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Posts posted by itsukoii



    i guess hiroto's started a youtube channel and will be posting drumming videos? i'm all for it, especially if we get more snippets of songs like LOVER that have only been played live (although it's pretty hard to pick up on the rest of the song when the video's focused on the drums...)

  2. 2 minutes ago, 『 A F E R N I 』 said:

    The fury rages on for several threads and more of Tsuzuki’s ex sefure come out and drop more information:
    -He has trouble getting it up because of medicine
    -Forces girls to blow him for 2-3 hours
    -Very into pissing on girls/ being pissed on, and drinking piss
    -His borderline makes him a huge prick and he has been known to trash girls homes and cut himself while chasing them to make them run out
    -A massive alcoholic who forces girls to drink even when they’re dangerously drunk


    i wouldn't be surprised one bit if all of this was true but.............. damn

  3. straight, most likely


    i've had crushes on girls in the past but i could never imagine myself going any farther than kissing them. i hate vag >:((

    & i haven't had any crushes on girls in a long time. i've never been in a relationship but i'd rather try one with a dude rather than a girl. and idk i also like looking at guys more than i like looking at girls ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  4. songs that tease you by starting off heavy, growls/screams and all (like waving a fresh, warm cookie in front of ur face)... u think the whole song'll be like that (u think u'll get that cookie)... AND THEN they slap you in the face (with that same cookie) by dropping a really awful-sounding chorus with clean vocals and boring riffs. so like, every visual kei song ever? smfh it's getting really frustrating

  5. technically, i've been single my entire life (i had a mutual liking with a guy once, but i didn't want a long distance relationship. i think he thought we were official, and i didn't have the heart to say we weren't... still, that's the closest i've ever been to a relationship even though i don't really count it OTL). i've only had crushes on a handful of people (who never returned the feelings ;^;). i never really was into relationships and all of that funky stuff when the people around me/my friends started getting into it, and even now i don't think i'm 100% ready for a relationship. but that's alright, because i'm still young, and i really don't need to rush into these things. i'm content being single, because i'm an independent person for the most part.


    i gotta admit though, i'm curious to see what it'd be like in a "real" relationship. but i haven't met anybody who i'm interested in, and i won't date someone who i'm not 100% devoted to or someone who i don't really like.


    aaaand i think a big reason as to why i've been single for this long is because i never really give people chances. i'm a bit quick to judge. whoops. (but most guys who talk to me are basic weed-smoking white boys with neckbeards and type like they're 10, so... there isn't really much to "judge" or any chances to give lolol.) but tbqh i am pretty picky in the people i like and i guess i do have "types" :S so i really don't want to settle with somebody who wouldn't be right for me just for the sake of making them happy or giving a relationship a try. i wouldn't enjoy it and in the end i'd probably hurt the other person by accident, due to nothing working out. why am i such a bitch


    tl;dr i'm happy being single but wouldn't mind trying a relationship if the right person came along, but it probably won't happen for a while ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  6. 12 minutes ago, JamesR said:

    Am I the only one happy with the recent influx of 'br00tal' VK bands like Nokubura, Fixer, Jiluka, D.I.D., by:Arlant, Deviloof, Scarlet Horizon and(to a lesser extent) Dezert and Damy? Is nu-metal influenced -core  the next trend?


    man i live and breathe br00tal kei. if more vk bands venture into metal and core genres and do it WELL, i'd be all for it

  7. 1 minute ago, patientZERO said:

    I wonder if this video was pre-Keisuke. The vocals just aren't the same. Not to mention that haircut ... !


    i was wondering about this too, the vocalist seems nothing like keisuke... if it is him, i'm going to be amazed

  8. sorry to be a little bit of a dunce, because i'm sure the answer for my question is right in front of my face, but i just can't seem to figure out how to delete items from my cart??

  9. me too, i've always been a fan of vocal layering and i think it fits in Ruin (purge ver.). i'm not saying they should go overboard with layering in the future, because i do agree with keisuke's lows and highs being fantastic and i love hearing them on their own, but if the layering is done right and only done in a couple of songs i'd be a-ok with that. 

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