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    platy reacted to Tokage in What did you dream about last night?   
    Last night's dreams involved a lot of... uncomfortable paranormal shit.
    Main thing I recall was being visited by some demonic entity at two different points.. It looked different each time, but I could somehow tell it was the same. The very first time I was just chilling at my parents' place back in the Netherlands, chatting with my folks and stuff. At some point I went upstairs and entered my parents' bedroom (it was mine before i moved out). Instead of a bed, I found this... thing on the floor there. It was like a cross between a dirt crater and a portal on a pentagram, very black, oily and writhing. There was a very, very tall, pitch-black humanoid figure lying face-down in the circle, looked like someone who'd jumped off a building or something. It still had a visible nose and mouth, but no eyes where its face ought to be. Instead, there were glowing red and yellow eyes scattered across its back, arms and legs. The door and windows pretty much instantly shut themselves, and I felt this MASSIVE wave of dread wash over me. The thing started speaking to me.. not out loud, but i could only hear it in my head, though its voice was drowned out by other background noise like rumbling, screams and such. I instantly tried to bolt out of there, but the door wouldn't give.
    I don't know what happened afterwards, but the second 'visitation' I remember took place in Estonia, in the town I currently live in. There's a small park on a hill near my house and it's kind of secluded by trees and all that. I was walking there when I could feel something large hit the ground behind me, and that same atmosphere of total dread kicked in again. This time the creature looked like a cross between a human, a rooster and a snake. It was almost as large as your average wood shed. Had the head of a rooster, but with a snake tongue and twisted sharp teeth lining the inside of its beak. Its body was mostly snakelike, but covered here and there in patches of feathers. It also had a pair of very pale humanoid arms. I remember it tried to converse with me in my mind again, tried to get me to agree to something, but once again I tried to get the fuck out of there.
    A different dream I remember from the same night took place in a very murky, drab complex that felt like a mix between a shoddy hotel, abandoned factory and parking garage. The floor I was on had a long metal walkway with a guardrail, and beyond that there was just a lot of black empty space, like a big nothingness, for a large part. The opposite side of the building was only vaguely visible in the distance thanks to some weak flickering lights that would occasionally flash on or off. Anyway, my side of the building was mostly deserted, there were a few people here and there. Eventually I ended up facing a large line of different elevators, each of which looked like they were snatched directly from some different time period. They were behind transparent glass doors, and each of them appeared to be cursed or haunted in some way. If you waited and watched long enough you'd see some sort of replayed recording of some weird shit that happened in there. One elevator displayed an imprint of a middle-aged cleaning lady mopping the floor, when all of a sudden the cabin is cast in utter blackness for a few seconds. Once the lights switch back on the whole elevator's smeared in blood. Another had an elderly couple and a bunch of tourists in it, whose faces suddenly vanished. I finally went into a really decrepit looking elevator along with some salaryman type and a college student. Nothing was shown when watching the door from the outside, but once inside it turned out that this elevator was controlled by a poltergeist o something. It'd throw the elevator down all stop-and-go, sometimes gradually pulling it up a few floors before dropping everyone down again, sometims partially prying the doors open, etc.. I don't think I even got out of the elevator
    There was also something involving gnomes or midgets dressed like gnomes but i dont remember much about that one...
  2. Like
    platy reacted to Zeus in What video games are you currently playing?   
    I don't normally post in this topic because Overwatch is life but after four days and twenty hours of playing it almost nonstop and having to force myself to log into Overwatch to rank up some, I've realized just how bloody brilliant NieR:Automata is. Like holy fucking hell, it's probably the best Japanese RPG I've played in some time...maybe even ever. The way it plays with genres as well as it does my expectations, the world building, 2B and her animations, the frantic bullet hell sections that keep my hands sweating...I haven't played a game this compelling in years. No one gets off Yoko Taro's crazy ride until he says so. It scratches the itch I had for a non open-world RPG with some story and more conventional elements. It's a better game than the last five Final Fantasy titles I picked up and Square Enix published this on a budget. I want DLC. I need DLC.
  3. Like
    platy reacted to The Moon in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    "Is anyone else getting tired of VK? I've been listening to it for the past six months and two days, so I've been into the scene for awhile, and all these bands just sound the same now. Thoughts?" 
  4. Like
    platy reacted to ArtFart in What video games are you currently playing?   
    I got Rune Factory 4 for my birthday early, and I CANT PUT IT DOWN. 
  5. Like
    platy reacted to Zalemu in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    "Why did Bou leave An Cafe????? BAAAAAAWWW" even though it's been almost 10 years since he left
  6. Like
    platy reacted to Aferni in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    Mejibray Comment Section: 「羽花」/ THE END/ Agitato Grimoire 
    "oh my baby girls , they have just fucked my ears , love the way "Die Kusse Girl" sing in this song <3 Hane ga saku Hane ga saku"
    "I'm just in love with Mejibray. It's awesome to see how the visualkei-genre (cause at least for me there's something you can definitely defined as a genre in terms of music and sound) is having a great come back with new bands such as Dadaroma and Mejibray. I was a huge fan of Kagerou, and since they have been gone it was harsh for me to get to feel the same thing with a j-rock/metal band again - even though Gazette did an amazing job in DOGMA. There's a lot of sounds of those generations of musicians in Mejibray. Getting' to know this guys is one of the many reasons, youtube is such a fantastic place for multicultural and artistic awareness. Mejibray are just simply amazing. Eterno amor."
    "Meto marry me xdxDxd ♡♡ 💍"
    "is so beautiful cry...koichi smoke?....i love it is so beautiful"
    "purrrfucktion*!!! AS USUAL!!!!
    audio orgasms
    *purrrfucktion = aka: perfection
    "I think it is dedicated to Meto.
    Just at first he climbed the mountain, and then reached the top, and Rouen lifted into the air, and he stood, smiling. And then he threw his sticks into the air, and fell to his knees. He looked so happy.
    Could The End mean the end of his "puppet" of life?
    (there can be mistakes, but i can't translate from Russian well)"
    "Mejibray is my all time favorite band ever since i was into jrock 10years ago.. Please don't stop making awesome music :,( "
    'the end' It's about life itself ugh, if you knew some basic japanese and paid attention to lyrics you'd understand

    Levy Cerise
    Ugh, if you knew that not everyone knows Japanese or has time to look up the lyrics you'd understand what a total idiot you sound like. And this is from someone who speaks complex Japanese. Let me guess, you still use "あなた" and "私".


    prince fuckboy
    youre right everyone speaks japanese

    +prince fuckboy Fukboi tho.
    "Flipping off the viewer. How edgy. sarcastic clap Also, these have got to be some of the ugliest outfits I've ever seen of MEJIBRAY. The only one that actually looks OK is MiA's, but that isn't surprising because we can all rely on MiA to be fabulous. This is sad, because both the song and the scenery are very pretty. For shame, MEJIBRAY, for shame."
    "didnt meto say he would commit suicide if there were no more mejibray? :("
    "NO ONE CAN EVER REPLACE VERSAILLES. But, Mejibray displays its own beauty and well METO and MIA and Koichi are cute. PLus, compared to American rock this has more heart and balls hands down. THe lead has a scream to make you melt into darkness. Mejibray PLEASE come to the states and show America what heart is. I do love America but JAPANESE ROCK IS BETTER SORRY"
  7. Like
    platy reacted to Himeaimichu in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    "Wait, how is Inugami Circus Dan VisualKei? Their lead singer is a girl and they wear white makeup!"
    "OMG Yuko from Wagakki Band is such a great lyricist. Her song "Iroha Uta" is so creative!"
    And when you tell them that Iroha Uta is about a prostitute into BDSM and was originally by the vocaloid Rin Kagamine: "Stop trying to made the goddess look bad you peasant!"
    "My favourite KoteKei song is Rinkaku from Dir En Grey"
    "My favourite 90's band is The GazettE"
    "My favourite 80's band is Dir En Grey"
    "Is Kisaki a girl?"
    *Band wears dark lipstick* "OMG they're copying Dir En Grey" 
    *Band plays pop rock* "Omg these guys are copying SuG"
    "Kiryu is totally copying Wagakki Band"
    "Memento Mori is totally copying Kiryu"
    "[insert random Enka singer] is totally copying Yuko Suzuhana"
    Sorry, I'm having too much fun with the Wagakki band roast, because in the world of AnguraKei  (even though Wagakki really isn't Angura, they're lumped in), they're like The GazettE xD
  8. Like
    platy reacted to mahoujin in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    "OMG they look like real life anime characters!! SMEXY BISHIES!!" 
    Suddenly becoming edgy/offensive because they listened to a few Dir en Grey songs and now they're ready to one day fuck your parents I guess. 
    Straight girls being like LOL I'M SO GAY because they're attracted to a man wearing makeup. 
  9. Like
    platy reacted to Karma’s Hat in A "semi-goodbye"   
    Get over yourself and have some dignity, man. Everyone here ends up taking a few L's eventually and gets called out on it, but this is a very forgiving and accommodating community that treats these things with good humour. So If you're interested in this stuff then please: discover new bands, enjoy the dl's and just talk rubbish like everyone else here, and you might make a few friends, have a good time and whatever else; if not, then it's beyond me why anyone would feel inclined to make an eulogy for themselves on a bloody internet messageboard before fading into lurkdom. 
  10. Like
    platy reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in A "semi-goodbye"   
    Hon, everyone here goes through an awkward introductory phase. For a long time, I'm pretty sure @CAT5couldn't stand me. And for a while, I used to think @Zeus was an elitist jerk.
    Once you start knowing people a bit more, it will feel a lot less awkward. Now Cat tolerates me. I also don't think Zeus is an elitist anymore. After talking to him and eventually meeting him IRL, I know he's an elitist jerk.  
    You've honestly done nothing wrong and I don't think anyone was actually upset or physically affected by anything you've seen. We've seen a lot of weirdos here -- you're no where close to being on par with what is considered "bad" by MH standards.
    You haven't:
    -Hacked anyone's account
    -Stalked + harassed several users
    -Pissed off the mods on a daily basis
    -Threatened the security of the site
    -Created a hostile environment for others to contribute information to
    -Caused a shitstorm of drama and made a new account with a "new identity" (for the 8th time)
    It's still your choice whether you'd like to lurk or not, but there's nothing to beat yourself up over.
  11. Like
    platy reacted to Duwang in Show Yourself (again)   
    I haven't posted here in about a year so I figured why not. 
    Just like last year, cheki with XAA-XAA from a few weeks ago
  12. Like
    platy got a reaction from -NOVA- in New band "JENOVA" has formed   
    Recycling in vk is strong
  13. Like
    platy reacted to Chi in random thoughts thread   
  14. Like
    platy reacted to gekiai in Show Yourself (again)   
    Just gonna casually add some melanin to this thread ...
  15. Like
    platy reacted to allisapp in Show Yourself (again)   
    I gave my hair to a charity so now I am back with the boy hair!
    Right after the cut/dye:

    And now:

  16. Like
    platy reacted to hiroki in Show Yourself (again)   
    hmm somewhat recent photos


  17. Like
    platy reacted to Tokage in lynch. new mini album "SINNERS-EP" release   
    it's called 'sinners' because they associated with weed smokers
  18. Like
    platy got a reaction from suji in Family On Facebook be like   
    My mom only posts stuff about good vibes and my grandma (who learned to use it recently after 63 years of tech illiteracy)  posts stuff about the war against the devil, Jesus wanting to enter your house "type amen and like if you want jesus in your house" it's actually quite funny, she posts a lot of stuff about farms and animals, so I keep an eye out for that. Overall my family doesn't bother me on social media, but I do refrain from sharing certain things like LGBT comics or images etc. coz I can't be fucked with internet rage.
    I have a friend who has his whole family on his FB (mom, grandma and aunties included) and he openly likes and shares anime tits and lewdness without his family giving a fuck... it's weird.
  19. Like
    platy got a reaction from nxbitakinema in Your last music-related buy!   
    xaa xaa new album and GRIMOIRE's new single. 
    Hopefully not my only buy of 2017
  20. Like
    platy reacted to The Bread Wolf in ProTip Thread   
    Ultimate protip:
    If they're more trouble than they're worth, drop it.
    There are so many people out there who don't see this and insist on "fixing" people. Yo, hun, not your problem. This tactic applies to all "fixer-uppers"; high-maintenance, basic bitches who bring nothing new to the table personality-wise; manipulative little shits and "playing hard to get" skanks.
    The bread has spoken.
  21. Like
    platy reacted to frayed in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    Don't know if this really counts, but some of the crap these kids spam the band guys' Instagram pages with, lol.
  22. Like
    platy got a reaction from Seimeisen in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    but i HAVE been listening to vk for ten years and my favorite bands ARE MALISEND, xaax, BFN and gazette and SID and A9 and Royz 
  23. Like
    platy got a reaction from returnal in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    but i HAVE been listening to vk for ten years and my favorite bands ARE MALISEND, xaax, BFN and gazette and SID and A9 and Royz 
  24. Like
    platy reacted to vanivani in New band "JENOVA" has formed   
    They sound okay. Kinda sound generic!
  25. Like
    platy reacted to Ro plz in Blacklist YOHIO and/or Western VK   
    Guess it's too late to say my dog took my computer and that wasn't me who posted this huh?
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