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Posts posted by itsukoii

  1. jiluka, of course. they were one of the first vk bands i got into, so they hold a spot pretty close to home for me (an unfair advantage but still a valid one). overall, though, their music to me sounds better than fixer's. their breakdowns, zyean's blast beats, sena's near-mia-status guitaring, and ricko's voice. his screams are up there in my favourites, and even his clean singing voice is really enjoyable for me (usually i don't like clean singing voices unless they're pretty damn impressive). 


    i tried getting into fixer because i liked ReivieЯ, but,,, they'll never be up to par with jiluka in my eyes. not a bad band, but not the best, either.

  2. 1 hour ago, sume7 said:


    Did they say this (What's underlined above)? If so they be going home. lol But I like them a lot though but I really don't know how famous you can expect to get doing deathcore.


    nah, it's my own prediction. and you're right, deathcore doesn't get anybody very far, so i expect deviloof to stay small and indie (i don't think they'll be disbanding in 2017, though, even if their full album isn't a major success amongst vk. and i'm pretty happy with them staying small and indie lmao)

  3. 1) i can definitely see initial'L dropping vk, you can already tell how much they've toned down their look. in terms of their music? won't be much & won't be that hype

    2) i'd also like to see ryuya from deviloof join another band, and hopefully he does so in 2017.

    3) on the topic of deviloof, they've announced that their first full album will happen in the new year, but after its release, they'll either go big with it or go home.

    3) nokubura will put out something amazing

    4) elysion will keep pumping out live-limited releases & i'll finally drop them

  4. does anybody here happen to know who the vocalist at 6:52 is? it could be the band's actual vocalist, but i don't know. the vocalist here sounds completely different than the one in 天草 (the other song by 蜘手わみ in this compilation). but maybe the two songs DO have the same vocalist? if that's the case, i really gotta find out who this dude is, because his voice is fuckin impressive.

    the track title of the song i'm asking about says "feat.ナーチュー", so i was thinking that name was possibly a guest vocalist? but this band seems fairly new and i can't find much on them at all, so maybe somebody here has a better clue than i do.

    thanks in advance if anybody's got anything!


    edit: LOL upon further research, this album came out in 2014 so the band isn't new


  5. so i've finally hopped onto the last.fm train, and i have a question regarding the play counts.

    i've gotten the scrobblers and have the sync working, but my question is, is there any way to sync my already-existing iTunes play counts to my new last.fm account?

    for example: i have a song with 155 plays on iTunes. how can i import that to last.fm and make it say the same? (note: i'd like to do this with my entire iTunes library and its play counts).


    thanks in advance if anybody knows the solution to this!

  6. i've spent about $210 so far in treating myself,,, feelsgood/badman. i feel guilty atm, but UGH those CDs, cheki and hoodie will be worth it when they arrive. i never do more than buy myself one CD every 1-3 months during the year, so i think i deserve this.

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