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Posts posted by itsukoii

  1. alright!


    i've only been studying japanese on and off since about spring, but i've found one program that really  boosted my learning and gave me an amazing introduction to the language.

    that program is Human Japanese!

    the program is made by an english speaker, for english speakers. the author goes incredibly in-depth in every chapter, and in a way even the simplest of minds can grasp (like myself!) and in the most interactive, fun way possible.

    the two programs, Human Japanese and Human Japanese Intermediate, have been the smoothest possible ride for me. i've just barely started Human Japanese Intermediate, but even by just completing its predecessor, i've learned a learned a good amount of grammar, the kana, vocabulary, fun cultural lessons and notes, as well as some small, nitty-gritty things about the language. i can't wait to get off my ass and finish HJ Intermediate because i know once i do, i'll be well on my way with this language!

    i can't recommend this product enough, honestly. please note, the full versions do cost money, so give the trial a test run and see if you like it! (but i can almost guarantee you'll get sucked in right away, just as i was, and will end up buying the program.)


    teamed with Human Japanese, i've recently (as in, four days ago) picked up an Android app called Japanese Kanji Study - 漢字学習 (i believe it's available on iOS as well). in the four days i've used this app, i've got 80 kanji under my belt. i can recognize and write nearly all of those 80.

    only the N5 kanji are available for free. it costs $9.99 CAD to get the rest of the JLPT kanji, but i think it's worth it. i personally have not yet bought the full version as i'm not finished learning the N5 kanji, but as soon as i grasp those, i'll be buying the full version.

    the app is a pretty standard drilling/quizzing app, but it does its job. i can't really cover everything it offers in words, so i suggest you download it and give it a shot!

  2. 18 minutes ago, Suuu said:


    Basically at the moment, the members of Deviloof especially Keisuke are dealing with a pair of stalkers who have been causing trouble and generally harassing them for a little over the last month.


    this is them polity requesting to stop the harassment otherwise they will need to involve the police.

    ohh, thanks for informing me. hope it gets resolved :// 

  3. i can't tell if meji picked up or hung up on my call of wanting jazz kei...... but nevertheless DIRTY PIG PSYCHO is an oddly satisfying mess


    i have yet to listen to the other song

  4. 6 minutes ago, DarkWater said:


    can you clean your browser catch? or to check in a different browser?


    I also saw this 2days ago, but after an hour it was all back to normal.


    so I guess in your case its your browser catch.



    oh! back to normal. yeah it must've been my cache

  5. 2 minutes ago, DarkWater said:


    ah then it maybe was in your catch.

    I did update the webshop with newest version 2days ago.



    so nothing to worry about it. I  guess. 


    desktop site is still bugged tho :((


    no rush, just wanted to make sure you guys knew about it

  6. 5 minutes ago, DarkWater said:


    I thought it was gone,  somehow something seems to be bugging.

    will check it up tomorrow again. 



    btw just did check with my phone and it was all in normale size.



    oh yeah, i just checked on my phone as well and it's back to normal. last time i checked was maybe two nights ago

  7. ok but this depresses me a bit (edit: a lot)






    Mirai (Vexent) Twitter
    November 2nd, 2016

    There are so many different feelings inside of me and it’s so complicated. Just as Mako already said about Touka, I’m angry and hateful but we were in the same band and we were friends for a long time and maybe it’s only me thinking this way but he was my best friend.


    That’s why I can’t accept this now. There is anger but in the end I can’t hate Touka. I wanted to be in a band with him forever as kamite guitar and shimote guitar, laughing together. I don’t want to think about the fact that we won’t stand on stage together anymore.


    I did fight with him a lot, he gave me better and more advices than anyone else. But I guess this daily life is over now and it makes me feel helpless. 
    I know that I shouldn’t worry about this but I really really liked him, so it makes me sad. It’s hard.


    Touka-san, you’re such an idiot! Didn’t you say “Let’s stand on many different stages together!”? Didn’t we have many conversations about our stupid dreams while drinking until early in the morning?!


    Maybe there will be even harder things to come but there will also be even more beautiful sceneries.
    We’re still on our way. Only half-way.


    I will go and see even better sceneries, also on your behalf, so come and see it?! I will make you regret that you gave up!
    So when that day comes, let’s laugh together again, have some drinks and talk about old times!


    I’m not as strong as the other members, so I can’t just look ahead like this yet but I know that there’s nothing else we can do but walk forward. That’s why even more than until now I will face this band and I will face myself.


    Vexent has only started running. We’re still dreaming.
    We’re going to be even cooler than everyone expect us to be, so don’t lose sight and please keep an eye on us!


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