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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    im dir en grey's biggest fan because i havent even listened to all their songs
  2. Tokage

    Very fucking good album, it's really a pity hide had to pass when he did. I feel like this project could've had some real potential if they'd stuck around for longer. I remember 3. 2. 1. being one of the first jrock-related albums I REALLY got into back when I first started listening to Japanese music, and I think it might be one of my most-played albums of all time, actually. In fact, I'd go so far as to say I personally even prefer it to a large percentage of X Japan's output. Never knew the album was so connected to Killing Joke tho, that's pretty damn cool. Also, I always felt like Fucktrack6 was partially a reworking of hide's Frozen Bug, there's SOME similar parts, anyways
  3. Tokage

    what do u think the dir en grey guy's eat for breakfast every day
  4. Tokage

    need me one of these
  5. Tokage

    not sure what's the message he's trying to get across here... the pic gives me some 'attempting to be edgy' vibes while the music snippet sounds like 'generic live-action anime adaptation end credits theme no. #575371'... which aesthetic ya tryna go for, dude?
  6. this band sounds like how i wish gossip sounded
  7. Tokage

    everyone knows that the [KR] in [KR]cube stands for Kamen Rider
  8. Whaaaaat, that's all the same guy? It sounds almost like a completely different person.. Did he come down with a throat polyp at some point or something like that?
  9. oh no..... those vocals are unfortunate....
  10. thingken about.... KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND.....

    1. r...


      i miss them...

    2. lichtlune


      Mysterious Band. They just vanished off the face of the earth. 

    3. gwsm


      Never heard about Rinda doing art stuff, would love to see that though!

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  11. Sad that these guys are also kinda going down the road of 9mm Parabellum Bullet... The brief guitar bit at 1:10 and the more mathy parts in the middle sound cool, but they somehow kinda sound so sterile to me nowadays? idk what's up with that
  12. Tokage

    i only follow dir en grey for the funny album covers
  13. Tokage

    all im getting from this is the implication that apparently non-het people are incapable of enjoying music solitarily
  14. This was around the time when Agitated Screams of Maggots was going around under just MAGGOTS, right? I vaguely recall The Fatal Believer being a part of this stuff as well, but I may be wrong
  15. I'm not sure whether I should be optimistic about this or frightened. That 1st self-cover album out of this series was absolutely awful and unnecessary imo, but 2 was actually legit good. I guess I have to wait for the tracklist to see whether or not I should be afraid lol I'm kind of lowkey hoping they will remake some of the more obscure / neglected Shuuji 1 tracks like Karasu or something like that, but I know that's a pretty unlikely scenario lol (also hoping this isn't just gonna turn out to be a compilation of those re-recorded songs they released as live dist. singles....)
  16. The VK scene needs another dumbass snotty punk band like Dokusatsu Terrorist imo

    1. Tokage


      never heard of 'em

    2. Asakusa


      They were cool, man

      I used to laugh so much at their morning musume medley

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II


      they wrote this about me

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  17. Tokage

    Does anyone know if they let "the fans" vote on specific versions of songs? Like Clever Sleazoid (album ver) vs Clever Sleazoid (single ver), or is it just a case of the fans vote, the band decides which version they decide they like more for the time being?
  18. i cant believe garage chanson show dropped a new album in 2016 and i only found out about it today...........

  19. Tokage

    Based on the look this could either be art kei or more unnecessary brutal shit, really hoping it's gonna be the former....
  20. Tokage

    we're long overdue for another Phantasmagoria best of compilation!
  21. which vk band is most likely to have the richest fans OF ALL TIME?

    1. BrenGun


      Every Major band has a fanclub, who release a lot of fc (limited) stuff. also if you wanna be in a fanclub you have to pay lots of money each year and the stuff you can buy as FC member are also not that cheap.  



      Well, some people just love to follow their bands. if LOUDNESS does tour in Europe or America always a bunch of fans also will visit a bunch of lives. 

      But that's more a matter of "having time"  a mid class money person can do it. 

      But of course if you are very very rich you always have time for such tour. haha. 





    2. Himeaimichu


      Let's also take into account the kind of band though, because Japanese Rich Kids aren't likely to listen to rock music in general, unless it's really poppy, or was popular in the 80's and 90's and has a member who has connections to mainstream pop music *cough* X *cough*. While a band's merch may be expensive, their fanbase could mostly just be people who buy them at a discount. So I'd say it'd have to be a band that is pretty normie compared to other Vkei bands and really popular (remember that rich kids in Asia are normie as fuck), while also having expensive merch. 

      I'd say X Japan, because they're basically famous, and have their share of expensive merch.

    3. Ozileras10


      Is Sukekiyo Vk tho?

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  22. p sure these dudes have released like 500 dvds at this point, at least there arent any bonus rarez exclusive songs attached to it!
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