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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by sleepy coffee

  1. 80% of the way done with album 



    Its fucking really weird, messy, and just all over the place but I dont mind it



    Dorothy slaps my ass tho that's a banger for the century 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Komorebi said:

    Yep. Major drama.

    I cant find anything legitimate besides random fans saying stuff but is the gist of it that it came out on stream he has a baby and is probably married and I guess his fanbase lost it and harrassed him off twitter?

  3. been single for the better part of the past 4-5 years. used to date and get around the years prior to that ALOT and it was mostly just a bunch of fucked up and shitty relationships and nowadays i have no idea how id even begin to entertain the idea of dating again lol. part of my pretty happy and stress free being single but another part thinks it would be nice to be in a relationship again 

  4. Just now, saiko said:

    Wow, Chinese fans are lucky! Congratulations for Kizu!

    They'll be in Taiwan as well but ya, big news and big step forward for Kizu 

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