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Everything posted by togz

  1. Hey welcome back! We had actually talked some time ago! I had a different url then, it was surely shinsyoku still! We were going to do music stuff online together and I remember you doing a monolith cover over skype or something for me! Glad to see you back, and I hope you join the karaoke contest again, as I know you have a good set of vocals!
  2. I chose that I can understand why people appreciate it and it's not for me. I actually had a small kpop phase back in highschool, it lasted for a few months. But I realized i was only doing it because my close friend at the time was getting in to it, and I didn't want to lose what we had in common. I can respect and understand why people like Kpop, but it's simply not for me. I won't go in to reasons why it's not simply for the fact that it's only opinion and I wouldn't want to offend anyone.
  3. I don't want to start a debate or anything, but let me search hard for a thing I saw that would make you rethink your opinion. : | Mom is dumb sometimes.

  4. togz

    Nnnnnnnngh 10 people voted to enter so much excite
  5. Panda is a trooper for listening to me talk about Machiya all day.

  6. thank you for that!
  7. nevermind read comment below | | | v
  8. : | MBHI y u do this tu mi

    1. togz


      tenten* y u do this tu mi.... because we all know why this has to be happening.

    2. Licio123


      OMG, just now that I was starting to like them! WTF

    3. Elazmus


      It's haaard :[

  9. It pains me to see this, but they've announced on their twitter that after their One-man live on July 20th, the band will go on a hiatus. Whether it's an indefinite one or not, I'm not sure. I haven't found a reason, or I have trouble translating the rest of the message. If anyone else picks up any info... that'd be great. ;___; source
  10. I chose can't decide as I feel like musically and concept wise they're very different from each other. I like both for completely different reasons. I feel like there's not enough in common to compare and contrast the two with.
  11. togz

    ahhhhh yay buddy do it
  12. Please go vote for the karaoke contest revival!!!

    1. Owl


      I wanna steal your userpic.

    2. togz


      xD go for it. i can change it.

    3. Owl


      Hehe. Can you give me the source, please? Just for my collection. I'm not a userpic stealer after all.

  13. togz

    Come on guys revive this! I know you all have those few songs at least that you break in to song for in the car or shower. Don't play, let's hear it!
  14. togz

    Maybe he went to a live and bought ALL of the cheki before anyone else could.
  15. English is supposedly my native tongue, but I can hardly do that.
  16. I'll let a huntsman spider live in my room if it means I can see m:a.ture live.

    1. Des


      Do I really want to look up what a huntsman spider is? d-d-do I?

    2. togz
  17. well that's interesting....
  18. Happy burfdei Paraboo

    1. paradoxal


      thanks bb <3 <3 <3

  19. Paradoxal, You're a pretty cool man.

    1. paradoxal


      i know, right?

  20. RIP B.B. King ;;

    1. togz


      A true legend.

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      when a man have 89years old, we are prepare to see him pass away/// oh and I don't know who is it...

    3. PsychoΔelica
    4. Show next comments  93 more
  21. togz

    I dig it! Sorry it took me a while, I've been a little distracted and scatter brained. I really like it, keep up the great work and I look forward to future compositions, bruh <3
  22. togz

    I always work long days on Sunday, so unfortunately I don't think I'll ever make it unless the stars align or something.
  23. toomuchvocaloid.gif

    1. chewi


      i feel like ルカ is better for rock and heavier songs but thats just my opinion

    2. togz


      ^ that's all i have heard so far. ;__; please teach me more

    3. chewi


      i'm not really that into vocaloid music, so i can't teach you :P

    4. Show next comments  93 more
  24. Machiya once a day keeps the insanity away *____*

    1. PsychoΔelica


      lol is that the Wagakki guy?

  25. My cousin tried to insult me by calling me liberal. What a compliment. :D

    1. Biopanda


      *giggles more*

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