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Everything posted by Tokage

  1. Tokage

    visual kei was MADE for heterosexual men! the demons known as "women" and "gays" need to get the FUCK out of the scene!!!!!!
  2. Tokage

    Yohan has changed his name to Niu Arubamu Auto Nao
  3. Tokage

    cover art looks a lot edgier than the title would suggest lol
  4. Proving once again that most VK fans will listen to any shit you serve them on a platter as long as it looks halfway reasonable, Screw somehow actually had fans for a while lol
  5. does anyone happen to have any of foxpill cult's more recent releases?

    1. Gaz


      spotify does

  6. bring back media youth my dudes
  7. cant really get hyped for these dudes anymore considering how weak their recent stuff has been imo
  8. Tokage

    is this dir en grey?
  9. Tokage

    god, i wish that upcoming junji ito anime wasn't a fucking thing. anime shitters will ruin everything ://
  10. Tokage

    Imagine how fucked up it would be if you ended up killing off the character in your story and found out the next day the guy died in the exact same way IRL
  11. Tokage

    don't worry guys i bought a billboard-sized ad in las vegas so i can put kisaki's nudes on it
  12. i dont want to live in this timeline anymore
  13. Tokage

    im still amazed my department managed to fucking bring down EVERYONE'S morale to like 0.0 within the span of an hour last week, holy shit
  14. that's basically how I feel they've sounded for most of their career though...???
  15. those shitty photo backgrounds make me 100% convinced they just passed their old costumes around, probably without even washing them lmao
  16. Tokage

    I recently played through Odallus, what a fucking great throwback to NES platformers! This is retro worship done right, in my opinion. Only downside for me is that the controls felt a tad janky sometimes. Still, highly rec'd to people who like the original Castlevania games, Demon's Crest and that sort of thing. Gonna play Oniken now, another game by the same devs which seems to be following the style of games like Ninja Gaiden, Vice: Project Doom, Shatterhand and such. Should be goooood.
  17. Backdrop Cinderella did their own version of Oyoge! Taiyaki-kun apparently


  18. Tokage

    I thought Love & Peace by Sion Sono was great, but I'm biased bc it has a giant Gamera tribute in it, sooooo.....
  19. top 1 bands that should REALLY do a reunion: the mad capsule markets

  20. Tokage

    LACK-CO., Mamireta and Spook Jack are my 3 faves out of the stuff I actually checked out myself this month (before checking this list, I mean). Umbrella's song actually sounds really good as well! I remember liking most of the stuff I've heard by them, but I somehow never really followed them hardcore or anything.. This song hits that sweet spot of arty/dreamy midtempo rock that I'm all about. Actually, now that I think about it, the guitar lines kind of remind me of Lament.'s sound... Large House Satisfaction already gets bonus points from me just for the name alone, I haven't even checked the actual song yet lol
  21. Tokage

  22. Tokage

    If this is gonna be anywhere as close to as good as their last album I'M FUCKIN READY
  23. Tokage

    Not QUITE lost per se, but still relatively hard to find... Guniw Tools had a song called Cor... that played during the end credits of VV Niwlun. It wasn't included in any of their actual albums, but it apparently (somehow) ended up on an EBM/electro va album from 1992. The snippet from the VV Niwlun credits is up on Youtube for anyone who's interested. There's also the song Noisy Birds, which only appeared in PV form on one of their VHS releases, but as far as I know never on any other albums or singles. I can't remember which of the two it was, but either Cor... or Noisy Birds was later released by Nookicky on some live dist. if i'm not mistaken..
  24. Tokage

    I watched Puppetmaster yesterday. Pretty fucking fun, but it's a shame the puppets only get like... what, 5 minutes of screentime? Especially the more interesting ones like the driller and the leech lady. Are any of the million sequels worth watching, or is this another case like the Hellraiser franchise where I'd do better to just keep far away from the later parts?
  25. 5 (Five) whole fans.... glamscure better watch out...
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