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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by sleepy coffee

  1. 23 minutes ago, Saishu said:

    If anything I feel like Sho uses growls when it fits the lyrics. Kyo, on the other hand, often seems like he just randomly makes noises. 

    thissssss, its especially evident in the vanitas songs but im sure it applies to most other songs post issei era 

  2. 9 minutes ago, Himeaimichu said:

    I think it will be the latter. Gulu Gulu is already signed under HEDO records, so I imagine HEDO records will become a sublabel of Sunkrad?

    Hedo is just gulu gulu's thing afaik, I'm guessing they're running it or are close with the people who do so I imagine they wont be using the hedo name anymore but I guess that's sunkrad's decision 

  3. On 8/11/2018 at 8:04 PM, deadman said:

    Normally the reading is き ど あい らく(ki do ai raku), I think might be a self make readings by sho to imitate his idol kyo😂(which loves to use atypical reading of words and coined word)

    wait what the fuck has anyone made this connection then since this is literally the  pronunciation of the new live limited release lmao

  4. 5 hours ago, lstknt3b said:

    I saw this post too but i don't understand what is expected ? Shall we give the email address to tour promoters or something else ? >< Thank you^^


    5 hours ago, platy said:

    How can we help? I'd kill to see them live over here. 


    I dont know the details of how to get the word out there but your best shot is contacting those companies that have brought over past vk bands in recent years like v star, fake star, chaotic harmony etc. I guess just expressing interest is the most u can do and theyll take it from there.



    Also maybe theres a way to get dimlim circulating around some of the western metal scenes and idk maybe see if theres any band thatd be down to have them open up for them in future tours

  5. 13 minutes ago, Peace Heavy mk II said:

    Does anyone know who owns Chaotic Records?



    Their CDs are released under them, and they use Speed Disk Distribution for distribution. I assume CR is a record label formed by one of the band members, but I'm also seeing on vkgy that another (or same?) label with the same name also housed CalorZe.

    Gonna make a random guess, one of calorze's guitarist was in a random band in the past with Mar, from what I can tell Mar sort of runs the show in Verxina so idk maybe those 2 are the ones running it  or came up with it


    Also just checked again and calorze also has another guitarist who played in hiro's gossip so idk theres some connection there probably

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