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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    You have inspired me to do a vocal cover now... but of what i am unsure. LOL. We should both do this for fun. I really hope you continue something like this.
  2. togz

    The funny thing is that... I think this is the first time I have ever heard your voice in the what? 6ish years I've known you? HAS TI BEEN THAT LONG? 2008/2009 right? ANYWAY you have a pretty good tone, I think you're right when you say some parts were a bit high for you, but it doesn't sound bad. Plus I noticed there's songs that I couldn't sing years before but gradually over time as I kept challenging myself my range has grown a bit more. I like this please do more of these.
  3. togz

    ..... That's funny because I can't stand the way gackt looks or his voice.... so I don't really see how I would like one and not the other if they were OH SO SIMILAR lol. This is a joke, I'm sorry. That aside... I have mixed feelings about the new Mini, maybe a after a few listens I'll change my mind.
  4. togz

    I wanted to do this so bad... but considering the account I have on last.fm was scrobbled from another computer, and I only recently started using it again after switching from another account... i don't feel it is accurate. and the itunes I have now I have only recently added music to... so my plays aren't really... there at all yet.... so basically if we are going by my last.fm.... all 10 songs are galeyd.... and if we are going by my itunes.... it's the novembers.... lol..... maybe i'll revisit this next year....
  5. Need mbhi .___.

    1. Elazmus
    2. togz


      I don't have a job right now so I wasn't able to order the singles so I hope someone else uploads them soon because idk when I'll be able to get them...

  6. dude... mbhi's new release is in like... a day. I wish i had that thing you can trade for items and stuff... what was it called.... MONEY YEAH THAT THING.

    1. Elazmus
    2. doombox


      Money? What's that? I forgot what it looks like. :|

    3. togz


      Even if i had money, now i have rent, phone bill, car insurance, hospital bill, student loan, dental bill, clinic bill... plus my car needs work, or a new car all together. CAN'T FORGET THE TICKET I GOT A FEW MONTHS BACK EITHER.

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  7. togz

    I'm all about instrumentals when it comes to the tears. I feel like instrumental pieces have that power over lyrics work in the sense that the listener can piece together an image and sort of vibe of their own more freely than being influenced by someone else's words. This doesn't go with out saying I've cried while listening to a song with lyrics, but I feel that those times where more of a luck hit or miss kind of thing. Say if I'm in a mood and a song comes on where I think I can relate to the lyrics it may amplify what I'm feelings because I'll interpret the lyrics in a way that I emotionally feel are correct in that moment, but I don't think I have ever sat down and cried because of the lyrics of a song alone. Instrumentals on the other hand can build and build in a sense that sort of causes me to cry for no reason. But this song gets me every time because reasons.
  8. togz

    This is an interesting topic and really got me thinking.... I think I'm able to remember songs quicker if it's an artist I am already familiar with, possibly after one listen I will know what song it is. If it's an artist I have never heard before, probably a few listens if I like it. If it doesn't reach out to me, I probably won't even remember why I didn't like the song. I guess i just tend to remember things quicker based on the level of interest I actually have in it.... Thus if I can't remember it... it probably wasn't THAT much worth remembering.
  9. togz

    Oh no. I know we probably never spoke... but I saw you around here and there quite a bit. ;___; I hope you are able to do well with your schooling! Best of luck and I'm sure I'm not the only one to say that I look forward to your return.
  10. togz

    definitely her back hairs then ( I didn't know you had back hair para D: )=____= I'm 12 what are private bits?
  11. togz

    Bruh let's not bring in private parts like... That's just a hidden rule or something like.... I don't want to know who is like welcome to the jungle or who is like ..... Let's just talk about armpit hair
  12. is anyone else doing NaNoWriMo?

    1. Biopanda


      Is that the thing where I can show off all of my Harry Potter x Kamijo fanfics?

    2. doombox


      I tried last year and failed horribly. XD And got too much going on this year to worry about it. Good luck with it tho!

    3. allisapp


      Nah, I am too busy this month

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  13. togz

    no shave november is for a good cause... and tbh... even me... my legs get a little prickly because... bruh I wear jeans all the time... no need to spend the extra 5 minutes in the shower if no one gon be seeing my legs cept me. more like no shave all year (kinda) armpit hair is another story.... especially in the heat... like pls wear a lot of fragrance or something so I don't choke... i'm sorry but BO fer days with hairy pits. Especially at shows bruh. Like people be tank toppin it at shows.... with the jungle under their arms, thrown they hands in thu air like they're partying like it's 1999.... getting your face smashed by pit hair tho... pls. pls have mercy on my vertically challenged placement.
  14. bfn's mini feels just O.K. but maybe a second listen will change mind...

    1. togz


      well there's two songs i liked so far, but i mean overall... it just sounds a little bland... like the mini album as a whole sounded.... like most of the songs were very similar... like its hard to tell when one song starts and one ends etc etc like nothing stood out to me.

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      it's dificult to recognize in their sound their talent...

    3. togz


      I think they have talent, I think the type of music they chose to do is what makes them seem pretty basic because they rely on a lot of synth work, however, That is intended I believe... so I can see how it'd be difficult to spot their talent, but they do have some nice work.

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  15. Alcohol is a terrible terrible thing.

    1. PsychoΔelica
    2. doombox
    3. beni


      Sorry, I hadn't realised such a thing happened. Relieved you're fine, be safe please.

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  16. togz

    Omg yoshiatsu welcome back honey!!!!!!!!
  17. togz

    brah I wish I had a job already cuz id be like ok yeah let's
  18. togz

    [2] though I'm still pretty shocked, they seemed like they were doing okay... then again 5 versions of releases would probably cost a lot of money to produce, and I'm sure not everyone can afford to buy them up. Odd marketing plan.... either way they'll be missed.
  19. togz

    : | AS IF THE GIVEN DISBANDMENT WASN'T ENOUGH. I need to know when this live is and somehow go there just to see it because LAST CHANCE.
  20. Back in Washington and it feels weird. My interview is in Seattle tomorrow at 8am... Orz

    1. PsychoΔelica


      That's where u live?

    2. Tetora


      Don't miss the temperature?

    3. togz


      Hell no I love cold weather

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