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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by sleepy coffee

  1. 20190804_162458.jpg


    眠。by 仮病  (was a bit of a pain in the ass to get my hands on this cause it never got listed on cdj for some reason) 




    Shudder[ʃʌdər] 完全盤, [depression sign] 完全盤, and Increasingly 完全盤 by 12012 




    an IZA card of sorts, not much use but hey something to put in my wallet lol



  2. 8 minutes ago, ShTon said:

    I came here wondering what happened to Kazuki's Twitter as I noticed it gone just now, but didn't expect... This.

    weird how he hasnt came back but well xaaxaa is still going on so maybe it isnt a big deal anymore 

  3. 8 minutes ago, Gesu said:

    Does everything have to be exclusive to Android/iOS? They could cash in a lot more if only they ported things to PC as well, and it'd be convenient for the buyers. Digital ports are pretty inexpensive as they don't have to produce physical copies so I don't get why they don't just do that. I haven't had a smartphone in ages because I got tired of them breaking on me (and one got stolen), so now I just use a brick phone for calling/texting and my laptop for everything else (with the data backed up on a memory stick). It's not like PCs are obsolete and it wouldn't be too difficult provided the companies had someone with enough computer skills to make it happen (which they undoubtedly do), so it really pisses me off.

    If you're talking about alot of garbage weeb phone gacha games its cause PC gaming isnt really a thing in Japan, idk about the Chinese games tho since PC gaming is strong there as well as Korea 

  4. 1 minute ago, secret_no_03 said:

    He gave up 12 runs, they let him stay in there and give up 12 fucking runs,

    The game was already a lost cause they just tried to milk as many innings from him cause this is barely game 1 of a 4 game series and the bullpen also got used up alot the last 3 or 4 days in Minnesota 

  5. 2 hours ago, secret_no_03 said:

    7/21 Paxton: 7 R (4 ER)

    7/22 Sabathia: 7 R (6 ER)

    7/23 German: 8 ER 

    7/24 Happ: 6 ER

    7/25 Tanaka: 7 ER (so far)

    What in the fuck is going on with the Yankees.

    I turned off the game after the 1st inning and went to play minecraft 

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