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Status Updates posted by reminiscing2004

  1. I think theres a mix swap coming up, but anyone wanna do a bonus extracurricular one with me/? we can go hella experimental

    1. saishuu


      I have a free week coming up, so I'm up for it if you are

    2. Zeus


      that sounds fun! i'm going to start the deets for the new mixtape swap soon!

  2. i tried this b4, but not many responded. fave live dvd(s)?

    1. Himeaimichu


      Dir en Grey 1999 Osaka-jo Hall. The atmosphere, the songs played, the cohesion of the performance is just perfect imo.

    2. platy


      Sukekiyo MUTANS, Dir En Grey Dum Spiro Spero 2014, The Gazette Dogmatic Final


  4. I've gone from I hate Jiluka for being a deluhi ripoff to I love Jiluka because I need my fix

  5. ichika bass EP. what more do I have to live for?

    1. The Moon

      The Moon

      family and friends x 

  6. If any of you euros are thinking of seeing Mouse On The Keys, . . . DO IT!! It was an extremely good show. The drummer in particular gave what was probably the best drum performance I've ever seen live.

  7. If you knew the internet would disappear in 24 hours, what would you do on your final day?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Komorebi


      Start getting addresses to write letters to my overseas friends and download all I can. 


      And buy a huge encyclopedia for work.

    3. PsychoΔelica


      Suddenly so many closeted porn watchers come out 😂

    4. YuyoDrift



      What's that?

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  8. if you see this, how are you doing? how is your life nowadays?

    1. Rize


      Pretty alright, though this year feels quite lonely. How about you?

    2. reminiscing2004


      @platy health before all else! ganbatte ne


      @Linh-san definitely a lonesome year..


      i have that feeling like things are changing, or maybe that i'm changing, but i'm not yet sure how

    3. Rize


      Yeah the world is changing already, just gotta try to enjoy everyday even if you have to stay a lot indoors >,<

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  9. Is there a reason Wagakki Band isn't associated with Visual Kei? I just watched one of their really popular videos for the first time and everyone looks the part. Went to look at their wikipedia page (lel), and vk isn't mentioned at all

    1. CAT5


      I believe it's because these bands were originally rooted in the doujin/touhou scene which, from my understanding, isn't traditionally associated with Visual Kei. Though I doubt the two are entirely mutually exclusive.

    2. Himeaimichu


      @CAT5 For Wagakki Band, they were initially a vocaloid cover band, which is definitely a completely different continuum from Visual Kei (but that hasn't stopped Gackt or Yohio from jumping in on making a vocaloid lol).

    3. KrumpingChihuahua


      I remember that i thought at first also they are a visual kei group. Beside the visual kei connections from some band members i think the main reason comes from them wearing costumes on stage, then their bassist asa crossdresses often, it comes easy to someones mind they could be visual kei.  There is a high chance that the vk refusal had to do with them being a major band like Himeaimichu stated. (They was contracted to avex)

      Also Machiya is Machiya in Waggaki Band but Shin Oumura(its his real name) in m:a.ture and his solo stuff. 

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  10. It's been softly raining outside since i woke up and it sounds so peaceful and beautiful. I don't even know what to do with myself its too enjoyable. c:

  11. its crazy how a song can sit in your library for ages and it never quite resonates with you. but then one day you have a bunch of weird experiences, come home, listen to it, and really feel it

  12. its sad some people will never know the joy of hunting down and sorting through dozens of obscure releases from failed indies bands to finally find a single song you like..

    1. nekkichi


      the joy of only stanning failed neverbeens....

  13. janne da arc is a strong SSRI

  14. just one of those nights you think about due le quartz era myv stage presence 👀

  15. Killie album pre-orders started shipping :shock:

    1. Mamo


      Can't wait.

    2. filth_y


      Is it really just ~1000yen on amazon.jp? I think this has a good 10-20 songs since i think i read its their complete disco plus unreleased songs?

    3. reminiscing2004


      @filth_yIt is only 9 songs, but with an S.E. track as well according to discogs. Just one new track, the rest re-recorded from the looks of it




      And yeah thats what all the distro's are selling it at :o

  16. kuchiki no tou as a religion

  17. Laybial easily one of the best matina bands.. every track bangs

    1. Naaaaani


      Try Eze:quL, you will love them too

  18. Listening to Phantasmagoria for the first time in years, and I'm having flashbacks of 5th grade. We were on a field trip and this girl asked me what my favorite song was. And my answer to her was "Kousoukyoku -Variant Jihad-".

    1. Hohchicano96


      Fuck, I just remembered playing BAISER's En fleur for a guy while on a bus heading towards some landmark during a field trip in Washington D.C. when I was in eighth grade.



    2. reminiscing2004


      lol, yes, you too

    3. Himeaimichu


      Where I live, if I told ANYONE my favourite song was "Variant Jihad", yeah they'd probably turn the bus around and turn me into the police. (It didn't help that younger me had a short lived fascination with Middle Eastern aesthetic...)

  19. Lyrical Sympathy turns 13 years old today. Go listen ! ❤️ 🎂🎃

    1. 少女椿


      Wait... what... 

    2. zombieparadise


      Omg I'm so old. Thanks.

  20. Minus Jinsei Orchestra and brutal death metal till my ears bleed

  21. My final message


  22. next trade off when @ team admin :0

    1. platy


      We're in the middle of one right now :) so maybe in two months lol

    2. reminiscing2004


      oh man didnt realise i missed one. thx for info

  23. nonstop kagrra's "神謌" till my ears bleed

    1. reminiscing2004


      it loops SO perfectly

  24. old ガゼット lyrics were emo af... 😔

  25. PLASTIC TREE FANS: best album???? I've only listened to cell. and Gestalt Houkai and a bunch of random singles. Was looking for some recommendations :o

    1. Jigsaw9


      Parade, Puppet Show and ドナドナ are my faves.

    2. r...


      Puppet Show is their best album, by far.



      If you want some weird stuff - Strange fruits -奇妙な果実- and Hide and Seek、if you want strange stuff with pop flavor - Parade or Puppet show (here's really tons of songs that absolutelly will stuck in your head)

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