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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by sleepy coffee

  1. 1 hour ago, WhirlingBlack said:

    The total tax increase over the past 5 years is only a few percent from 5 to 8 and then to 10 last month I believe, so that cant explain a hike from 1200 to 1600. I'm guessing other additional charges and falling sales explain the higher prices.

    Could also just be popular bands can get away with it, because I think someone small like darrell sold their new single for 1500yen with 3 songs 

  2. i mean i feel like oz is one of those examples where it should be obvious theyre never coming back, so someone bumping the thread shouldnt give you false hope. \


    anyways heres my favorite oz track just so i post something related to the band lol 

  3. idk if this is the right place for this but just remembered about these guys, who are technically all japanese but started up in los angeles. well anyways also stumbled across the current/newish youtube channel the vocalist has here


    the content has nothing to do with vk or music but i mean i guess if you remember these guys at all then this fact could be interesting 

  4. idk ive been hearing dimlim has been having attendance problems for well over a year now (and that hasnt really changed the pace they release stuff) but from what i heard they manage to pack their one man at o-west pretty well. i think it was @Duwang who goes to most if not all their shows so they'd probably the best knowledge of what their crowd sizes have looked like from month to month.

  5. I dont think them being sloppy live is any indicator of what a recorded release will be like lmao it could just be without a bassist and backup guitarist they're really off right now during lives but I mean lmao for recordings Retsu was already responsible for everything besides lyrics so what's going to change. I remember people on here that thought Kidoairaku was a sign of the end times cause of how bad it sounded at first and then it turned out to be like a 1kbps rip that we were all listening to lol

  6.  New album postponed to January.


    They also have a new revamped website where theyve removed everything in the discography section prior to  chedoara.


    Also I cant understand completely the apology and delayed announcement but apparently the new album will be mostly distributed through digital means but therell still be ways to buy it physical for overseas? Idk

  7. 54 minutes ago, spockitty said:

    I caught that entire shitstorm on both sides of the argument unfortunately, and I think your reasoning got lost from like the 2nd response and it snowballed from there without context =.= sorry you got caught up in that 😕 


    For what it's worth, I mostly agree with you and assholes on twitter are really not worth hurting yourself over. Please be safe .___. 


    Also saw everything and literally all those people I saw on that side of vk twt are people i never wanna interact with anyways. Literally missing brains.

  8. 8 minutes ago, patientZERO said:

    I'm guessing the front side has a link to a site to view some sort of video, which can only be accessed 15 times. The text below just says don't share with anyone and if you share it, they won't do this kind of thing again, etc.

    the front side has the link i posted and thats the message im greeted with. the front of the card also has a serial number or something so i guess thats how we'll eventually be able to access the video but i cant tell if i dont have access in the first place because im like outside of japan or if its just not ready 

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