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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    oh fuck, i didn't see this thread existed... apologies. this fucking sucks man :/
  2. Alcohol and shitposting help if you need an acute and direct solution, but in the long term I also tend to try to start at least one or two weeks before the deadline if possible, so that i can afford to give myself some time to focus on myself / work for other classes as well and just slowly work my way towards the end goal. If it'd be like a 2000 word essay, say, I'd probably set a daily minimum word limit of around 250 words and then either stop/take a break or continue writing if I still feel like I'm in the flow. Either that, or just take a short 5 - 15 minute break every fifteen minutes while working, but make sure to be consistent with it.
  3. Suddenly remembered The Studs were actually a thing at some point, easily Aie's most forgettable project...

    1. nekkichi


      their first ablum and every single they released still slay rip daisuki

  4. Tokage

    complaining about people complaining about your faves is still the true essential vk noobcore
  5. Tokage

    so this is the power of kpop...
  6. "Ft. K vs Salatubbies" - STILL trying to figure out what the fuck Metronome meant with that title. . .

  7. Tokage

    how long has it been now since dada's last hissy fit breakdown?
  8. so that junji ito series turned out to be a huge fucking disappointment.. anime, never again

    1. Chi


      glyceride was fucking hilarious

    2. Jigsaw9


      Sad to hear. I kinda dropped it after around ep 5-6 or so, and never had the will to continue watching. So...yeahhh.

    3. Lestat


      That’s why I’m watching all the 80’s and 90’s horror OVA’s and movies. 

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  9. Tokage

    Hey, this is actually pretty good, think I'm gonna have to check the full album out once it drops.. I kinda feel like the overall aesthetics in the PV kiiinda fit the band better than those of Dogma. Also, as for the interpretation of that one line in the last couple of posts, it feels somewhat off to me as well, the only interpretation I'm getting out of it is something like 'We believe in ourselves [so that we may eventually die]'.
  10. Tokage

    i swear to god, this band has to be one of THE most extreme examples of bands just fucking up their own legacy entirely in music history
  11. i know they've already got their niche covered pretty well, but damn, i wish there were more japanese bands like polysics around

  12. Tokage

    how many years y'all think ryutaro's got left before his voice just gives out completely? it cant take much longer
  13. Tokage

    fixed, seriously, as much as i love the guy's music, in almost all the footage i've seen of the dude he looks like an alien who just crashlanded on earth and accidentally ended up as a vocalist for a rock band
  14. Tokage

    get ready for power ballads
  15. Tokage

    HYPE HYPE HYPE Really enjoying these previews, have a feeling this is gonna be a good one
  16. Tokage

    shoutout to AURORA
  17. Tokage

    imagine how good it would be if it turned out that half of them were commentary tracks as well
  18. Tokage

    I'd definitely be buying a lot more Japanese music if the stuff was physically easier to come by in record stores near me. Whenever I happen to visit one, I tend to buy at least a couple of CDs or tapes I stumble upon. Granted, that's mostly Western music, and also stuff I found out about thanks to streaming/downloading, but still. If it's for a fair price, I'm willing to buy it. Spending roughly €20 on a two-track single or like €35 on an album is not what I'd call fair. In the past, when businesses like HearJapan were still a thing, I would sometimes pay to buy digital copies of certain albums I really wanted to hear, but I don't really know where to turn for that kinda stuff now. A Spotify membership just ain't the same. Piracy kind of inevitably turns into a necessary evil anyway in music scenes where there's basically a constant risk of certain artists' more obscure or limited releases either straight-up vanishing into the void, or perhaps being relegated to only ever popping up on auction sites once a decade for roughly the price of a new kidney, if only for the sake of preservation. Another question we can ask in relation to this particular topic is the following: Is it still really a viable life decision for someone to just drop everything they've got going on in their life in order to focus full-time on trying to become a popular (rock/metal) act on the level of Metallica (or whatever other 'household' rock band name you wanna fill in here) in 2018?
  19. Tokage

    racks 1, 4 and 10 seem to be the most interesting ones to me at a first listen, based solely on the samples so far... Which of the songs were released as singles for this one? I have kinda gotten out of the loop with PT as far as singles go..
  20. Tokage

    Tsuburo no gara: Rather obscure piece of Japanese surreal/cyberpunk cinema. A man with a weird metal contraption attached to his back and a female nurse wake up trapped in a room together in what appears to be some kind of decrepit factory/hospital mashup. The man seems to be suffering from some sort of disease and/or inner turmoil, and the woman at first is preoccupied with finding a way out.. Honestly, the plot doesn't really feel like it ever actually goes anywhere all that much, and I'd say it's rather fucking vaguely outlined and flimsy indeed, but on the other hand... the visuals, man. The visuals, the soundscapes, both really help to lend the film a distinct dreamlike quality. I'd even go as far as to compare the film favorably to Shinya Tsukamoto's works in terms of aesthetics, with the industrial elements giving it something of a Tetsuo vibe, while the pervasive bluish filter kinda gives off a vibe similar to A Snake of June. I'd say this is worth checking out if you're interested in that particular bleak type of Japanese cyberpunk, but only cuz it manages to look really fucking nice at times.
  21. Tokage

    Recently watched the Japanese horror film Evil Dead Trap. While it's not really anything special story-wise (tv reporter in search of a big break goes to investigate an abandoned factory after receiving a tape w/ a possible snuff film on it, people start dying), I have to say I absolutely fucking LOVED the film's visuals. Abandoned factories, stacks of malfunctioning televisions, lots of blue light.. Somehow I got really massive giallo vibes from this one in terms of overall style and soundtrack, and after checking out some reviews, it seems I wasn't the only one who felt that way. The movie's also pretty gory at times, including stuff like eye mutilation etc. Definitely an underrated flick worth checking out if you have the time. Apparently has a sequel that's also supposed to sport some stylish visual sequences, so I think I'm gonna have to look into that one too.
  22. throwback to when one of those ''funny japanese human tetris'' shows totally used Metronome's Computer as bgm

    1. r...


      remember when they used to appear in kids' shows in daytime television and the kids were scared of シャラク? good times!

    2. Tokage


      lmao yeah i remember seeing some shit like that... the good videogame boys.... our angles....



      i remember his red mustaches... oh god

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  23. Tokage

    Homestar Runner mother fucker's......................
  24. Tokage

    This is good as hell
  25. I still haven't really properly checked this band 's older releases out, but for some reason the vocalist kinda sounds like Temari to me at times, am I alone on that one? Song's pretty nice by the way, I'll definitely give the album at least a try once it's out
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