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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by sleepy coffee

  1. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWFzDb7Ve8vZmbCa4jZBdsQ/videos uhhhh i just noticed this channel has a bunch of nicolas live footage lol, im not sure if the band is cool with this (probably not lets be honest) but hey if you wanna check out some of the other songs since there's only like 4 available out there 


    just realized its just snippets of each song but still better than nothing 

  2. i know its technically a movie but since its a sequel and in a ways something that wrapped up the events of breaking bad i figured posting here works as well. wont be spoiling anything but just finished El Camino and wow it was nothing like i was expecting. something about it feels very odd as though its missing something (could be the fact it feels a bit rushed or that the ending kind of came out of nowhere and then the movie was just over) but otherwise i find it to be a very satisfying conclusion to Jesse Pinkman's character, if you watched breaking bad this is a must watch, if you havent seen breaking bad then idk what youre doing with your time go watch that first. 

  3. On 9/29/2019 at 8:19 AM, suji said:

    SUI new solo ballad CD "Untitled Fallen" (3 tracks, 2 types (Untitled Ver/Fallen Ver))  will be released on November 27 


    In addition, his sponsored live "SUI Christmas Party 2019" at 荻窪Rooster NorthSide will feature vocal and piano, along with guest musicians; tickets are now available at Wizard Store. I wonder if Sui will be playing piano at this event since he's shared pictures before.



    i know its not CULA but just so people are aware u can preorder this release now on cdj http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/RSCD-1U

  4. I hope Suica is safe and sound.


    With that being said I hope for the best for the band, I know most people have forgotten about them but I actually think theyve improved quite a bit since Addiction (I know it's only been 2 singles since then but still) and I've seen the members talk about this chemical sex song for awhile now so I hope it's awesome 

  5. 43 minutes ago, Paraph said:

    well i hope it's not a disband announcement but i wouldn't be shocked from their digital only decision recently.

    I know they said they have more new music recorded so if they do announce a disbandment in hoping they at least put out a final single 

  6. 11 minutes ago, deadman said:



    His is “utaite” on niconico. Basically a youtube singer. So this single might going to sound like anime songs since all this guy did is anime songs so I doubt he know how to arrange and mix heavier sound.

    First the weird ass 4D whatever mix on heisei and now this lol the band sure likes to make weird choices but fingers crossed it's not just a bunch of anisongs

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