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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by sleepy coffee

  1. Just now, hyuugaxxx said:

    "We don't want to hear anyone's opinion.

    im gonna go out on a limb and say english is probably not retsu's first language so that statement could be interpreted in a variety of ways. my guess is he meant it moreso hes not going to let anything change or impact what he wants to create musically. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, hyuugaxxx said:

    That's what I thought!

    But the theory came to me that it probably didn't sell out on August 17th and they are selling what's left in the "little shops" when the band does an event or show, I don't know ... I'm Brazilian, I never went to their show (unfortunately ). But that is the only explanation!

    iirc people had to email ahead of time how many copies they wanted of kidoairaku so in theory they shouldnt have had any extras unless someone asked for more copies than they could have afforded or just never ended up going to the show or something. 

  3. Just now, Saishu said:

    12012 and Rentrer en Soi were like echoes of each other. They both released messy and mostly uninspired “heavy” albums then started dropping minis and singles that showcased untapped potential. Then they peaced out. 

    i guess its always better to go out with a massive bang than just release mediocrity after mediocrity but man releasing Deicida of silence, the swan, and xii in that order i just feel like they mustve had another release or two in them. 

  4. Just now, Seelentau said:

    Thanks, I added the ones that were on there! :)

    But the website is weird, I can't open links in tabs, there's always some warning...

    ya thats what i saw too, it seems like half the setlist links dont work or something. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Seelentau said:

    In regards to live shows, we'd still need these setlists:

    2019.02.11 at clubasia

    2018.08.08 at clubasia

    2018.06.03 at Blackhole

    2018.04.13 at Higashi Kouenji

    and lots from 2017: https://www.setlist.fm/search?query=artist:(DIMLIM)+date:[2017-01-01+TO+2017-12-31]

    and probably some missing dates, I would think

    i can try helping this is the only i thing i found for 2019.02.11 at clubasia so idk if u need more sources or confirmation 


  6. Just now, Himeaimichu said:

    From what I've heard, Retsu mostly started slacking after Ryuya and Taishi left. Essentially, Retsu has skills, but he's gotten lazy

    they've literally had like 1 or 2 lives since their departures and 0 music releases. id reserve judgment until we actually hear what the new material sounds like and where dimlim go from here when it comes to their lives. 2 lives compared to 2+ years of being together seems a bit of a lopsided ratio but what do i know lol 

  7. 2 minutes ago, TheZigzagoon said:

    Does anyone actually have any idea where these posts from Retsu come from? He seems to write stuff like this on his story a lot, makes me wonder if he lurks on here or if he’s talking about fans or haters who have shared their opinion with him 

    ive definitely seen people give him shit on twitter and instagram so it could just be reactions to that. no idea if he knows of MH's existence or ever lurked here 

  8. im still confused at all the know it all's who claimed retsu isnt trying or not giving a fuck based off 1 live, he might be hard headed and have other faults but ive always had the impression hes given it his all when it comes to making music. are we really going to forget the upgrade in quality of music dimlim went through when transitioning from issei to retsu lol. all u gotta do is go back on the chedoara thread and see people's reactions when they came out with Vanitas, Aijou ni tsuki, and shigarami back to back to back. 

  9. 7 minutes ago, hyuugaxxx said:

    Hi guys, does anyone out there have Kidoairaku Lyrics?  No need to be transcribed, I do it myself!  I am willing to translate them!  Who has, can send me the photos by DM?

    Gimme like 30 mins and I gotchu

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