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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by sleepy coffee

  1. Le:Sadies
    Dir en gay (lmao gottem)
    the New York TimeS


    serious answer idk im not creative, realistically id probably just take some super edgy ass song from a favorite band and use that 


    edit: Chaotic Dogma would actually be neat, seen verxina throw that name around for live shows and their merch 

  2. MISSA- Garden

    Gauze- Raison Detre

    Macabre-taiyou no so

    Kisou-that keloidmilk track

    Six ugly-umbrella

    Vulgar-Asunaki Koufuku, Koenaki Asu

    Withering to death- kodou

    The marrow of a bone- clever sleazoid

    Uroboros- red soil 

    12012- Suicide

    Dum spiro spero-diabolos

    The unraveling- macabre

    The black diamonds- Rosario

    Madrigal de Maria- Madara

    Arche- revelations if mankind

    The insulated world-Zetsuentai




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