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Posts posted by itsukoii

  1. what's your guys' preferred method of practicing your listening skills? it's something i really need to work on, but i'm not really sure how to go about it. listening to music seems like the most obvious method, but i don't really want to go searching for lyrics for every song i listen to.


    (i'd like to read japanese subtitles as i listen to whatever my preferred method of practicing is, because my listening skills are shit lmao. i need to read and listen)

  2. basically i think of the -re and -no as:


    sore: "that is a [...]".

    sono: "that [...] is/does this". 



    That is a cat.



    That cat is cute.


    in sono sentences, it attaches to the noun, and a particle comes after them. the two words are one unit, whereas 'sore' is its own, and gets a particle right after.


    i think i'm correct LMAO

  3. 1 hour ago, doombox said:

    I don't know if it's a guilty pleasure or more of just a band I don't think people would expect me to like because I tend to like darker/heavier bands. But I think Smileberry are just adorable and fun. I don't really have guilty pleasures because I'm not embarrassed of anything I like? lol But they are probably the closest thing I guess you could say.


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  4. tbh? nocturnal bloodlust. their western sound was such a turn-off for me originally. i downloaded their omnigod album and left it sitting in the dust for a good couple of months and would skip majority of the songs that came on shuffle... but after a while of not skipping the songs, i started to really enjoy them, despite the western sounds. i think i really fell in love with hiro's vocals, especially his high screams, and then started to do more research on the band and involve myself and they turned out to be one of my all-time faves ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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