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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by sleepy coffee

  1. 6 minutes ago, Yukami said:

    vo.悠樹(Yu-ki) & gt.雲雀(Hibari) have announced that there will be something "good" on August 20.

    One-day revival? New session band? NEW BAND? We will have to wait a few days... The hype is real! :D 

    oh my god pls yes 

  2. 18 minutes ago, Kirito said:

    Anyone know who did the mixing of " Rijin " ? This person deserve an award seriously... the song got so much depth it's amazing.

    Katsuya has taken over on DIMLIM production since THE SILENT SONG, the dude is a god 



    check out his own projects, Misanthropist and SLOTHREAT 

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