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sleepy coffee

Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by sleepy coffee

  1. I should take nicer pictures but I'm exhausted and just got home so lol 

    Big fugging order is here and ofc mostly dimlim stuff cause I'm obsessed dork 


    In case u cant see everything I got


    5 verxina keychains, they were random so sadly I missed out on Coco

    2 scapegoat cheki

    1 scapegoat wristband

    Insult kiss single by sarigia

    Kidoairaku live limited release by dimlim 

    2 dimlim shirts

    1 dimlim hoodie

    1 dimlim tote

    1 dimlim pouch 



  2. 41 minutes ago, saishuu said:

    can't believe 2019 started with kizu and dimlim as the biggest hopes for the future of vk and now by the end of the year the only one we have left is raku x gaki, bless

    I think that's pretty unfair for dimlim considering rijin and kidoairaku are still more solid releases than 90% of the scene. Who cares if Retsu hates vk or whatever lol

  3. 1 minute ago, Komorebi said:

    That is incorrect in Japan. The music belongs to the label.

    Which would make this pretty confusing since at the time I'm pretty sure dimlim's label was just a made up name they could slap on stuff 

  4. 5 minutes ago, senteshi said:

    Hi all! :)

    Can someone please post DIMLIM's setlist from 2019/09/20 Aoyama RizM?

    I've been uploading all that I can find to setlist.fm (thank you very much for providing those), but no one seems to have posted this one yet.


  5. 3 minutes ago, heresytrash said:

    Not sure if it really is an unpopular opinion, but I don't think there's any redemption for pedophiles/child molestors/child abusers. I don't care how many '12 step programs' there are, there's no redeeming that. 

    (I only bring this up because I literally had to hold myself back from yelling at my own mom)

    I'd rather not give my take on the subject but I would say I rather people who have that mentality have a means to find help rather than go out in the real world and cause harm 

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