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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by sleepy coffee

  1. Actuallt fuck it I'll just post it to help people out 


    The only stuff not available is the live limited cd and the wristband in the second link that was also exclusive to their one man


    Edit: oh that white vanitas shirt might be sold out as well, that or the band staff keeps forgetting to bring it to shows

  2. 5 hours ago, nullmoon said:

    Awesome! I'd love a tshirt if the designs are any good :3


    1 hour ago, Wakarimashita said:


    What's going to be available for sale? Is there a list of merch to be read anywhere?

    I'm not sure if the stuff listed on their website is sold out or not but otherwise go on their twitter and scroll through down the images, and they post pics of their new merch 

  3. Since everyone seems to be praising tiw songs in a live environment I wonder how much higher the album would rank on most peoples lists with proper mixing and production 🤔

  4. http://www.sunkrad.jp/band.html already week old news they're signed onto sunkrad but the website has officially been updated with gulu gulu listed under the band's section. also i guess interesting tidbit, in japanese on the sunkrad website they have the band name listed as グルグル but on gulu gulu's twitter they spell it as ぐるぐる, works either way but not a whole lot of consistency lol 

  5. 9 minutes ago, nekkichi said:

    nnnnn @ takumi's shitty new synth jumping out again I hate it sfm I literally can't, another reason to end this thing early

    Should replace him with new synth queen in vk Mar from Verxina 

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