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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    So... Fukai, Beautiful Dirt and The IIID Empire for the best-of album re-recs. Thoughts? At least the new version of Beautiful Dirt can only be an improvement over the original, it's one of my least favorite WtD tracks (and maybe even one of my least favorite Diru tracks in general)
  2. Based on what I can gather from their FB page, it seems that the songs that will be recorded are 腐海, Beautiful Dirt and The IIID Empire???
  3. Tokage

    foobar is great

  5. petitioning to have it renamed to OLD FRIENDS SENIOR BANDOMEN SANCTUARY

  7. finding myself rly warming up to lack.co lately t b h bois & girls

  8. Tokage

    Did the EU secretly push through some kind of increase in international shipping rates or some shit? I recently tried to order some 2nd hand books from an Amazon seller I'd purchased from in the past, and while Amazon used to always have €3 as the standard shipping fee for books, this time I was faced with a whopping total of like €65 eur???? when I reached the "confirm order" area. This was for like 3 books that cost like €4 combined or something.... Needless to say I fucking canceled that order lmao, i'm still confused as to what's up though. Everything was still fine up to like 3 or 4 months ago.
  9. fucked up to say, but this isnt even that bad compared to that song in the thread OP
  10. I feel like they've always been using synth traditional instruments throughout their entire career, but I may be mistaken on that one. Anyway, it's kind of an 'essential' part of the sound, and you get used to it. It'd be cool if they could get some dedicated full-time members playing those instruments for real though, but I feel like there don't seem to be all that many people out there who do and who'd also want to play in a VK band...
  11. Tokage

    he'll yea fuker
  12. Tokage

    Recent viewings: Trick or Treat - The one about an evil satanic rockstar coming back from the grave and electrocuting people. Pretty entertaining, albeit in a VERY campy way. It ticked off just about every '80s high school cliche on the list, so if you're not one for clichés you'd do better just skipping this one. Still, there were some pretty amusing special effects here and there, the soundtrack is good, and there were quite a few funny moments (although I guess not all of them were intentional) Seeing Ozzy Osborne as a staunch anti-rock reverend was also p. fucking great Sole Survivor - REALLY underrated 80s horror flick. Somehow still has less than 1000 ratings over on IMDB. Plot-wise it's kind of similar to Final Destination (except this one came first); woman was supposed to die in a plane crash, didn't, and now the grim reaper is sending the reanimated corpses of the recently deceased after her to claim her life. As far as gore and effects go, this one isn't gonna satiate any gore hound's hunger. It's more of a slow burn than anything. Still, for what's obviously a rather low budget film, I found it quite well done. There are a couple of very nice shots scattered throughout. I think the whole thing's on Youtube, so you should check it out if you have the time. The Beyond - One part of Fulci's "gates of hell" trilogy thing. I feel like this is one of those movies that has already been talked about enough, so I'll just be short. Watch it if you enjoyed Fulci's other stuff, or if you like old school Italian horror. If Italian horror feels too janky and disjointed for you, stay away. I personally liked it, although I feel like the movie's mostly just a sequence of cool setpieces without much of a connecting thread otherwise. I mean, there's a plot in there somewhere, but it's rather basic. The effect work, as usual with Fulci, is both gruesome and awesome, so it's worth a watch just for that alone. Also, the soundtrack kicks ass.
  13. alot of wife's too pick from, if your a visual kei musician. alot of wife's.

    1. BrenGun


      a lot of wife's with kids :D 

  14. Tokage

    Chronic Bandmate Slappin' Disorder, it's untreatable
  15. have there been any vk bands in like... the last decade or so that have only made instrumental music? i somehow feel like having a frontman of some sort is kind of like an implied requirement for vk bands 

    1. BrenGun




      but seems that lately they have a vocalist again. 

    2. saishuu


      closest thing I know is NoGoD releasing an instrumental track in all their albums lol VK probably requires a frontman to get interest from the bangyas

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Hizaki's solo work is all instrumental. But if you don't like his style, I suppose that won't do anything for you.


      My #humbleOpinion is that vkei bands tend to stick to 5-member lineups because it looks good in promo pics and it means more checkis and ~personalized~ merch they can sell, so having no face of a band wouldn't work.

    4. Show next comments  165 more
  16. they didnt make the lips funny, 0/10
  17. Tokage

    They fucking deserve that break (and also just deserve to get away from the label in general bc of the whole fucking conditional disbandment shit that was goin on b4....)
  18. Wasn't pretty much half the stuff he released under that moniker just straight up plagiarized anyway?
  19. btw since we have a dedicated Eiji thread again now, what the fuck happened to Dentaku?
  20. Tokage

    ... Does their label even have any other bands left now?
  21. Tokage

    oh shit, that re-recording is sounding GOOD
  22. kinda wish Die In Cries lasted longer than it did t b h

    1. Takadanobabaalien


      Die in Cries were AMAZING

    2. Tokage


      controversial onion: i think i may actually like Die in Cries more than Kyo's stuff with D'erlanger pre-reunion

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