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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    I like about half of these, that Daikirai cover is fucking EMBARRASSING though Feelin GGG, Dezert, Polysics, The Back Horn, Sukekiyo and Merry the most atm. I'm also still salty cali gari wasn't given an older song to work with lol
  2. Tokage

    p.m. has my interest, the other song isn't really doing much for me, but... i still cant believe this was once the fucking baby kei band wtf
  3. wait, is this really the Hotaru w/ the dude from Jully in it?
  4. brutal kei bands take notes


    1. Bear


      Fucking Barglar, man. 15 demos, 9 EPs, 5 full-lenghts, 4 compilations and some other shit released since 09. But from their first demo in 09 and until 2014 they only released that one demo. The rest has come between 2014-17. 


      I can't decide on if I think they are utter fucking shit, hilariously bad or pretty decent (at times).

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Kyouka who?????

    3. IGM_Oficial
  5. Tokage

    at this point i feel like some of my professors are just artificially trying to pad out their courses so they don't look entirely useless
  6. Oooooh fuck, those drums sound like ASS. Vocals are really pretty good though..
  7. Tokage

    i mean, they did rip off one of their songs though.............
  8. Tokage

    I mean, product placement in certain cases works and it can certainly be done well, but in this particular case it reminded me more of something like this:
  9. Tokage

    Idk if it was just me but some moments in the first ep felt like REALLY fucking blatant product placement and it kinda took me and my gf out of the flow lol, like the fucking KFC scene
  10. Tokage

    they're.... kinda overdoing it w/ the digital effects on the vocals tbh
  11. Tokage

    Wasn't there some kind of Dezert live DVD that just... never ended up coming out or am I remembering things wrong?
  12. Tokage

    I'm not sure if it was just a case of pure misinformation or if it's another case of mysterious turborarez, but I vaguely recall seeing something on LJ back in the day about cali gari supposedly releasing a fanclub limited album somewhere early on in their post-revival era. I'm personally rather inclined to believe it's bullshit, since I've never heard or seen anything about it since.. It must've been somewhere around the time of 10's release.
  13. Tokage

    last two series i've watched have been Danger 5 and Garth Marenghi's Darkplace. Both were absolutely fucking hilarious and i absolutely 100% rec them to everyone
  14. Tokage

    Shinjuku Gewalt is another band that has a couple of songs that were either never properly recorded or perhaps only available as live dist. releases that never saw the light of day on the web. There's one called Daedalus or smth like that which I've only ever heard a live bootleg of
  15. Tokage

    Not sure if there's ever been a thread about this before or not, nothing showed up when I searched for it, sooo..... I made this thread as an attempt to both index and discuss any and all kinds of 'lost' media from the Japanese music sphere. I'm talking here about albums/minis/singles that were announced, perhaps even partially recorded but ultimately never released (a la Deftones' Eros or the 'legendary' X-Japan album that's been in purgatory for years), songs bands have been performing live but never got to record before they disbanded, material that seems to simply have vanished without a trace altogether... That sort of stuff. This isn't just limited to the VK scene, anything goes. I'll bring up just a couple of examples to kick things off: - My Bacteria Heat Island had a couple of songs that were often performed live, but full studio versions were never released. The track my head bursting open call a doctor is an example of one of those songs that (at least to my knowledge) never actually got a 'proper' release. - Short-lived Angura supergroup Cuckoo (featuring Ao Sakurai, Sharaku and Bucchi) never released more than a single three-track single before ultimately disbanding, but I remember seeing a live report of one of their shows floating around which showed that they played a whole bunch of other songs that never ended up getting released. - Shoegaze/indie/whatever you wanna call them-band Coaltar of the Deepers teased a new EP titled 'Rabbit EP' YEARS ago... According to statements by frontman Narasaki, it was set to be released within 12 months... back in 2013. Four years later and there's still no word. - Munimuni's DOGUU ALBUM was the musical equivalent to vaporware for a while, but i THINK it finally came out this year, proving that little miracles may still possibly exist.
  16. in stark contrast to the new dezert, that mamireta single fuckin rips... hope these dudes stick around long enough to release at least a mini-album tbh

  17. Tokage

    Finally getting started with Dhalgren after having it on my shelf for a while now. If anything, it should be an interesting experience.
  18. Tokage

    I'm gonna look into Mega Maker sometime soon.. It's a fan project similar in style and structure to Nintendo's Super Mario Maker, except for the NES-era MM games. People can create their own stages and share them online for others to play. Of course it means a lot of Youtube-tier "hard for the sake of being hard" garbage levels are inevitably gonna be in there, but I feel like there's potential to do a lot of cool stuff as well.
  19. maaaan, i'm not feeling that new dezert single at all. half the tracks sound like anisongs :///

    1. Karma’s Hat

      Karma’s Hat

      Called it. Rip

    2. Tokage


      yep, guess it was inevitable w/ the whole sudden burst of popularity

    3. Elazmus


      Their old singles also had the best artwork ever.. I had to follow them even when I thought the thing was gonna be over in a year, I'm glad they're still around I actually thought this single was just really soft still kinda good  lol I also am listening to Memai now tho so...

    4. Show next comments  162 more
  20. Tokage

    funny home videos & bloopers
  21. plot twist: those "new songs" people reported about earlier this year are actually the rerecorded tracks
  22. Tokage

    I get that it's a single and all that shit & so it's to be expected you'll see it pop up on a best-of album, but it's still kinda lame to see sustain the untruth on a greatest hits album when Arche definitely had WAY better songs on it lmao
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