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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    he could've literally filmed this entire PV in his garage and nobody would know
  2. Tokage

    ... Is this a fake translation? This is way too fucking meta lmao
  3. Tokage

    i hope the yakuza takes out the suit who came up with this
  4. Thank you so much for your translation! That info about the lyrics is super useful as well, I've found myself bothered by the whole "mmm nope, can't let you copy that!" thing before, the whole copyright protection on song lyrics thing is... weird
  5. Hey, I've been listening to 破れた電報 (found on their albums '8' and 'Turn 3' by them cali gari boys a lot lately, and I'm kinda curious to know what the lyrics actually meant. The song in question can be found here for reference: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm440949 I was able to find the Japanese lyrics online myself, but the sites won't let me copy-paste them, sooo.. The original lyrics are here: https://rocklyric.jp/lyric.php?sid=100453 If anyone would be able to take the time to help out, that would be great!
  6. got dam it, Sugar was such a fucking GOOD band

    1. merchenticneurosis
    2. Tokage


      i'm honestly completely unable to come up w/ any other bands that did the 'jazzy' sound as well as they did

    3. xriko


      I've never listened to Sugar, but I've saw More in live, the vocal was pretty good !

      I also loved a lot Moran, which had 2 Sugar on it.

      Better try sugar !

  7. Tokage

    Vanitas actually sounds pretty good, what the fuck. I think I'm gonna actually end up becoming a fan if the rest of the album sounds like this
  8. Tokage

    sooo, is there some secret vk contract that states all songs featuring playing card motifs MUST have some kind of ''swing'' sound to it or what
  9. Tokage

    It's definitely a nice look "REPLICANT ANTINOMY" sounds like a case of "let's just smash two cool-sounding English words together and call it a day" though
  10. Tokage

    This year's E3 made me realize I just don't really care for modern-day gaming almost at all anymore. I'm interested in DMC5, that new From game that gave off vague Tenchu vibes, the Resident Evil 2 remake, new Cuphead DLC and whatever the hell the new Battletoads will turn out to be, and i think that's about it... Death Stranding apparently being a walking simulator gameplay-wise was kind of disappointing, but I'm still curious to see where it'll be going in the end, if it ever even ends up coming out at all Oh yeah, I forgot, Ridley being confirmed for Smash after all those years of memeing was pretty nice too
  11. Not sure if all of these truly count as neofolk, but i've seen the label being thrown around in relation to these groups at least once or twice
  12. Tokage

    My first reaction to this news was also ''Gan-Shin's still running?", I honestly thought they stopped activities years ago
  13. Tokage

    the low audio quality almost makes it sound like something from their indies days lmao
  14. Tokage

    Anyone here tried out that Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon game that dropped recently? Saw a lot of reviews comparing it favorably to classic Castlevania games and I'm kinda eager to try it out ATM i'm trying to fuck around with N64 emulation, and it's pretty surprising that the console's still so janky when it comes to emulating games, some of them still just won't run properly even now.. Wonder what's up with it, to my knowledge the PS1 was cracked pretty quickly and epsxe still holds up even today. Is it just that the N64's too complex to crack or what?
  15. Tokage

    gonna keep my eye on this just b/c of the ex-yazzmad member lol
  16. their looks always feel so, so incredibly zero budget but their music is so, so good
  17. Tokage

    ahaha imagine actually having bought one of their singles for really inflated prices before this announcement
  18. Tokage

    how many nu-vk bands have done that same type of keyboard/synth sound at this point?
  19. Tokage

    This is basically stuff I've seen within the last... month or so Popcorn: Film students organize an all-night horror movie marathon, and of course a deranged killer's running around the theater offing people. I thought the killer's face stealing gimmick was cool. There were one or two aspects didn't make much sense to me (the killer seems to exhibit kind of supernatural ability at one point, but afterwards seems to be just an ordinary person), but overall this is just one of those casual Friday night entertainment-type movies. The movies the characters choose to screen within the film itself as part of their marathon are absolutely perfect spoofs of your typical b-movies. You can tell there was a lot of heart behind this one. Death Spa: Slick, hypermodern spa starts to malfunction, causing a trail of deaths and near-deaths. Could it be the work of a hacker or is it something else? The alternative title for the movie already kind of spoils what I ASSUME should have come as a surprise. This one is 100% in the 'so bad it becomes entertaining' camp. It's '80s all over, there's gratuitous nudity a plenty, some ridiculous deaths, questionable acting, and a plot that makes absolutely no fucking sense. That spa should've been shut down after the second person got seriously injured, but apparently laws work different within the film's universe. Bloodstained Shadow: Yet another one of those gialli wherein the main character travels to a somewhat secluded community with a dark past. Even though that might sound rather typical, it's definitely not a bad film by any stretch, and the plot presents an interesting mystery with the concurrent storylines of the main protagonist and his brother. There's lots of nice shots, as well as a couple of interesting kills, but casual fans of the giallo genre may end up feeling disappointed due to the fact that the movie isn't as trashy as some of the others of its kind. Cure: Yet another melancholic and eerie horror film by Kiyoshi Kurosawa. Between this one and Kairo, I feel like I may actually like this one more. It's yet another case where a movie that at first seems to be mostly realistic suddenly ends up having some minor events that appear to be supernatural by nature, but it's never really explicitly addressed in the film. Doesn't really matter too much, but it's just weird. The antagonist is really one of those "characters you love to hate" types. The Exorcist III: I've still never actually watched the original Exorcist, but maaaan... This is one of those rare cases where a horror sequel actually ends up being worthwhile. I watched the original version, not the director's cut, so I got the version with the studio-mandated exorcism scene forced in, but even despite the fact it's not exactly the director's 'true vision', this was good stuff. VERY atmospheric, and really excellent in terms of cinematography. There's just a lot of beautiful shots in here. The Serpent and the Rainbow: A fresh take on the zombie genre, at least at the time of its release. I know the whole voodoo zombie thing is essentially how zombie films started wayyy back in the day, but the voodoo-based zombies had mostly been shoved aside for the Romero-influenced shambling corpse variety by the late '80s. It delivers some creepy imagery here and there, and an engaging story too. The finale kind of almost goes a bit TOO over the top in contrast to the rest of the movie, but the practical effects are great, so I can't really be too mad about it Dressed to Kill: This is pretty much just a giallo film that wasn't made in Italy. It hits a lot of the same marks a typical Italian giallo would: high on sleaze, great cinematography, bullshit plot twists, attractive women, gruesome murder... If you're into giallo films at all, you kind of owe it to yourself to check this one out. Dead Ringers: It's '80s Cronenberg, so you already know it's good. Just a pair of twins doing goofy shit in the name of love.
  20. Since each track will be written by a different member, maybe this can be a good indicator of who's actually responsible for the shit changes in musical direction these guys have been taking lately :^) Also, that look makes them seem like bootleg power rangers or some shit
  21. Tokage

    I completely forgot they even went on hiatus in the first place
  22. what kind of fucking halloween costume thrift store look is this? i was never really into these guys musically, but they managed to pull off at least a couple of cool looks...
  23. i feel like i've listened to like.. less than 10 albums that actually came out this year

    1. reminiscing2004


      I'm at 2. jaded forever

    2. Tokage


      i don't know if i should  just blame it on the fact that this year seems rather lacking in terms of stuff i'm actually hype for (both in terms of Japanese music and just generally speaking) or if it's just because i've been digging into older stuff too much

    3. Tokage


      but... this year genuinely does seem to somewhat be lacking in exciting new releases. 2016 and 2017 both had quite a fair amount of good stuff all over the world... i think i havent felt this disconnected from what's going on in the contemporary scene since like.. 2015

    4. Show next comments  132 more
  24. Wonder when they'll make that sax player an honorary extra member, a good number of their songs recently seem to feature sax in the background... Also, I had trouble recognizing Cobalt at first based on the sample
  25. Based off the samples for '3' on Amazon, the tracks that were originally sung by Ao are now sung by Shuuji.
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