absolutely pointless though, I mean, I do like their more 'noise rock'-ish tunes a LOT, but these re-recorded versions didn't really do anything for me.
  13. Tokage

    honestly, with their apparent PV budget you'd most likely just end up with something like the Red Soil PV or the new ZAN (aka pure green screen hell), so i don't think it would come anywhere close to disturbing unless you're the type who shits themselves bc of shitty application of cg lol
  14. i was into that alice cooper shit before i got into japanese music, so probably i'd still end up within the realms of rock, stanning the same new wave / post-punk acts etc.
  15. Tokage

    these dudes gonna be doing anime OPs within their nex 2 or 3 releases
  16. HASAMI Group somehow vaguely reminds me of Shinsei Kamattechan back before they got all streamlined and sterilized, just with the noise pop toned down and the lo-fi pumped the fuck up. Is the hypnagogic pop wave finally hitting Japan too?
  17. Aren't they dropping a new album soon?
  18. lost in jangle pop hell

    1. CAT5


      Would you say...you're in THE LOST JANGLE? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  19. Tokage

    Soseiji / Gemini - Shinya Tsukamoto still remains, without a doubt, 'that boy'. The film's plot itself was probably already somewhat unoriginal and played out by the time the film actually came out (tho in its excuse, it's based on a short story by Edogawa Rampo which was originally published in like 1924), but the visuals.. Goddamn, man. After every single Tsukamoto film I've seen I'm left thinking the cinematography is just absolutely gorgeous. I don't know how he does it, but he does. The general aesthetics too. It didn't quite blow me away upon initial viewing like Tetsuo or Vital, but it's still a damn beautiful film. Rec'd to anyone into rural Taisho aesthetics, Edogawa Rampo, and such things.
  20. Tokage

    without a doubt
  21. where the fuck is klaha

    1. saishuu


      probably working in an anime café doing bits as Tuxedo Mask

    2. The Moon

      The Moon

      probably working a close @ yoshinoya 

    3. seikun


      There must be artists within the scene who know his wherebaouts. Japanese are secretive. I kind of dislike that.

  22. y'all should know by now that ''best of' usually equals ''single a-side compilation'' like 99% of the time... also lmao a card game anime OP? imagine some 9 year old's face when he accidentally stumbles upon one of their edgier older songs
  23. collecting funds to get professional help for the people who are still using last.fm in 2017

    1. xriko


      we should, this was a nice method to discover band.

      'say the guy who didn't scrobble a thing over a year XD

    2. platy


      collecting funds to get professional help for people who care about those who use last.fm in 2k17

    3. Tokage


      collecting funds to get professional help for people who care about people who care about those who use last.fm in 2k17

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  24. damn, just bought a damn good haul of shoegaze stuff

    1. Tokage


      yeah, Slowdive's def. not anywhere close to a 10/10, more like a weak 7 or something like that. 


      also not quite shoegaze, but ethereal and gloomy nevertheless.. that new chelsea wolfe album. d a m n



    2. saishuu


      hmmm yesssss

    3. zombieparadise


      I didn't even know there was a new JAMC album – Gonna have to look into this!

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