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Everything posted by togz

  1. I'm really excited for this hike tomorrow! Gonna take lotsa pictures

    1. leafwork


      ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ have fun

  2. I wanted it to be Monday so I could say Mejibray Madness Monday....but it's Tuesday

    1. paradoxal


      hahahasd that would've been awesome

  3. ilvl 70 -BEAMS-

    1. Biopanda
    2. Peace Heavy mk II
    3. togz


      Yeah I just started playing again a few days ago

  4. togz

    dang this is hard. Kiss Rame (because i don't wanna kill him but he's too grandma to marry) Marry Hizaki ( because......? MONEY? does he have money? Maybe not) Kill Kaya (sorry I don't follow Kaya AT ALL.) KAY. Tenten ( MBHI ) Yoshiatsu ( DADAROMA ) HiLo ( ex. Naine )
  5. I made it to 38 hours. Finally going to sleep, like the wimp I am.

  6. Time to load up on some sugarbucks... I mean Starbucks

    1. togz


      I always go for cinnamon dulce

    2. Valicious


      Starbucks Fraps 50% off between 3pm and 5pm until May 10th btw. They also just introduced a S'mores frap, and my god is it good.

    3. togz


      XD thanks Val

    4. Show next comments  99 more

    1. enyx


      Welcome to the Skype group. You may never leave.

    2. togz


      HA it's more active than the MH chat.

  8. If you play FFXIV, we made an FC on Sargantas.

  9. Hey and introduction is better late than never. Super happy to see that you've come forward to say hi to everyone. I hope you continue to be active, as your music interest is pretty grand. If you need help with anything, everyone here is really nice, and they have a great team of Mods who will be happy to help you with anything! Don't be a stranger!

  11. who plays FFXIV? I have a character on Sargantas, and looking to transfer a character from Lamia...

  12. Ice cream for dinner? Yes.

    1. togz


      with caramel syrup too~

    2. kyoisKILLINGME


      I want ice cream now ;;

    3. Biopanda


      Like a true adult.

    4. Show next comments  99 more
  13. togz

    dang. But hey they had a nice long run and they're a really great band. Every band has to venture off to discover new things eventually. This band will be missed, but they put out great music and I'm looking forward to what projects they'll announce in the future as individuals.
  14. -burns brick break to 5 discs and puts on 7 external hard drives- never lose.

    1. Aferni


      Keep game is on point. +900000

    2. Seimeisen


      Dayum, I should be doing this, too!

  15. togz

    Welcome back to the dark side~ Hope you find what you're looking for here, and i hope to see you around!
  16. Life, sit down we need to talk. You gotta slow your roll, man. You can't keeping fucking me over like this.

  17. togz

    Ah I didn't really realize people were still paying attention to this thread. I did finish drawing itsuki but I haven't done the digital work yet! I promise I'll finish it for you bb! Lately I've been sketching clothing designs for a brand I'll be making with a friend. So stay tuned for that? ;0; lub u gaiz!
  18. togz

    Hmmm. I'm always so torn with this. I want to say that I don't believe in it, but there have been certain happenings that cause a spark in my curiosity and judgement. When I was growing up, we lived in the house that my grandmother died in. My grandmother died of pancreatic cancer when I was 8 years old, but up until that age she was basically the one to raise me. I remember going to that house to visit her and each time she was significantly worse. I think the time she found out she had cancer to the point where she passed away was only about a 3 week period. We moved in to this house when I was 11 years old. I didn't notice anything right away, but when I was 13 really odd things started happening. Our kitchen was set up with two light switches, one on either side so you could flip on the light from one side and turn it off on the other. I remember, often around 11pm I'd go to get a drink and turn the switch on, almost immediately the light would shut off, so i'd switch it again and it'd turn on. This happened to me about 4 times the entire time I lived there and a few times it happened to my mother as well. However that could have easily been a wiring issue. Wiring issues are also connected to feeling the presence of someone, or the hairs on your neck standing up. So I usually pass those off. Another time when I was in bed I started to hear an odd sound, kind of like really loud water droplets falling in to an already filled sink... but with a really prominent echo. That was odd to me because even in the bathroom it didn't echo in such a way and I was significantly far from the bathroom. In that moment i got really cold and saw a quick flash of light. I tried to research it later and only came up with an explanation stating that sounds and colors can sometimes represent past energy that was left behind or a memory of some sort. but that doesn't seem right at all. I've had a few other encounters with waking up to someone clearly calling my name but no one being home. It was only ever in that house. Since we have moved i have never experienced anything.
  19. togz

    After almost a year since I've posted in here, I've come to terms with the fact that LDR's are def doable for people, but i don't think I am one of them. I have periods of time where I'm extremely social online when there's downtime, but then I jump back in to keeping busy, or I have emotional break downs and keep to myself. If someone were physically here it'd be different maybe? But lately I just view myself as someone who has temporary chemistry with people on that level. I'm far from being in the correct emotional state for a relationship, long distance or not. The sad thing is, I do like someone now... but I'm really concerned about taking a step in an official direction since my moods are unpredictable and I'm tired of people misunderstanding me at the most inconvenient times.
  20. Review is done. Gonna go bury my face in to my sketch pad now.

    1. PsychoΔelica


      It's been a while.

  21. Ok, ok. Working on my review~ Then back to sketching.

  22. Big eyes don't lie, big eyes don't cry.

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