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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by sleepy coffee

  1. 6 hours ago, nekkichi said:

    how many first singles is this band planning to release?


    like sis the silent song is not that old at all

    i think they look at when hiroshi and taishi joining the band as a sort of uhhh reboot? for the band. thats my guess at least 





    also why is this not on cdjapan yet fuggggg 

  2.  This is the second time the Kizu twitter has tweeted out this hashtag along with Lime spamming it too. Going off someone else it seems like they might be teasing something for August 22nd, anyone have any guesses?

  3. 5 minutes ago, VkBrutaliaN said:

    and again there was nothing - DEVILOOF COME ON!!

    i hope there aren't any new problems with the album... >.>''

    it would seem as tho the tweet that had those new dates is now deleted so ya god knows whats going on. although my guess would be is that problems with the music videos might not have anything to do with the album itself 

  4. Just now, saiko said:

    Why would someone hate Mamo?

    hes made homophobic tweets in the past and i guess since 90% of their music videos feature high school or younger girls, well people think that might be a bit suggestive of his tastes if you know what im getting at 

  5. 21 minutes ago, Zeus said:

    Something that surprised me about the concert is that it is a lot shorter than I expected. 

    Tbh it felt short af to me too but then I looked up diru's setlist when I saw them in la years ago and it was the same number of songs so idk maybe it's a normal length 

  6. Havent really played much video games in over a week which makes me feel like that hobby is basically dead to me (although there are certain titles I'm looking forward to) and now I'm looking for new hobbies but not exactly sure what interests me anymore 

  7. 31 minutes ago, Ioto said:


    La'veil MizeriA x Crucifixion



    らせん (Rasen)
    「NIGHTMARE」 x2



    I waiting for the next coupling CD (蛇影)

    A shot in the dark but you wouldn't be happening to sell the extras would u lol

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