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Status Updates posted by reminiscing2004

  1. Does anyone know how the hell Miyavi's first support band had ex-members from X, sekima ii, hide spread beaver, and Luna Sea??? Did Tomomi Ozaki have like a shit ton of "I  owe you's" saved up?

    1. IGM_Oficial


      Things like these happen, but this is probably a cutting edge

  2. Does anyone know if any of Due le Quartz PV's were ever released on DVD?

    1. nekkichi


      nope. all their PVs online are either from jisatsu ganbou, replica or VIDEO CLIPS VHS tapes (and a TV rip of rodeo.)

  3. Does anyone know if Sherow Artist Society is still a thing? There site still hasn't been updated since like 2008, so I'm wondering if the label is still responsible for anyone

    1. suji


      Fuck, that's a good question. MU was the only band in that label recently, but I believe they're on hiatus as they kicked their vocalist out...other than that, it's just there...?

    2. Zeus


      only bands i remember on that label were matenrou, versailles, and MU. the first two are still on the label but are managed by major labels and SAS gets a cut. idk if kamijo is doing anything with it or not but it's not gone just not active.

    3. Lestat


      I believe Sherow Artist Society gradually merged with Chateau Agency (Kamijo's production office, since 2014) and became one entity with the latter name.

  4. Does last.fm culture exist presently? Is there any social utility to getting on last.fm?

    1. Zeus


      site died after the redesign in 2012. good for maintaining statistics and sometimes for grabbing images of bands, but not much else. if you still want to sign up, you can find me here.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      she's dead



      Even pulling images from that site is useless, because they changed the image format to webp 

    3. emmny


      dead as fuck

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  5. early kagrra, is love

    1. nekkichi


      I miss early psc sfm these days


      had a blast of newfound love for this song in particular, but kaggra, is next in my ~nostalgic4teenyears~ playlist

    2. reminiscing2004


      early PSC is all of my favorite shit. the early 2000's due le quartz, miyavi, gazette, kagrra, alice nine, hanamuke is the stuff i have so so so so much love for.


      Great post, i love the gazette's uber emotional songs from the era. juunana sai, ito, okuribi, miseinen.


      I don't know how else to express my profound agreement. nostalgia YES

  6. emo era mucc is something I can never stop being thankful for

    1. saishuu


      as someone who still listens to kimi ni sachi are and zutazuta regularly, same

  7. Every time I listen to RES, I have an epiphany that I should be listening to RES more often.  😍

    1. saishuu
    2. nick


      They are one of the few VK bands that I desperately want to see a reunion. 

  8. favorite aicle release?

    1. Total Saikou

      Total Saikou

      It's gotta be 心臓。for me. I had the titular track on repeat when I first became a fan. Also got some other bangers on there like Meltdown

    2. platy


      I have a tie between three releases.

      心臓。has too many good tracks

      Dokuiro Marbel and Kaitan Shinsho are killer singles.


  9. Favorite early ガゼット release? I love them all dearly, but the Zakurogata no Yuutsu/Zetsu/Miseinen maxi is just one of the most perfectly crafted releases I've ever heard. Anyone else feel similar?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. saishuu


      Everything from MADARA to DISORDER is pretty great.

    3. nekkichi


      madara + reila + gama

      miseinen too.

    4. reminiscing2004


      Reila is incredible, I totally forgot. :-P Love all the songs on the maxi

    5. Show next comments  6 more
  10. feeling PURE

  11. Frontierer tonight 🙃

  12. fukurou / consent gets me HIGH

  13. fuzylog has some cheap-kei avantgarde masterpieces for real

  14. gauge means nothing 👌

  15. had a dream Leda was playing Keyboards in a new band under the alias "Sew ooo", and there was a bunch of random new (nonexistent in reality) VK songs I found that I thought were great, and I was really excited because I felt that this was a breakthrough, and that I could now triumphantly say "there is great new visual kei!! my nostalgia ends here"

    1. saiko


      What a wet, wet dream

    2. Wakarimashita



  16. happy birthday fellow milphinne appreciator 😙

  17. Happy Birthday! 👼

  18. Has there ever been a tradeoff where partners choose the theme for each other?

    1. platy


      I don't think so. That's a good idea. 😮


    2. reminiscing2004


      @platymake it happen boss 🙏😭

  19. Having an outright spiritual experience with Janne's debut right now....   😵

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. nitta


      @reminiscing2004 yes, or live recordings 

      they have songs like "Lost", "Noise" & "Orleans" which are almost unknown 

    3. reminiscing2004


      Interesting. Nice pic btw, that Heidi mini is v good

    4. nitta


      @reminiscing2004 thanks, it's one of my favorite VK releases.

      you can check the tracks I talked about below, my favorite of them is Noise





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  20. Having so much fun making this mystery mix :grin:~~

    1. platy


      I'm finding it hard for some reason :cry: Hopefully will be finished by tomorrow morning 

    2. reminiscing2004


      What do you think is troubling you about it? :o


      I was kind of uncertain at first, but once I figured a theme I was having fun

    3. platy


      @reminiscing2004I was confused what theme to go with, so I decided to challenge myself with a type of music that I don't listen to very often and so I'm finding it hard to pick songs to go on it :shock: It's my fault, but it's a good challenge to myself! 


      I'm very curious to find out what others have picked as a theme :roll:

  21. How do you know when 1) things aren't working but the universe if fucking with you and you just need to keep trying, or 2) things aren't working because you're trying things in the wrong way, and they will never work if you don't change/abandon?

    1. Spectralion


      On brighter note, at least, some-"thing" with fucking with you. 

    2. platy


      I think it's up to you to decide. Take into consideration how long you've tried for and why it could be going wrong. Things might work out if you change so you can go back to what you were doing before. (hope that made sense) 

    3. Lereku


      Generally when things aren't working like you want keep trying is not the best options coz that's will not working, is better to think about why this things are like or become like that now , how I can do for change that.

      After you finish to think about that is more easier for find the good plan for this things can work like you want

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  22. I am poisoning myself with the internet

    1. saishuu
    2. IGM_Oficial


      Nothing new here

  23. I dressed up all nice just to watch my 2006 alice nine dvd 💅🏼

    1. Elazmus


      I started reading this as "dressed up alice nine to watch alice nine" haha XD

      That's a piece of history though<3

    2. saishuu


      I'll never forgive them for not releasing a proper Zekkeishoku DVD ):

  24. I had a dream I got the Hanamuke/Gazette live split in the mail and it was like the happiest surprise of my life, but I haven't thought about or wanted that CD in like over a year :huh:

  25. i know this is blacklisted and morally wrong to mention, but the new yohio mv showed up in my recommended feed when i was feeling weak and I...

    eveerything after 2012 in this world was a mistake lol

    1. nekkichi


      blessing ur utube reccs




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