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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    what kind of fujoshi bait is this
  2. Tokage

    Honestly, at this point the doomsday preaching every time Dir en grey releases something has kind of become as much of a VK staple as the annual ''My favorite band just disbanded... Could this be the end of Visual Kei?" . It's like part of the ritual or something.
  3. Tokage

    Ningen is their best song because it's the newest, which means it has the most modern production values and therefor means it's the best
  4. Tokage

    Sooo... that Punk is Dead song WASN'T the new Ash after all?
  5. The ultimate ''blatant disc filler material'' duel: bad live recordings or (usually equally terrible) remixes?
  6. absolutely PRAYING they'll somehow pull an 'ain't afraid to die' and leave Utafumi off the next album
  7. i dont even remember what the original ash sounds like
  8. Maybe it's a completely new song and they just accidentally also named it Ash :^)
  9. "We want the Miyavi audience"
  10. Tokage

    Is COTD even active anymore at this point though? I remember Narasaki teasing the release of an EP what feels like almost a fucking decade ago at this point, as far as I know he's been doing stuff w/ Tokusatsu now that they're back again... If PT should come to disband, Akira could join up with CQ or something, that'd be neat
  11. so it's basically "we bought this footage off a dude standing in the front row filming the whole gig and now we're selling it for $20"?
  12. The Novembers are gonna cover L'arc en ciel's CRADLE on their new EP lol

    1. plastic_rainbow


      totally was not expecting that....

    2. Mamo


      Pretty stoked actually

    3. Tokage


      the genre crossover NOBODY expected, no idea that the other covers are though

  13. Tokage

    cant believe he read my post and did it
  14. what, exactly, is an 'official bootleg'?
  15. Tokage

    About 95% of the pictures in that article are of Yoshiki. alone... yikes Also, laughing @ the fact Yoshi still dares to call Coachella 'edgy' anno 2018 as if it isn't pretty much the most mainstream, neutered music festival of the world at this point
  16. Tokage

    There's been a sort of scandal in the Dutch media recently about some singer supposedly having used a 'troll army' of fake accounts and all that to like his own stuff and create positive buzz for his work, etc. and people are acting like he's the next Hitler. I don't know if it's just a case of us being behind the times or what, but that same kind of shilling is p much being done by just about every other artist with cash on hand in some shape or form so i really dunno why people are getting so heated over this particular instance
  17. When they said 'cone song' I didn't imagine they were talking about fuckin PINE CONES.. Anyway, the sample itself sounds n i c e and I can't wait to hear the full version, but I have a feeling like this is gonna end up being one of THOSE songs that Kyo'll be having trouble with live due to the million layered vocal tracks
  18. I mean, for what it's worth, I DO genuinely like the samples that have the gang vocal bits kicking in quite a lot cuz that's always been a musical trope I've been here for, and I've noted on several occasions that instrumentally & looks-wise Marco are pretty nice as well, just every single time I feel like I'm in the mood to give them another shot I always end up getting turned off rather quickly cuz it feels like the singer's just not strong enough to carry the whole thing and I find myself becoming tired of it when not listening to maybe like... one song at a time. In my personal opinion he just feels like the weakest link in the group at the moment, regardless of whether it's his project or not. As much as I find myself wanting to like them cuz the aesthetic's good shit, it's just not happening yet :/ Totally possible I'll come around eventually and end up liking them anyways tho, since I ended up warming up to Benizemi recently as well after spending like half a decade not really feeling most of their stuff, so... I dunno. This isn't some ''oh no the evil HATERS are coming to insult my PERFECT BABIES'' shit, this is me wanting to get into a band cuz I know there's at least something good there, but having it just simply not work out every time
  19. god i wish they had a better singer
  20. no blackface no buy in all seriousness, i really don't get why this band gets so much hate? they seem pretty fine to me, i definitely like them a lot more than i ever liked MBHI anyway
  21. Tokage

    loving that Ash remake what the FUCK is Ranunculus by the way?
  22. Tokage

    Literally Beyonce who?
  23. the worst shit is when a band says they're gonna be aiming for a more 'mature' sound on their next release and the end result is that you're stuck with an album consisting mainly of ballads instead

    1. Tokage


      yeah i don't know exactly what's up with that whole ''mature'' = ''let's slow everything down'' approach either, i guess having any kind of energy at all is seen as juvenile or something? it doesn't really make sense


      it's on the same level of red flag material as a band saying 'our next release will be a return to our roots!'

    2. WhirlingBlack


      "return to our roots" should mean that they got lazy and just recycled some old scrapped demos from twenty years ago with some EQing on top. Would probably be a more interesting result.

    3. Himeaimichu


      I hate this too. I'd take a "juvenile" sound over a "mature" one anyday. Just because you've been playing for so long doesn't mean you have to get rid of all your energy. Your music doesn't have to sound elderly and worn out

    4. Show next comments  138 more
  24. Tokage

    So wait.. They're using holograms, but are also gonna have Sugizo, Miya and Wes Borland around? What the fuck do they need that many guitarists for? Like 70% of their setlists nowadays is just piano ballad wank anyway
  25. Tokage

    All About Lily Chou-Chou: In a sense, it can be called a 'coming of age' story. At the same time, the movie is far more pessimistic than most ordinary 'coming of age' stories I've seen/read (though I have to be honest here - I haven't had a lot of experience with that particular genre). Somehow the entire film has this very nostalgic, almost melancholic feel to it, partially helped by the film's brilliant soundtrack. Everything somehow feels very natural, very real, even the 'darker' turns taken within the story. I was left very impressed after watching it, though I feel like the film would've had an even stronger impact on me had I seen it at a younger age. Anyway, I feel like everyone who's ever used music as a means of escapism or coping with the problems in their life will in some form connect to this in some sense. Lesson Faust: Czech director Jan Svankmajer's take on the well-known story of Dr. Faustus. Cobbles together aspects from different incarnations of the story and gives it a unique twist of its own. Svankmajer's version of Faust (the character) appears to be an average middle-aged guy who one day decides to follow the instructions written on a map and ends up in a bizarre puppet theater. What follows is... insanity, really. Tables spraying fountains of wine, giant wooden devil heads rolling through a forest, a homeless man carrying a severed human leg... It has a lot of common 'Svankmajer-isms' sprinkled throughout, including copious amounts of bizarre stopmotion sequences, a general atmosphere of uncomfortable surrealism and rundown/decaying locales. Svankmajer is high up there among my all-time favorite directors, and this movie only proves once again how utterly unique his works are. Highly recommended to anyone who's into weird stuff.
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