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Status Replies posted by saishuu

  1. happy birthday u old whore. I FKIN love you @saishuu

  2. happy birthday u old whore. I FKIN love you @saishuu

  3. Status made here by request of @saishuu. Btw, Happy Birthday. 

  4. these new bands trying to incorporate traditional Japanese elements to their music don't even come close to this



  5. happy birthday betch ❤️ hope u have a wonderful day 😜

  6. So now that the latest Dir en grey album has been out for a while as well, which one did you prefer, Ninth of TIW? I think TIW was ok/alright but Gazette definitely slayed with Ninth tbh

  7. japan trip tomorrow. not as excited as i probably should be, but it still should be great fun. lots of concerts to go.

  8. emo era mucc is something I can never stop being thankful for

  9. Woah! Cinema Staff and Arukara did a split EP together where they cover each others material.... Holy fuck this is awesome. I need to keep up with this shit better XD

  10. Luna Sea's b-sides are so great


  11. goddammit I'm gonna miss Namie. still feels surreal she's actually retired as of today 



  12. Anyone here ever got a headache / hurt their ears listening to VK? Not talking 'lol bad music hurrrr' here, I'm talking like 'music causing actual physical discomfort'. For me one band that seems to cause it is 12012 with their earliest material. Something about the production on their older releases just makes me feel uncomfortable, maybe it's that weird tin can-like filter over the vocals.

  13. goddammit I'm gonna miss Namie. still feels surreal she's actually retired as of today 



  14. enjoy the global freeleech @ jps friends


  15. Red Velvet/kpop fans: as I am too lazy to dig into their discography by myself, I would greatly appreciate if someone could recommend me some of their stuff that sound like these two songs:



  16. Had never heard of Moran before Deep Sanctuary so I downloaded their discography today. What ya'll think of them?

  17. Just put our eldest cat, Tiger, down. Been losing my sh** all day leading up to this, and not doing any better now. 17 years. I miss my bud.

  18. Japan trip in November is officially a GO. A whole month and another chance to see tons of cool stuff. @saishuu, remind me to send you the potential concert list just to see if you like my choices.

  19. KISAKI is being exposed for abusing of children and atacking a woman. TRASH


  20. REM SLEEP is so much ❤️

  21. whose grindr (recon?????) profile is this stolen from —



  22. Every time I listen to Alice Nine's Jellyfish, I have such a fucking moment.

  23. Itsuwari no Uzu is the best Rentrer en Soi song!

    Change my mind

  24. Itsuwari no Uzu is the best Rentrer en Soi song!

    Change my mind

  25. it feels like a new chapter of my life will start soon, a lot of things culminating, and saying goodbye to my favorite band of almost 16 years. This Muse will never come back and I've finally accepted it.


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