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Status Updates posted by platy

  1. REIGN are good live! Also look how they reign in the money as soon as they come on stage :o 



    1. plastic_rainbow


      i just watched grimoire's performance and it seemed like the vocalist was really starting to lose his voice at the end. i did see them live once during one trip but don't remember it being that bad. i'll watch reign's portion when i get the chance~ don't really know the other band lol

    2. platy


      @plastic_rainbow first time I saw GRIMOIRE live they were good. Rynk was having a very obvious bad throat day in this livestream, he even cleared his throat on the mic at one point just before a song lol I just wanted to give him a warm drink. The last band is sick²'s alter ego. I wonder what the vocalist talks about, because he sure loves talking. 

    3. plastic_rainbow


      yeah, i wasn't really digging that performance... :( ah, i'm not too familiar with sick², haha.

  2. brunette curly haired anime villains. I can only think of two so far - Naraku from Inuyasha and Muzan from KnY. Any others? I’m gonna start manifesting more of this archetype into existence.

    1. ghost


      Can't think of any but as soon as I read "Inuyasha" I heard the guitars in Fukai Mori and now I'm going through Do As Infinity's discography.

    2. violetchain


      Nephlite from Sailor Moon

    3. platy


      @violetchain yup. A minor villain, but a curly brunette villain nevertheless! 

  3. PC has been blue screening endlessly 😔 Carrying it to the PC doctor 35 mins away on foot.  No proper back up of my shit. I played myself 😔

    1. saiko



    2. 091012


      If you don't want to mess with external hard drives you can get a bunch of zip drives and color code them-I tend to back stuff up more when it's in pieces...

    3. platy


      It's true. Tbh I was planning to save my photos at least on a CD. Only way to make sure nothing will go corrupt/missing with time. 

  4. There's such a deep shift happening this year, globally. Just when you think you might be safe for the rest of the year, an identity crisis hits. 

    1. saiko


      What's the matter?

    2. CAT5


      Its the beginning of the end. Which really means its the beginning 😉

    3. platy


      @CAT5 couldn't be more true.


      @saiko not to get too deep, but I've not only observed a change in the world (as we all have) but also in many people around me. Lots of people discovering themselves, changing aspects of their life etc. I thought of myself as only the observer, but then realised I was going thru massive changes as well. 

  5. What you all doing for Halloween? I'll be dressing up and pumpkin carving with a couple of people. 

    1. Furik


      im taking my niece and nephew to the zoo. 😔

    2. ghost


      trick or treating in animal crossing with a friend because my irl social life is absolutely obliterated

    3. plastic_rainbow


      watch horror movies alone basically, which i've already been doing all month lol. i'm also gonna make a no-bake pumpkin cheesecake today! :)

  6. Goddamn the face of the singer from pentagon looks like it belongs in one of those silent movies from the 1920's.


    1. IGM_Oficial


      So specific lol

    2. platy


      I know LOL but his face is really unique. It totally doesnt belong in this century.

  7. platy

    otome game recommendations?

    1. beni


      RE:alistair is where I started. It has a lot of elements in it you can find in other good ones, like the stat raising feature. The company, sake visual, have plenty of great free games, including that one. Pretty big on the mobile/play store ones, usually free to play. Shall We Date series in particular. Other than that, for a game worth your money and time, check out Ozmafia. For one as a beginner, see Amnesia. And as for a company suggestion, Cheritz deserves all your attention!

    2. platy


      I'm dying to play ozmafia...just waiting for a good sale :D Thank you for the recommendations

  8. Sibilebashir's 'honnou' is sex to my ears. Why did I avoid them

    1. platy


      I came running as soon as I saw the singer was ex. Baggy Boggy:hyper:.

    2. tetsu_sama69


      welcome friend

  9. Tomorrow I'm going to my local cinema for the FF XV premier and to hopefully win some freebies too. 

    Can't wait to watch Kingsglaive on a big screen.  Don't think my eyes are ready. 

  10. March has been a very plentiful month for VK listeners. I will miss it </3

    1. Mamo


      I don't get it. 


    2. platy


      @sume7there was a release for almost everyday of the month 

  11. Seeing a 'Evolution of SuG' video of youtube from the last ten years hit me in the feels hard.

    When I think I've had enough of them, my inner fangirl comes crawling back.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      I haven't really paid attention to them in quite some time since they're not my thing, but when I mentally envision them they're still at "Love Scream Party" for me haha

    2. platy


      @Peace Heavy mk II haha the good old  oshare times, you could definitely say they grew up.  They tried releasing some more 'adult' music but currently seem to be stuck in the 'angsty teen' music. 

  12. Added a 9GBO cd to my sales post. Accepting offers on everything!! 

    1. Komorebi
    2. platy


      @Komorebiyou know you wanna! Cheapest flyers & magazines in town. 

  13. What do you mean Neo Yokio isn't on Myanimelist? I binge watched all episodes and can confirm its legitimacy as an anime.

    1. fitear1590


      (Haven't seen it, but) I still find it so bonkers that the lead singer of a trendy indie band was the creator of this show.

    2. platy


      That's not the only thing that's bonkers about this show. 

  14. platy


    1. Jun_



    2. Jun_


      Obrigado, Platy <333

  15. Speaking of divisive content, yumeleep sure have been quiet. 

    1. BrenGun


      but doing lot's of lives tho.

    2. BrenGun


      also they will release a album at 2018.05.02 ¥2,700 (Tax in)

  16. I give up. I'm now a huge fan of yumeleep and even the singing  is starting to sound good. 

    1. 123Sandman321


      They took a while to grow on me, too. I quite like them, now, but as their repertoire increases, it gets harder to tell their songs apart. It'd be better if they'd shake up the formula, somehow.

    2. Haniel


      They're good, but I still miss the jolly synthesizers of Melvel

  17. crying because dadaroma will never make something as good as Lucid Dream again

    1. yakihiko


      I had the same thought, but since "ある日、世界は美しいと思った" debut, I changed my mind, and both are my all time favorite now. I hope you can find something similar to Lucid Dream.

    2. IGM_Oficial


      Right in the f e e l s

  18. I don't wanna rush anybody, but where's GRIMOIRE's summer release?!

    1. 123Sandman321


      Considering that they released a pretty hefty EP in April,  think we're looking at a late fall/winter release... 😕

    2. platy


      Mmm that is more likely. I just thought that maaaybe they'd follow xaa xaa's crazy release schedule. It's better they don't tbh

  19. xaa-xaa has the best breakdowns* in the scene

    1. platy


      *song breakdowns, not mental ones

    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Of course 🤣

  20. GALLO's deathtopia gets better with every listen

    1. Manji 卍

      Manji 卍

      more than agreed.if there's a band that i have a lot of fun on every listening it is the gallo.

      if they include the last handful of singles and add more 6 or 7 tracks,we have an album for the next release,fingers crossed. 

    2. monkeybanana4


      Same here. Initially didn't expect anything, but I find it even more fun and addictive with each listen.

  21. Joker is a fantastic movie, but I'd recommend anyone struggling with mental health to avoid it or approach with caution.


    No, I'm not buying into the hype. I usually have a pretty high tolerance to stuff, but this got too personal towards the end and almost sent me spiraling. It shouldn't be rated as 15. It's an R rated movie if I've ever seen one, and not because of violence. 



      I agree. I think they've done a really good job of depicting mental illness, so much so that it hit much too close to home for me as well and I had to leave the cinema about halfway through the movie. I've been (consciously) struggling with depression for half my life and I'm currently in a phase (in therapy) where things are looking up, I feel more connected, more awake and present and therefor much more vulnerable and sensitive towards depictions of mental illness, addiction and so forth.


      I wouldn't necessarily say it's a question of age though but rather how sensitive you are and whether you've struggled with similar issues in your past or not.


      Hope you feel better 💪

    2. Manabu


      I agree entirely but sadly I think some of the themes, questions and messages the movie is portraying will fall on deaf ears, quite ironic.

  22. マチルダ's  kiseki ni iru is a straight up "tribute" to gazette's WIFE

    1. Himeaimichu


      Ironic, knowing Wife was originally a tribute to Myaku by Dir en Grey

    2. platy


      and the cycle goes on

  23. Dadaism#5 is a solid release. :thumbs:

    1. IGM_Oficial
    2. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Yeah it is. Day By Day is frickin' good!!

  24. Monthly reminder: wow I can't believe 9GBO are gone 😔

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Neither I... at the least Ryo and Uta are still around 🙂

    2. zombieparadise


      A short but sweet existence

  25. This thread needs a serious update :lol: 



    1. Tokage


      the new update is ''friendship with both kizu & dimlim is ended. now gulu gulu is my new best friend''

    2. platy


      And in a few months gulugulu will be discarded just like its predecessors

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