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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. are we sure he didnt just get some fangirl preggers and ran off?
  2. Tokage

    thats how weeb hitchhikers try to get sb to pick them up
  3. What's even the point of re-recording Beautiful Dirt when it basically ends up sounding almost the same as the original? Also, that falsetto part in The IIID Empire sounds like they just took the vocal track from one song and slapped it on top of a different song entirely, it doesn't fit w/ the background instrumentals at all I'm genuinely kind of disappointed lol
  4. Tokage

    Kind of a pity, CC ended up being my favorite out of all Morrie's projects as well. Oh well, hopefully it'll just be a hiatus while Morrie's busy with his solo career, not a total shut down
  5. Tokage

    Half of these ''crimes against VK'' things don't even seem all that serious to be honest, blacklisting for playing in session bands, really?
  6. Tokage

    the mental image of x japan suddenly popping up in the midst of this tumblrcore lineup is hilarious though, cant wait for the ''yasssss queen'' crowd to adopt yoshiki as well
  7. next look: forever 21 chokers & timbs
  8. Tokage

    cant believe they're fucking allowing an escaped convict back into their band ://
  9. i honestly can't believe that these dudes are somehow still around, all things considered
  10. At least 3 of those are in fact VK artists... Is Terakoya trying to become the new angura label or something now that most of their other bands are pretty much gone? also hooooooooooo shit i didnt know they officially restarted activities?????
  11. Does Yu-Dai just only hang out with dudes who have that exact same hairstyle or is the guy on the left also the same dude from Sex-Android?
  12. Tokage

    Imai out there lookin like your racist aunt
  13. Tokage

    Both of those dvd tracklists are pretty fucking amazing... I can't remember a single thing off their last album, but i'll definitely give it a try. Please god let it be shoegazey .....
  14. Tokage

    how about instead of releasing a million two-track singles y'all just release a compilation album or something
  15. Tokage

    A pity, although I'm pretty sure even most of the fans on here saw it coming... They were pretty fucking good while they lasted, but it really felt as if they basically had zero budget left for anything whatsoever after they dropped from Ains and went down to just a three man group.. Hope some of the members will stay active and form new bands with a similar style, though. I don't want that 'early '00s VK revival'-wave to die, altho it kinda feels like it's dying out already.
  16. Tokage

    hol up, did they use the fucking Unraveling version of The Final in that trailer instead of the 'classic' version? rip in piss boys.......
  17. Tokage

    literally everything about hatsune miku is awful anyway, but that design looks like rejected megaman battle network concept art lmao
  18. Tokage

    inb4 "wooooooooooow blackface" posts
  19. Tokage

    still really wondering what the thought process behind picking exactly these 3 songs for re-recording was though
  20. The IIId Empire really did not need a re-recording... Fukai sounds fine though. Did they literally film that Beautiful Dirt clip in an elevator lobby or something?
  21. Tokage

    i am HYPE, they've been delivering really good shit almost consistently music-wise so this'll prob be good too.. (i'm not feeling that look either, but tbh ive always felt like their looks were never super special anyway...)
  22. Tokage

    More predictions: . Either Dir en grey, the Gazette or some other long-lasting band will get a tribute album absolutely nobody asked for, and according to the unofficial rules of VK tribute albums, most of the covers will be horrible. . cali gari release 14 (and hopefully it's on par with 13). Either that, or - against all odds - LAB. THE BASEMENT unexpectedly releases something new . Mako graduates from making cameo appearances at his friends' lives to actually releasing new studio material in some form. . Kuroyuri To Kaisan. . DEZERT continues their rapid decline into mediocrity. . The Gallo come back to life and release at least like a mini-album or something. . Liphlich release like 5 albums in one year and still nobody on here will bother to check them out. . Ains inevitably shuts down due to lack of signed artists. . The FLOPPY boys hopefully get off their asses and release something together again, it's been like three years or something.... . Sioux disbands. . Temari comes back with an actual 'proper' full-time band. . Miyavi ends up as a judge on some talent show . Mamireta, Tensai and other new buzz bands will probably be gone by the time 2018's over
  23. Tokage

    Other predictions [too lazy to merge, just copy-pasting] * At least 1 of either Ryo's or Aie's current projects will bite the dust X nope, as far as i can remember, they're all still going (or did Hollowgram go on hiatus?) * New Merry album * New Metronome material * DEZERT goes major [2] OR goes on hiatus/disbands X * X Japan album drops but it's just old songs but with English lyrics & 2 new piano SEs X this album is never gonna fucking drop * 1 or 2 new bands formed by Tenten, fold before the year ends ? I can't remember whether Lack.co started activities in 2017 or 2016... * One of the Ains bands disbands * Kisaki """retires""" again ? i'm pretty sure there must've been some scandal shit that i missed out on but i cant remember * Some literally who band nobody asked for makes a comeback * Some literally who band nobody asked for goes to Europe * At least one long lasting, well-established band will call it quits * New Maximum the Hormone material X didnt they go on yet another hiatus due to pregnancy recently? * New Dir en grey material [I mean, the D'erlanger tribute thing counts as new material, as do those upcoming 3 re-recorded tracks..] * Mana and Gackt get married * Yayoi found dead in Miami also i cant believe how many of y'all turned out to be right, either the scene is just THAT predictable or listening to enough music by multicolored anime men somehow opens up your third eye
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