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Everything posted by togz

  1. togz

    Having fallen out of love with this band for about a year now, This album was really refreshing. It's a great step past TABOO. Granted i did enjoy some tracks of of to be or not to be, but this album surpasses it by far. I can just skip over TABOO. lol. But yeah I'm surprised that no one has reviewed it yet either. Glad to say that I've got my eye and ears on them again.
  2. I'm still not over you, GALEYD. You broke my heartm but our love was real. T______________T

  3. togz

    I'd have to agree with your review on this album. I was really in to DIV as they seem to be one of the more unique bands within the VK scene. Just from the preview for the MV spot I was already having odd vibes about this release. Once I listened through it, it almost didn't feel like DIV. The songs aren't bad, but they're not memorable. They usually had pretty catchy phrases in their music but this whole album was just sort of ah seen it. But as Ender said, it's not uncommon for a band of their age to be in this predicament and they may even grow from it and release something better next time. The band does seem to be consistent with their sound, but I'd say they need a refresher. I was actually surprised they were to release another album so soon... maybe I just lost track of time but I feel like ZERO ONE just came out yesterday. HA.
  4. Work promotion, Hollah~

  5. togz

    But still thank you everyone. ;___; -many many hugs-
  6. togz

  7. This is tricky because I don't want to sound biased or completely close minded. I'd have to say male vocals. With scientific studies and research that I read about somewhere, they say it's natural that males have a wider vocal range than females, so I find a lot of times they can achieve more leaps and bounds. However, there are female artists that I favor as well, given that their vocals are tasteful and step outside of the norm kawaii chuchu nasally pop vocals. So basically I'm not close minded to trying anything once, but looking through my favored artists, about 70% of them have male vocals.
  8. togz

    Ah, I recently discovered SAW - SAW IV was added to Netflix, so recently I've marathon-ed through those a couple times. Hopefully they'll add the rest of the movies soon, Those were my favorite movies back in the day man.
  9. togz

    Yep. I had changed my password on my last account and the e-mail it was linked to was inactive so i can't retrieve the information. But I hope everyone is well!!!
  10. togz

    For the sake of people not being like, who is this togvro person why are they talking to me... This is sweetholm/dorasuteika... I'm back kinda sorta. Not as active but back none the less. I'll try to be active again! I missed you guys... I wasn't really gone that long. aha. I don't know what this post his but hi everyone I love you.
  11. Right on, Frankenstein!

    1. Peace Heavy mk II
    2. togz


      hdfbgkhsdbfkj yes. I'm glad you know what it is xD

  12. Crossfaith isn't playing at the Warped Tour Kick Off Party anymore. I'm crey.

    1. doombox


      I really hope they don't cancel anything else. Again. x_x

    2. togz


      Nah They should be playing the rest of warped tour.... ;___; I wish you could come with Jon and I.

  13. togz

    I have mighty feels for this band on a very serious and possibly unhealthy level.
  14. I want to hug all the lycaon fans rn.

  15. togz

    I feel like lycaon was a band I was proud to have discovered on my own when they started. I followed them for a really long time, and though I stopped... I'm really stunned about this disbandment. I was under the impression that, though they were indie, they were doing just fine. They always seemed to be one of the more popular bands among the VK scene, especially with the overseas fans it seems. I still don't quite understand their reason for disbandment, but I hope they can follow healthy paths after this and stay in the music scene. I'm sorry to all the fans who must feel an unimaginable amount of grief right now.
  16. togz

    Eh. I haven't been active at all lately, or so it seems. This probably isn't a shock to anyone, and it's probably going to receive some eye rolls that I'm posting this. I'm just not using the site, not really talking to anyone on the site, and I simply don't download or upload like i used to. My musical interests are branching off away from what this site revolves around (Japanese Music). I met a lot of great people while using this site and i thank everyone for that. This choice isn't because I'm being impulsive, I've thought about this for a few months. I'll miss you guys! You can add my last.fm or tumblr (facebook is limited to close friends and family, sorry ) last.fm tumblr Thanks for everything guys! Sweetholm, officially out~
  17. togz

    I completely understand this feeling. It's not the people but just life as a whole. I don't think I've really interacted with you, but still sad to see people leave the community, but you gotta do you. TAKE CARE!
  18. I scanned sukekiyo and Ruki from the new PHY magazine. http://togvro.tumblr.com/

    1. hitsuji-hime


      Could you scan Merry too? :3

    2. togz


      I will tomorrow after work ( ̄Д ̄)ノ

    3. hitsuji-hime


      Okay, thanks uwu

    4. Show next comments  111 more
  19. Selling my full galeyd and my bacteria heat island collection (cheki, cds, and other goodies!) message me if interested

  20. togz

    If the instrumentals aren't good I'll decide I won't like it xD
  21. Bruh my friend just gave me a ticket to see Manson for showbox at the market ψ(`∇´)ψ

  22. DIV, NIGHTMARE, and DIAURA stuff for sale for now.... still adding more. v___v http://togvro-x.tumblr.com/

  23. I super ordered PHY vol. 4 ( ̄Д ̄)ノ #imtrash

  24. #7 and #12 if you still have them to the USA prz ψ(`∇´)ψ
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